Part 73

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“You all set to go then?” I asked as Maddie opened the door. It was now one week later, the new flat was all sorted for Maddie and my half-brother Jayden to move into, yet Maddie had no idea. She would have refused if she had found out. “Yep, all sorted, I hope you don’t mind me bringing Jayden, I couldn’t afford a babysitter.” She blushed. “No, of course not, we’ve brought Faith anyway.” I replied, Aston was waiting, with Faith, at the flat for us. Some people may have thought this whole situation was weird, the whole ‘why you helping someone who your dad cheated on your mother with?’ The truth was, I was mostly doing it for Jayden’s sake, I couldn’t bare thinking of him growing up somewhere unsafe, especially now I had Faith, realising how vulnerable he was. 

“We’ve just got to make a quick stop here, to pick Aston and Faith up, Aston’s sister was looking after her, while we were working this morning.” I said quickly, really we were at the flat we’d bought for Maddie and Jayden. “Shall I stay here?” She asked. “No, come with me, we’ll be a while, Aston’s not done getting ready yet.” I replied. We walked into the block of flats, it was a brand new establishment. “Wow, it’s nice in here.” Maddie said quietly. “It is isn’t it.” I replied, smiling to myself, so far so good. We walked up the stairs, and straight to the flat, I opened the door. “Welcome home!” Aston exclaimed. “What, what’s going on?” Maddie asked. “Oh, he’s talking to you.” “No he’s not Maddie.” I said. “What do you mean?” She asked again. “This is your home now, Maddie, it broke me seeing you live like that, I couldn’t bare it, so we’ve bought this little flat for you.” I said quickly. “Scarlett, thank you, both of you, but I’ll never be able to afford the rent to live here.” She said quietly. “There is no rent, we bought it outright.” Aston chipped in. “But I won’t be able to afford to pay you back!” Maddie exclaimed. “We don’t expect anything back, just give us whatever you can when you can, nothing strict, I just want the best for my little brother.” I smiled. “Scarlett, Aston, thank you!” Maddie exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you.” “If you want, we can offer you a little job, we’re going to need a babysitter, a few times a week, for a few hours, only until you find something more permanent, and we’ll pay you?” Aston asked. “I’d love that, thank you, thank you both of you!” Maddie said happily. 

Aston’s POV.

We left the flat about an hour later later, to let Maddie settle in. It felt good to see someone that happy. “You can tell she really appreciated that, she need it, something good to happen, she was stuck in a rut.” Scarlett said quietly. “I’m just glad we have the money to be able to help her, seeing someone happy makes me happy.” I replied. “So what now?” Scarlett asked. “Now, I’m taking my beautiful family out for dinner!” I exclaimed.

“It’s weird to think, that this time next year, we would have been married for 6 months.” Scarlett said. We were sitting in a quiet little restaurant in the centre of London. “I can’t wait to marry you, it’s just gonna be amazing.” I said happily. “Only 6 months to go now.” “I know, I can’t wait!” Scarlett exclaimed. “Is it wrong that I’m scared for my hen night?” Scarlett laughed a few minutes later. “No, it’s normal, I’m scared for mine, well my stag do, no doubt Marvin’s gonna want revenge after his!” I scoffed. Remembering the days we spent in Vegas and Miami, I had no idea what the boys had planned for mine. “Ellie’s in charge of mine, so God knows what she has planned for me, or where she’s taking me!” Scarlett exclaimed. “As long as you have a good time.” I replied, kissing her. “And come back in one piece.” I scoffed. “Same for you, anyway, I doubt Ellie has planned anything that extreme!” Scarlett laughed. “I wouldn’t put it past her mind, once she gets an idea in her head, there’s nothing stopping her!” I exclaimed. “True that.” Scarlett replied. We spent the rest of the time in the restaurant, and the rest of the night talking, it had been a while since we’d done that, just talking about the simple things in life, just life in general, I loved it, it had been a while since things had been normal too, so much had happened recently, but now, we could finally put all the hard and bad times behind us!

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