Part 47

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Scarlett’s POV.

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. It was the day I’d been dreading. Danni and Edmund’s wedding. I got up slowly, and walked towards the balcony, pulling the curtains open. To my dismay, all the snow had gone. Well the roads were clear at least. I thought back to yesterday, the day after Valentine’s Day, when we nothing at all, just talked and watched films, being unable to go anywhere because of the snow. Oh how I wish that could have been the case today, I really didn’t want to go. “Morning babe!” Aston exclaimed, walking in from the bathroom. “Morning A..Woah.” I said, turning, stopping in mid-sentence. “What?” Aston laughed. “Nice suit!” I replied, staring, he looked gorgeous. “Where did you get it?” “Went out this morning and got it, well I couldn’t exactly go to the wedding with what I brought! Bought you something too.” Aston replied, picking up a bag and handing it to me. “Ast it’s beautiful! You shouldn’t have, thank you!” I exclaimed, pulling a long blue backless dress out of the bag. “Anytime beautiful! We’re leaving in an hour and a half, you’d better start getting ready.” He said back. “Yeah I suppose.” I sighed.

“You look beautiful!” Aston exclaimed as I walked out of the bathroom. “So do you.” I replied, kissing him. “The car’s here to take us to the church.” Aston said slowly. “Well we better go then, the sooner it’s over the better.” I muttered. We walked out of the hotel and got into the car. I sat down, mentally preparing myself for the next few hours.

The car pulled up outside the church, it was far too extravagant for my liking, stained glass windows the lot. We walked inside. “Aston, Scarlett! How nice of you to come.” Edmund exclaimed in his slightly accented voice. That was when I caught sight of him. It took all my willpower not to laugh. I squeezed as hard as I could onto Aston’s hand, he was shaking and a quite laugh escaped his lips. He was laughing at Edmund too. Edmund looked completely and utterly ridiculous. His suit looked as if it was from the Tudor period. Frills, everything, the lot, he looked terrible. “It’s nice to see you again.” Aston spluttered as we walked down the aisle. It got worse as we walked closer to him. He shook Aston’s hand, and kissed me on the cheek. “Might I say, Scarlett, you’re looking very radiant today.” He said, his breath smelt of a mixture of alcohol and old tobacco. “Thank you, that’s a very nice, um, suit you’re wearing.” I managed to say back, trying to return the compliment. “Why thank you! It’s an old family tradition of mine to dress like this.” He beamed back. “Well, it looks very nice.” Aston added. Edmund smiled at the both of us, and turned away. I pretended to gag. A minute or so later, and he was in full conversation with the priest. “Aston, he looks ridiculous, what if Danni’s the same, I’m not gonna be able to control myself.” I hissed. “I’m sure she won’t be that bad.” Aston replied. Everything went quiet, the organist began playing the bridal march. Me and Aston stood up, and turned to face the back of the church. The doors opened slowly. In walked Danni. My hand flew up to my mouth, and I bit my cheek so hard, I drew blood. I thought Edmund looked bad, she was ten times worse. Her dress was the type of dress you’d expect to see on ‘My big fat gypsy wedding’, and she was falling out of it. She was bright orange. And her face, talk about Botox gone wrong! Everything about her was wrong. As she walked down the aisle, she turned to me and Aston, and smiled. I managed to control myself from laughing, and weakly smiled back. The service started, but I wasn’t paying attention. I stared at the same spot on the wall, for the whole ceremony, I was too busy trying not to laugh.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” The priest declared sometime later. The organ began playing and Danni and Edmund walked up the aisle, me and Aston followed slowly behind. “Congratulations!” Aston exclaimed, when we were outside the church. “Thank you, and thank you for coming.” Danni said, I got a closer look at her. She spotted me looking her up and down. “I know, I look fabulous don’t I?!” She exclaimed. “Yeah, lovely.” I spluttered back. “We’re going for a quiet drink now, if you fancy?” Danni added. “Uh, yeah sure, we can have one or two.” Aston replied. I sighed. “Yeah, we can’t stay too late, we’re going home tomorrow.” I added. “Great! See you there then.” Danni replied, giving us the location. Me and Aston climbed in the car, it was only a matter of seconds before be both starting laughing hysterically. “They both looked completely and utterly ridiculous!” I spluttered. “Funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time!” Aston said back. It was so unbelievably bad. “I’ve never seen anything like it!” I admitted. “Now for a couple of drinks, this is gonna be hysterical!” Aston exclaimed.  

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