Part 51

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Aston’s POV. 

“Are you sure you don’t want to go out tonight?” Scarlett asked again. “No, I’m not in the mood.” I snapped, slamming the door shut behind me. “Are you sure you don’t want to go out tonight?” Scarlett asked again. “No, I’m not in the mood.” I snapped, slamming the door shut behind me. Leon cancelled the dance rehearsal, I couldn’t think straight. “Sorry for snapping at you, I’m just so angry.” I added softly, feeling bad for snapping. “Ast, you don’t have to apologize for anything, I understand. Look I know I’m keeping on about going out tonight, but if we don’t, to the paps, it’ll look as if we have something to hide? I mean if the paps are there, the boys get papped together, without you, and then the story comes out tomorrow?” Scarlett replied. “Y’ano what? I don’t care about the paps anymore, why should we have to prove ourselves to them when all they do is print shit about us? We’ve got nothing to hide, we’ve done nothing wrong.” I said, the bitter edge to my voice was evident. Scarlett was about to reply, but the phone interrupted her. It was our management. “Hello?” I said wearily. This was not going to be pleasant. “Right, Aston. Here are your instructions for the next few days. Do not go out, post anything on twitter, talk to any journalists. I’ve arranged from the media to come over tomorrow around lunch time, they’ll interview you and Scarlett, take a few photos, then it’ll be published online and in a newspaper tomorrow ok?” He said bluntly. “What? I’m not staying in, you can’t control my life like that.” I bit back. “You will do as I say, I’m your manager, you listen to me.” He replied. “And how long will this go on for?” I asked. “I don’t know, until the story blows over.” He replied. “And what about rehearsals?” I added. “You’ll have to miss them for a few days, you know most of the routines.” He sighed. “Fine.” I snapped. “You better hope to God all of this stops after the interview.” “It should. I have to go now, let me know how the interview goes.” He replied. “Yeah I will.” I sad back, slamming the phone down. 

The next morning. 

Scarlett’s POV.

I woke up early, truth be told, neither of us got much sleep. I walked downstairs and found Aston in the kitchen, his head buried in the newspaper. I said down opposite him. “What does it say?” I asked quietly. He threw the paper across the table. “It’s vile.” Aston spat. I read it slowly, Aston was right, it was truly vile. A ‘friend’ had been spoken to about our supposed antics. According to the article, we’d stayed up all night, taking drugs and drinking, whilst in bed with Danni and Edmund. It was almost laughable how pathetic the article was. Only, the majority of the people who read it would believe it, the majority of people believe everything they read in the papers. “Why, just why?” I asked quietly. “I don’t know, but it’s doing my heading, the majority of people reading this now, thinking it’s true, I just don’t see why we can’t put our story across now, right now on the internet, everyone will find out quicker than waiting for tomorrow.” Aston spat. “I’d listen to your manager Ast, surely he knows best?” I replied. “Yeah well as soon as I wake up tomorrow, I’m putting my point across online, I can’t have people thinking of us like that!” Aston exclaimed. “That interview should put our point across.” I added. 

A few hours later, two journalists came to the house, the one Aston’s management had sent. “So, the story in the paper?” One of them asked. “It’s not true.” Aston sighed. “And are you sure?” He pursued. “Of course he is, why would get involved in something like that? It’s tacky!” I exclaimed. “Let him speak.” The journalist said. I scowled. “She’s right, it’s not true, why would we get involved in something like that, it’s vile.” Aston said. “And you’ve never been propositioned for something like that before?” The other one asked. “No, never, no one else is that insane.” Aston spat. “And what about the drugs? Is that true?” He continued. “No, of course not, like I said, every word of that story, it’s all lies, every part of it.” Aston said back. The journalists were silent, they seemed at an end. “Is that all?” I asked. “No, a few photos, then we’ll go.” One of them said. I sighed, Aston pulled me onto his lap, and we smiled for the camera. “Now do one looking sad.” The other journalist demanded. “No, we’ll do this our way, or no way.” Aston said firmly. He didn’t reply. 

“Jesus! What’s so hard to understand about the story isn’t true!” Aston exclaimed, shutting the door behind the journalists. “They can’t take no for an answer.” I replied. “Tell me about it, just hope this story is enough, I will be putting my point across on twitter too, whatever our manager says, that also proves we’ve got nothing to hide.” Aston said back slowly. “So what now?” I asked. “Now, we just sit and what to see what happens.” Aston sighed. The next 24 hours were going to be long, very long.

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