Part 5

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Aston’s POV. 

“We made vows in the tree house…” I said quietly, not taking my eyes off her. “Together, Forever.” I heard her gasp. My heart skipped a beat. “Please, just please don’t tell me I’m dreaming.” I whispered. “No, no Aston, you’re not dreaming.” The girl said staring intently into my eyes. It was her, Scarlett. My Scarlet. “Do you guys know each other?!” Oritse said. “Reesh! Shut up!” I heard Marvin hiss. “They’re having a moment.” Before I knew it, they were gone and we were alone. We spent a few minutes, just staring into each other’s eyes, a thousand memories came flooding back to me, beautiful memories that I had tried to block out through the time that we were apart. “Aston, say something, I’m here.” Scarlett whispered. I leant across the table, and placed my hand on her cheek. “You’re here.” I breathed. 

Scarlett’s POV.

“Yes, I really am.” I breathed back. Aston slowly pulled his hand away from my cheek, which still tingled from his touch. I watched as Aston slowly put his head into his hands. “What’s wrong?” I asked quietly. “This, it’s not real, I’m dreaming, I’m going to wake up soon, and it’s all going to have been a beautiful nightmare.” Aston said bitterly. “It’s happened too many times before.” Without saying anything I rose from my seat and slowly walked over to Aston. “I’ve had them nightmares too, but Ast, I promise you, this is all too real, this is reality, this is happening, fate has brought us back together, just like it tore us apart all those years ago.” I said softly. “Prove it then.” Aston said challenging me. “Prove to me I’m not dreaming.” I sat down on his lap, put my arms around his neck, and kissed his lips softly. I broke away. “Believe me when I say, you’re not dreaming.” I breathed. “I believe you.” Aston murmured back. He put his hand on the back of my neck, and pulled me closer, kissing me passionately. “That was the best kiss of my life.” I said quietly. “So, you trying to say I was crap before?” Aston teased laughing. “You know what I meant!” I replied laughing. “Ever the joker aye Ast?” 

Aston’s POV. 

“Yep!” I replied laughing, staring into Scarlett’s eyes, she was just as beautiful as I remembered. Of course she’d grown up since the last time I saw her, but she was just as beautiful as the day I left. She suddenly turned serious. “Where have you been the last few years.” She asked quietly. “Right here.” I replied, picking up the dainty little necklace I left for her the day I left. I opened the necklace, revealing a tiny picture of us, taken on my 17th birthday. I heard her gasp. “I-I didn’t know it opened.” She replied quietly. “Well you do now!” I answered laughing, stroking her hair. “I missed you, you know.” “I missed you too Ast, there wasn’t a day that went by when I didn’t think of you.” She said softly. “When I walked into this room earlier, I knew it was you.” I said. “I just didn’t want to well you know…” “No Ast, I don’t know? Tell me?” She questioned. “Well, just in case you’d forgotten about me…” I trailed off. “No, I’d never forget about you, ever.” She exclaimed. “So what now?” She caught me slightly off guard. “Well, I guess I introduce you to the boys.” I replied sheepishly. “I’ve already been introduced to them though?” She replied slightly confused. “I my girlfriend?” I answered, confusion on my face. “Oh..OH.” She replied. “Is that what I am?” My face dropped. “Yes, if it’s what you want.” I answered, sure I was making the right decision. “Of course it is you nut! You’re all I ever wanted!” She said laughing. I sighed, feeling extremely relieved. “Oh thank god for that, thought I’d actually fucked things up, I mean I have already lost you once, and to lose you again I mean…”I babbled. “Ast?” She said. “yeah?” “Just shut up and kiss me!” She exclaimed. 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now