Part 29

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5 months later (1st of December) 

Aston’s POV. 

“I feel so guilty!” Scarlett exclaimed, I had until the New Year off work, and me and Scarlett were on our way back to Peterborough to spend a few days with her parents. “It can’t be helped babe.” I replied. “Yeah I know, but I haven’t seen my parents since March, that’s terrible.” She answered. About 20 minutes later, we pulled up outside. We walked up the path and Scarlett rang the bell. There was no answer. “I knew I should have rang before!” She exclaimed. “Nah babe, you were trying to surprise them. Anyway, what do we do now?” I asked. She thought for a minute. “I know.” She said smiling, taking my hand. I knew straight away where she was taking me. A few minutes later and we were walking down the oh-so-familiar path we had walked down so many times before. It was weird, eerie even, I hadn’t been here since that day, all those years ago…

Scarlett’s POV. 

I pulled myself up the ladder and Aston followed. We sat in silence for a few minutes. “Wow, this, it’s weird. Who would have thought things would have ended like this all those years ago.” I said quietly. “Yeah, I know what you mean, I knew that we’d be together again, but I never thought any of this would happen.” Aston replied slowly. “It hasn’t changed!” I added. It was exactly the same as when we left it 7 years ago! “You know what? I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, but they day that you came back into my lift, was actually the best day of my life.” Aston said suddenly. “I know, I feel the same.” I replied quietly. “The odds of it happening thought, and the way that it happened, it’s just hard to believe!” “I know, the odds of it, and fate is definitely on our side!” Aston said back. “You know, we’ve been back together for almost 7 months now, and I still haven’t heard you sing!” Aston said, quite random if I’m honest. “That wasn’t completely random at all?” I laughed. “I’m being serious though! Not once have I heard you sing? Sing something for me now?” He asked. “No…I can’t, I haven’t got guts.” I replied. “Babe, the songs you’ve written are amazing, if you’re voice is half as good as your songs, then you’ll be awesome!” He replied. “Fine.” I replied, knowing I wouldn’t get away with it. “I don’t know what to sing.” “Anything you like, whatever you feel comfortable with!” Aston said back. I thought for a few minutes, taking a deep breath. I began singing the chorus of ‘Someone like you’ by Adele. After I finished, I stared at Aston, watching his reaction. He was silent. “Well?” I asked shyly. “Babe, your voice is absolutely incredible! Seriously I don’t know why you’ve never sang to me before. Wow!” He exclaimed. “I guess I tried to get into singing, you know, after you left, but I just got ridiculed, and it knocked my self-conscience.” I replied quietly. “Don’t listen to the haters, seriously they’re just jealous!” He replied.

Aston’s POV. 

We sat in the tree house for an hour or so more, talking about the future. “Do you want kids?” I asked. “Yeah of course I do.” She replied. “How many?” I answered. “I don’t know 3 maybe? I just don’t want my child to be an only child like me, it’s horrible! How about you?” Scarlett replied. “Yeah, think I want about 3, I’d love to adopt one day too.” I replied, smiling. “Do you wanna get married one day? You know, I don’t mean to me, or anything, but just get married in general?” Scarlett babbled, blushing. I smiled at her, she was leaning with her back to me. “Of course I do, and who said it won’t be to you?” I whispered down her ear. “I just get the feeling I’m not good enough for you…” She shrugged. “Don’t say that! Of course you are! You’re too good for me if anything!” I exclaimed, and I meant it, Scarlett was perfect for me. “No I’m not.” Anyway, let’s go and see if my parents are in.” She replied, changing the subject. 

We walked down the road in silence. “Oh they’re back, the cars here!” Scarlett said as we walked to the house, she opened the front door and I followed her into the living room, her parents were sitting down, watching TV. “Surprise!” Scarlett said enthusiastically. There was no reply. They didn’t look up from the TV. “Uh hello? Earth to mum and dad?” She said, sounding confused. I stood behind her, feeling quite sheepish. “What’s going on? Are you going to answer me or?” She asked. A few moments passed. “Oh, so you’ve finally decided to show your face around here again have you?” Her dad finally answered, his voice was blunt and emotionless…

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now