Part 46

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Aston’s POV.

“Ast, you ready?” Scarlett called. “Yeah, I’ll be done now.” I replied, covering myself in spray. “I swear Ast, you take longer than me to get ready!” She exclaimed as I walked out from the bathroom. “Well, perfection does take a while.” I replied, pursing my lips together. “Shut up! You always look perfect.” Scarlett answered, kissing me gently. “As do you.” I replied. “New dress?” I asked, looking her up and down. “Yep, bought it especially for tonight, you like?” Scarlett answered. “Yeah, it’s beautiful.” I replied. “Glad you like it, anyway you better wear a coat, we’re walking tonight.” Scarlett said back. “But it’s like freezing outside!” I exclaimed. “What’s better than a romantic walk on Valentine’s Day, walking close together on the streets of Paris?” Scarlett replied. “I guess it’ll be cute.” I grumbled, pulling my coat on.

We’d been walking for about 15 minutes, and Scarlett was shivering. “I bet you’re thinking this isn’t a good idea now.” I laughed. “No, I’m fine.” She replied, her teeth chattering. “Sure, babe you’re freezing!” I exclaimed. “Okay, it’s colder than I expected.” Scarlett admitted. “Want my jacket?” I asked. “No, I’ll be fine, you’ll be cold then, besides, we’re nearly there.” Scarlett replied. 

Scarlett’s POV. 

“Finally, a successful meal, no paps, no fans and ex-girlfriends, just us!” I exclaimed. “It’s been nice, just the two of us, no one else!” Aston added. “It’s strange though, at the fact that we haven’t been papped, or even followed by paps since we’ve been here, I thought they’d be constantly on our case after we got engaged.” I replied. “Yeah, I thought that too. Maybe they’ve finally realised we need our privacy?” Aston suggested. “Yeah, that’ll be the day!” I laughed back. We carried on talking for a while, before I called the waiter over for the bill. “Babe, you should really let me pay.” Aston said. “No, it’s my treat.” I replied. “But I feel bad.” Aston complained. “Think of all the things you’ve bought me, and treated me. It’s my turn to give something back!” I exclaimed, handing the waiter the money. “Well thank you babe, that was beautiful.” Aston said as we walked out of the restaurant. “You’re welcome.” I replied. “Oh my God! It’s snowing!” I exclaimed, it was coming down fast. “Well I reckon we get a taxi back to the hotel.” Aston said. “No, I love the snow! It’s awesome, come on, the hotels not that far from here, it’ll be a laugh, walking in the snow!” I replied. “That’s what you said about walking in the cold.” Aston grumbled. “Don’t be boring.” I exclaimed. “I’m not, I don’t like the cold.” Aston said back. We walked in silence for a few minutes. “Ooh, maybe if it sticks we won’t have to go to Danni, and Edwards wedding.” I said slyly. “Edmund.” Aston corrected me. “And we have to go, we said we’d be there.” “It’s gonna be so fake though, I mean I don’t like her, you don’t like her, and we’re gonna have to pretend to be happy for her!” I exclaimed. “It’s not like it’s going to be a true marriage anyway…” “I know, but we’ve got to pretend.” Aston sighed. “It’s gonna dead awkward though, me, you, the vicar person or priest, whatever he’s called, Danni and Edmund in a room, wow, that’s gonna be a barrel of laughs.” I replied sarcastically. “It won’t be that bad.” Aston answered. “I’ll go, but I won’t like it, and as soon as the service is over, we’re leaving.” I sighed. “Agreed.” Aston said back. No more was said on the topic. 

We got back to the hotel about 20 minutes later. I walked straight out to the balcony, and looked out at the view. The hotel was quite high up, so we had the view of the majority of Paris. A thin layer of snow had settled, it looked beautiful. I stared out for a while. “Scarl you coming in? It’s freezing out there.” Aston called. “Yeah I’ll be there now.” I said back, taking one last look at the scenery in front of me. I walked in, taking my coat off, walking into the bedroom, Aston was sitting crossed legged on the bed, with a bottle of wine. “You tryna get me drunk?” I laughed. “Maybe.” He replied, biting his lip. “Now you and I both know you don’t have to get me drunk for that.” I said back, smiling. “Come here.” He said quietly. I walked over to him and sat on his lap wrapping my legs around his waist. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I let out a quite laugh. “What’s so funny?” Aston asked. “Nothing, you’re just so beautiful. I’m lucky to have you.” I whispered, kissing him gently. “If anyone is lucky it’s me.” He whispered, running his hands down my neck, slipping the straps on my dress off my shoulders and slowly unzipping my dress. “Happy Valentine’s Day beautiful.” Aston whispered huskily into my ear… 

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