Part 62

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“Ast, you better go to bed, you look shattered!” I exclaimed. No doubt Aston had stayed awake the entire time I was in the hospital. “No, I’m fine, I want to spend as much time with you as I can.” He replied. “Ast, it’s not gonna do you any favours, just go to bed for a few hours, it’ll do you the world of good!” I said back. “Okay, I guess I could do with a couple of hours.” Aston admitted. “Good, see you in a bit babe.” I replied, kissing him gently. “Wake me up if anything, no matter how small it is, happens.” Aston replied, trying to sound casual, but I could hear the urgency in his voice. “I will, you know that.” I said. “I love you.” He said, walking away. “I love you too.” I replied. I sat back on the sofa, and smiled weakly to myself. I really didn’t deserve Aston, he was too good for me, but he loved me. And nothing would ever change that. 

“Surprise!” A voice called lightly, bringing me out of my light sleep. It was Ellie. “We let ourselves in, I hope you don’t mind.” Ellie said brightly, walking around the corner, followed by Oritse. “No, I don’t mind.” I replied, sitting up. “These are for you.” She said, handing me a huge bunch of flowers. “Thank you, you didn’t have to!” I exclaimed hugging her. “I thought they’d make you smile.” Ellie said back. “Let me put these in water for you, and I’ll put the kettle on.” Oritse said, I knew that wasn’t his motive, he wanted to give us some time alone. “It’s okay to cry sometimes Scarlett.” Ellie said gently. “What do you mean?” I asked brightly. “You’ve been through something traumatic, you don’t have to put on a brave front all of the time.” Ellie replied. “I’ve done enough crying, we’ve got a lot to be thankful for, things could have ended up worse, a lot worse.” I said back slowly. “You got a point.” Ellie replied. We sat in silence for a few minutes. “God, Elle. It was horrible, I thought I’d already lost Aston, and then the baby, it would have been too much.” I said quietly, my lip quivered. “You’ve got them both now, everything will be fine.” Ellie said calmly. “That’s what I keep telling myself, I just can’t help thing that something’s going to go wrong, like someone or something has it in for us.” I said quietly. “Positive thinking Scarl, that’s what you have to have, just think positive, everything will be alright.” Ellie replied. “That’s what I’m trying to do, think positive.” I said back, smiling tightly. “So, does this mean I’ve got my best friend back?” Ellie asked. “What do you mean, I haven’t gone anywhere?” I replied, confused. “Haven’t you?” Ellie said sadly.

“Here you are, tea!” Oritse announced, walking back into the room, breaking the conversation. “Look, I’m sorry for the whole situation with Aston recently, I know it’s all my fault that his head’s not been in it, like in work recently.” I said, I felt guilty. “It’s fine Scarlett, it’s not your fault at all, I don’t blame you for what you’ve done, none of us do, everyone feels like that once in a while, and we all have to go through some sort of heartbreak sometime in our life.” Oritse replied quietly. “It’s not the first time he’s had to go through it though.” I sighed, remembering back to when we were 17. “Everything’s going to be okay now.” Oritse said back. There were very few people who knew what actually happened last month, the boys, their girlfriends, Aston’s parents, that was it really. I couldn’t tell anyone, I felt too ashamed. 

“You look better!” I commented as Aston walked down the stairs. It was around 6 in the evening, Ellie and Oritse had left around 3. “Yeah I feel it, I really needed that.” Aston replied, sitting down next to me. “Who are the flowers from? A secret admirer?” Aston said cheekily. “Don’t be stupid!” I exclaimed. “Ellie and Reesh brought them around earlier.” “Oh, you should have woken me up when they came.” Aston replied. “Ast, you were shattered, you needed to sleep!” I said back. “Yeah, but I feel bad now, I feel like I need to apologise, y’ano, for how I’ve been the last few weeks.” Aston said quietly. “I’ve already done that, I guess, Oritse said he understands, neither of us are to blame.” I replied. “Yeah but still, it needs to come from me I guess.” Aston said back. “You worry too much!” I exclaimed, cuddling up to him. “I missed this.” He sighed. “Missed what?” I asked. “Us, the closeness of us being together, everything.” Aston replied. “Me too.” I sighed, I felt guilty again. “But I’m back, and I’m not going anywhere, ever!” 

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