Part 11

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Aston’s POV. 

I was standing outside the door of Scarlett’s apartment. My face was slightly flushed after the whole paparazzi thing, I managed to escape them before they could follow me here. I rang the bell, and Scarlett answered. “Two suitcases!” I said. “Thanks babe, made a start I guess!” She replied, laughing. I followed her in and looked around her apartment. “Nice place you got!” I commented. “Thanks aha! Right, packing, suitcases in my room, got three done, just gotta finish these two then we can go!” Scarlett said. “Ooh, taking me to your bedroom, any excuse to get me where you want me aye Miss Greene?” I laughed, and heard someone tutting, Ellie I assumed, clearly she wasn’t happy with the situation, I brushed it off anyway.

“What took you so long to get here anyway?” Scarlett asked. I was lying on her bed, watching her pack. “Ah, about that. I walked into Argos to get the suitcases, and when I came out there were paps literally everywhere! I couldn’t move, and well, they kinda know about us, we were pictured together either yesterday when you left mine or when you came to mine, they were asking me all sorts of questions.” I babbled, I watched her reaction carefully, her face remained calm. “What did you say back to them?” She asked. “Well, I didn’t say nothing, kept my mouth shut.” I replied. “Do you reckon I should’ve said anything?” I watched as the corners of her mouth twitched into a smile. “The paps just want a story right?” She asked. “Yeah?” I said, confused at where she was heading. “They basically want us to declare our undying love for each other so they get a large pay check right? Well I reckon we give them no story. We don’t announce anything, but don’t deny anything either, that way we can announce our relationship when we’re ready, and they won’t make as much money because it won’t be an ‘exclusive’!” Scarlett said. “Y’ano, that’s not bad idea! But they’re gonna crack on that we’re together with the amount of time we’ll be spending together.” I replied. “Yeah I guess, but it’ll be fun keeping them in suspense?” Scarlett replied wickedly. “I’m done with the packing, I’m ready to leave when you are!”

Scarlett’s POV.

I walked out of the room pulling the last suitcase behind me. “I don’t know how we’re going to fit this lot and all my stuff in the car!” Aston said laughing. “So are you ready to go?” I looked around the apartment. “Yep!” I replied, smiling looking forward to the next chapter of my life. I walked over to Aston and threw my arms around his neck. He kissed me gently and pulled away, lifting his hand to touch the necklace he gave me years ago. “Oh, that reminds me!” He said softly. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag. “This is for you.” He said, smiling. I opened the bag and pulled out what was inside. “Aw Ast its beautiful!” I exclaimed, admiring the necklace. “Glad you like it, want me to put it on for you?” Aston replied softly. I passed him the necklace, and he placed it around my neck, giving me shivers when he moved my hair. I turned around to face him. “Thank you Aston, it’s really beautiful.” I whispered. “You know what, you can tell the world about us whenever you want to, stuff the paps and their pictures, I am ready when you are.” “Why wait, let’s do it now!” Aston replied. “Only if you’re sure!” I replied, “I don’t want to pressure you!” “I have never been so sure of anything in my life!” He said back. He took a photo of the two of us and tweeted it with the caption “Whatever you have heard, its true :)Axx.” “You’re cute, you know?” I said, turning and kissing him passionately. I turned around to find Ellie had been watching us. “You know, I was wrong about what I said, seeing you together, you’d think you’ve been together month rather than days!” She said smiling. “It feels as if we’ve never been apart.” I replied quietly. “It looks that way, and I, well I owe you an apology.” Ellie said quietly. Ellie walked over and hugged me. “I’m sorry for everything I’ve said these last couple of days, I was just upset, I’m gonna miss you loads!” “I’m gonna miss you too!” I replied. “I’m sorry that it was so quick, maybe you can fly our sometime for a couple of weeks?” “Yeah I’d like that!” She answered. We spent a few minutes saying goodbye, while Ast loaded up the car to go back to his. “You ready?” He asked, taking my hand. “Of course!” I replied. We walked hand-in-hand out of the building, the place was swarming with paps, they certainly didn’t mess around finding out where I lived! We just held our heads high, smiling, but still not saying a word. 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now