Part 83

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Aston’s POV.

“Aston, oh Aston, wake up!” A strange, unfamiliar voice trilled. “Oh my God, ow! You guys nearly gave me a heart attack!” I exclaimed, jumping up, banging my head against the wall, they burst out laughing. They were all standing at the bottom of my bed, wearing masks with Scarlett’s face on. “Come on now Aston, it’s time you got up.” Oritse said in a high pitched voice, I presumed he trying to imitate Scarlett. “That should never be done again.” I laughed. “You failed, big time.” “Come on, get up, we’re ready to go out!” Marvin exclaimed. “Okay, let me have a shower first at least!” I said back, getting out of bed. “Can I just ask you one thing, you’re not going to chain me to a midget all day are you?” I asked, thinking back to Marv’s stag do, that was hilarious. “No, where’s the originality in that?” Oritse exclaimed. “Besides, you’re a midget yourself, where would the fun be in that.” Conor scoffed. “Oi, watch it bruv!” I exclaimed. “I’m not that short y’ano!” “You tell yourself that, you tell yourself, short arse!” He laughed back. “We’ll just chain you to dog instead.” JB said as I walked towards the bathroom. I froze. “Don’t you dare!” I exclaimed, I couldn’t stand dogs, not one bit. “We’re only messing with you, now hurry up, we’re waiting to go!” Marvin exclaimed. “Where are we going anyway?” I asked. “To play golf.” JB said back. Fair enough, that was pretty normal!

“Let me get dressed, then I’m ready to go.” I called, walking in from the bathroom. “We’ve laid your outfit out on the bed for you.” Marv called back. I heard the boys scoff, this was clearly not a good sign. “Oh no, you have got to be kidding!” I exclaimed, laid out on the beg, was an over the top, long sparkly silver dress, split at the side, and a pair of high heels. “I am not going out in that!” I said. “Revenge is sweet.” Oritse smirked, standing in the doorway. “Oh, and I’m doing your makeup.” He added, walking away. This was going to be a fun day. I pulled on the dress and shoes, and walked out of the bedroom. “Makeup time!” Oritse trilled.

“So, how do I look?” I laughed, pouting and posing, I could only make a joke out of this now, I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I looked ridiculous! “Like an elegant young lady.” JB scoffed. “Offt, I would, any day.” JJ laughed. “Wheey, I’m the tallest for once!” I exclaimed, prancing towards the boys, of course I fell. “Best not get too cocky ay bruv?” Oritse smirked. “Let’s go then!” Marvin exclaimed, no doubt the paps would have a field day with this. I walked towards the lift. “No, we’re taking the stairs.” Oritse said quickly. “You just wanna see me failing to walk in heels.” I replied, tottering away from him, God girls made it look so easy! We got to the bottom of the stairs, it had taken forever! One, I was in heels and two, we were on the top floor. “I’d gotten loads of strange looks and we hadn’t even left the hotel yet! We climbed into the mini bus. “Here, get this down you.” JB said, handing me a drink. “Do you really think that’s wise, I can barely walk in these, let alone being drunk.” I laughed. “It’ll be a laugh!” Oritse exclaimed. “To me, because I’m awesome!” I scoffed, taking the drink and downing it, why not? You only get once stag do!

Scarlett’s POV.

“Everyone ready to go then?” Ellie asked. We were all dressed up as school girls, shirts, short black skirts, long socks up to our knees and wickedly high black high heels, hair in bunches. “Yep!” I exclaimed, I was so excited, we’d spent the day by the pool, I couldn’t wait to get out! “You need these!” Rochelle said, handing me a sash that said ‘bride to be’ and a fake plastic tiara with a veil attacked. I pulled the sash on and Ellie put the veil in my hair. “Let’s go!” I exclaimed.

We got out of the mini bus, and joined the queue to get into the club, it was very different to back home, we weren’t being hassled, no one knew who we were accept for the odd pap. “Looks like someone’s out, dressed to impress!” An American accent drawled. We all turned around. There were a group of boys, all aged around 23 to 28. “Hey, well aren’t you good a good looking group!” One exclaimed. “Sorry, we’re all taken.” Ellie scoffed, pulling me gently by the arm, the queue had gone down. “Elle, what did you do that for?” Taylor hissed. “Yeah, not all of us are taken.” Lauren said. “Do you even know who they are?! They’re part of America’s biggest baseball team, they’re the biggest flirts and womanizers going!” Ellie exclaimed. I looked back over my shoulder, there was one, in the middle, staring at me curiously, I didn’t like it…

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