Part 6

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Scarlett’s POV. 

We were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. “Well aren’t you two getting cosy!” Oritse laughed, I blushed, slowly pulling away from Aston. “Got something to tell us?” Marvin asked smiling. “Boys, this is my girlfriend, Scarlett.” Aston said proudly, he turned to me and smiled. “Ah, so you’re the girl of Aston’s dreams then?” JB asked. “Yeah, I guess I am!” I replied. “Yep, she sure is!” Aston seconded. “Well, I guess that’s our writing session over with then!” Laughed Oritse. “Oh no, I’m here to do a job, we need to make the most of it!” I exclaimed, feeling guilty. “No its fine!” Marvin said. “You two have a lot of catching up to do!” “Okay, only if you’re sure.” I replied, suddenly excited at the prospect of spending time with Aston, alone. The boys left shortly after that. “So, what now?” I asked Aston. “Come back to mine?” Aston replied. “Yes.” I said simply. 

Aston’s POV.

“So, you really didn’t know I was in JLS?” I asked. We were in the car, driving back to mine, of course, it hadn’t been easy getting Scarlett into the car without the paps seeing, but somehow we’d managed it, or so I thought. “Nope, boybands were never really my thing, but…” She replied. “But what?” I asked cheekily. “But now, considering you’re in a boyband, and incredibly awesome boyband, maybe they are my thing.” She replied, smiling at me. “Aw, well that’s good to hear!” I answered. “Since when were you interested in music and singing anyway?” In the corner of my eye, I saw her face drop. “Well, when you left, I-I found a release in music, putting a pen to paper helped me get my feelings and emotions out, but the songs I wrote back then, I was in a dark place.” Scarlett said quietly. “Babe, I am so sorry I left you, I didn’t realise how…”I replied. “Ast, shh, its not your fault! Anyway, I never pictured you as the boyband type!” She answered, clearly changing the subject. I began telling her the story I’ve recited so many times about our rise to fame. Sometime later we were pulling up outside my house. “You live HERE?!” Scarlett asked, mouth wide open. “Yep, you like it?” I replied laughing. “Like it?! It’s actually stunning!” She answered. “Let’s go inside then!” I said. “Is it safe to get out?” She replied, looking around for any lurking paps. “Oh, stuff the paps babe! If they get a photo they get a photo at the end of the day!” I exclaimed. 

Scarlett’s POV.

Several hours later and me and Aston were curled up in bed, reminiscing about all the good times we had shared together. “Remember when we were 11?” I asked. “The pretend marriage we had? And I wore some god awful dress made out of old curtains” “Yeah, I remember that day, you were still the most beautiful I laid eyes on, even with that dress on, you always have been and always will be!” Aston replied smiling. “Stop trying to humour me!” I laughed. “Surely there must have been other girls?” “Yeah, there have, but none of them have even come close to you.” Aston replied softly. “How about you? Well with other boys?” “A few.” I sighed. “Nothing serious. Every time I got asked out, all I could think about was you, and how I was never going to see you again…” “Well we’re together now, like I said, all those years ago, maybe fate will be on our side and bring us back together!” Aston said smiling. I closed my eyes blissfully, leaning into Aston, when a sudden wave of realisation hit me. “Shit!” I exclaimed, sitting up quickly. “What time is it?” “10:30?” Aston replied. “I need to get home, Ellie was expecting me home hours ago, I need to get back.” I said. “Babe, its 10:30 in the night, and your car is an hour drive away. Stay?” Aston asked. “Okay.” I found myself agreeing, knowing that if I tried, I couldn’t leave him anyway… 

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