Part 34

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(Christmas Eve)

Scarlett’s POV.

“You ready to go babe?” Aston called from downstairs. “Yeah, I’ll be down now.” I shouted back, we were getting ready to spend the rest of the day at Marvin’s with the rest of the boys and their girlfriends. The last few weeks with my parents had been touch and go. In all fairness, my mother had been trying her best to keep in touch with me, but it hadn’t been easy. Most of our phone calls ended with her slamming the phone down because my Dad had walked in. I hated it. I walked down the stairs. “The cars gonna be here in about 10 minutes.” Aston said as I sat down on the sofa next to him. “I love you mind.” I said quietly, kissing him. “I love you too.” Aston replied softly. “I don’t wanna lose you.” I added. “You won’t, I promise. What’s brought this on?” He asked. “Nothing, really.” I said, uncertainty filled my voice. “No come on, tell me.” Aston said back. “Nothing, just the last few weeks, I came so close to losing you. I couldn’t face the fact of losing you again.” I replied. “Babe, I promise you, I’m not going anywhere, you won’t lose me, I’m here, as long as you want me here, I’ll be here.” He replied slowly. I was about to reply when my phone vibrated. “It’s a text, off my Dad.” I said slowly, I felt uneasy. “Are you gonna read it? Or just delete it?” Aston asked quietly. “I don’t know, if I delete it, I’ll worry about what it said, if I read it, it could ruin everything.” I replied. “It’s your choice babe.” He said back. “I don’t want it to ruin everything, especially as we’re going out like now. No, I’ll read it when we get home.” I said back slowly. “You sure you don’t want to read it now?” Aston asked. “Yeah, I actually want to enjoy myself, without being upset over whatever snide comment he’s made now. Come on, the cars here, let’s go!” I exclaimed, looking out the window. 

“Merry Christmas!” Aston exclaimed as we walked into Marvin’s. We were the last to arrive. We all said our individual hellos, and I walked over to Ellie. “How have things been?” She asked immediately. “Okay I guess, Mum’s rang me once or twice, not for long though.” I replied slowly. “Can we not talk about this tonight?” “Scarl, this really needs sorting out.” “It’ll blow over in time.” I said weakly. “You can’t just forget about.” Ellie continued. “Yes I can, if I don’t think about it, it’s not a problem.” I replied, that was my answer to everything. “Suit yourself, I guess. There’s nothing I can do to change your mind. You look terrible if you don’t mind me saying.” She added slowly. “Well I do mind you saying as it goes.” I snapped, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. “Aw come on Scarl, don’t be like that, I don’t want us to be on bad terms with each other, it’s Christmas after all.” Ellie called after me. “Well, you should think before you speak then.” I muttered back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I was just looking out for you.” She said, walking slowly towards me. I froze. I was just being stupid wasn’t I? Over-reacting. Ellie was right, I didn’t need this now. I turned around. “I’m sorry too, I guess, I didn’t mean it, everything’s just been taking its toll recently.” I sighed. “I know, you’ve been under a lot of pressure and stress the last few weeks. Come here.” She replied, holding out her arms.

Aston’s POV. 

“What’s going on here then?” I asked, walking in from the kitchen. “Nothing, just a lovers tiff.” Scarlett replied laughing. “Hey, if there’s anyone you should be having lovers tiff’s with its me!” I laughed, grabbing her by the waste, kissing her on the lips. “Ew, get a room you two!” Ellie mocked. “You can’t talk, you and Reesh are all over each other!” Scarlett spluttered. “What’s that? I heard my name.” Oritse said walking in from the kitchen. “Yep, Scarlett was just saying how you and Ellie can’t keep your hands off each other!” I laughed. “Ast!” Scarlett exclaimed, elbowing me in the ribs. “Aw, did I embarrass you?” I smirked. “No, just the way you put it, it was so casual.” She laughed back. 

Scarlett’s POV.

About 10 minutes later, we were all sitting in Marv’s living room, with a cheeky drink, reminiscing over the last year. “What a year it’s been so far though. I mean with everything that’s happened. That day, 7 months ago when I walked into the recording studio, and you were there, I wasn’t expecting it to happen! Everything that has happened is enough to test a married couple who have been going strong for years, let alone two people who have only recently got back together, but here we are, 7 months later and we’re still going strong!” Aston exclaimed. “Life’s certainly thrown a lot of challenges at us, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.” I added. We all continued talking about our memories from the past year, some of them good some of them bad. We headed home just after 10, deciding it was late enough. 

“Oh, that reminds me.” I said suddenly, me and Aston were lying in bed. “I never read that text off my dad.” I picked up my phone. “Wait, are you sure you want to look at it.” Aston asked gently. “Yeah, it’s now or never I guess...” I replied slowly. 

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