Part 15

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Aston’s POV.

“Morning babe.” I whispered quietly to Scarlett, kissing her gently on the forehead. “Morning Ast, what time is it?” She yarned. “12 babe.” I replied. “Oh!” She answered, sitting up. “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier if you had plans for us today?” “Ah we’re not going out until 4!” I replied. “Okay, I’m gonna go in the shower anyway.” Scarlett said getting up. “I’ll meet you by the side of the pool when you’re out?” I asked. “Yeah okay!” She replied, walking into the bathroom. 

10 minutes later, and I was walking towards the pool, JB was with Chloe and Marv with Rochelle, they were messing around like young couples in love do. I could see Oritse looking at them longingly, I sighed, walking over to them, sitting down next to Reesh. I felt so bad, since being with Scarlett, Oritse was the only one out of us with someone special in his life. “It’ll happen soon Reesh.” I said quietly, knowing he’d know exactly what I meant. “I know, it just hurts seeing everyone so happy, then there’s me, of course I’m happy for you all buy y’ano..” He replied, trailing off. I didn’t know what to say back. “Maybe I’m trying too hard.” He said sighing. “Like I’ve said before Reesh, Don’t look for love, let love find you! She’ll come along when you lease suspect it!” I said enthusiastically, I changed the topic. “Bet I can swim more lengths than you in the pool!” I said, trying to distract him. “Nah bruv!” Reesh exclaimed. “I’ve been working out!” He said, flexing his arms. I ran and dived into the pool and Reesh followed.

Scarlett’s POV. 

I walked down to the pool to find Aston and Reesh both out of breath and soaking wet. “What’s going on here then?” I laughed. “I..challenged..race..Lengths...swimming.” Aston panted, holding his side. “Ast, sit down and breathe!” I said, pushing onto the chair before he actually collapsed. “Looks like you’re not the only one who can take Aston’s breath away!” Marv said cheekily, I blushed. “Aw Marv, you’re embarrassing her!” Rochelle said, elbowing him in the ribs. “She knows I’m only joking!” He laughed, turning to me. “Don’t you?!” “Yeah aha!” I replied. “So, can you talk now?” I asked Aston. “Yeah..just… I challenged Reesh to who could swim the most lengths.” He replied, still slightly outta breath. “And who won?” I laughed. “Me!” Aston and Oritse exclaimed at the same time. “Nah, bruv I OWNED you!” Oritse exclaimed. “Nah don’t think so!” Aston replied. The banter continued for ages! “Still as competitive as ever then?” I asked Aston once the banter had calmed down. “Yep! Got worse if anything!” He laughed. “Wow, didn’t think that could happen, I remember when we were kids, on sports day when we were like 9 and we had to see who could run for the longest, and in the end it was just you and me.” I replied, reminiscing about our past. “Until I beat you…” I added cheekily. “Nah babe, I obviously won that race!” Aston exclaimed. “Who won the medal?” I bragged. “I just told the judge to give it to you because I felt sorry for you.” He replied cheekily. “Nah I just won…” I replied trailing off. “You were just jealous of my speed back in the day.” I closed my eyes and laid on back on the sun lounger. “I think Miss Greene that you’ll find I won that race fair and square!” Aston exclaimed, picking me up. “Now admit it, or you’re coming in that pool with me!” “No! I just washed my hair!” I shouted. Aston walked over to the water’s edge. “Admit, or we’re going in…” “Never!” I said coolly. “Okay, have it your way!” Aston replied, bending his knees. “One…Two…” “Okay okay! You won fair and square, you’re the best runner and I’m no match to your superior running skills!” I said sarcastically. “Wheeeey! I’m the best at everything!” Aston gloated. “Oi! Don’t get big headed now!” I replied laughing. “Babe, don’t forget, considering you’re still in my arms, I can still very easily throw you into the pool, so if you want your hair to stay dry, I suggest you be quiet.” He said cheekily. “Okay, you gotta put me down though!” I replied. Aston put me down gently, and I walked away slowly. “I won that race.” I said under my breath. “I heard that!” Sang Aston. DAM IT! I turned around, and challenged him. “Catch me if you can then!” I shouted, running as fast as I could. I ran towards the gardens at the back of the hotel, turning my head to see Aston was hot on my trail, he was faster than me so it wasn’t long before he caught me up. “Considering we’re going out in less than 2 hours and we need to get ready, I’ll let you off this time!” He said, wrapping his arms gently around me. “Knew I’d win!” I sang. “Come on, let’s get ready!” I said, grabbing his hand, wondering where he was going to take me, although I had my suspicions… 

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