Part 37

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“Scarl, wake up, phone’s for you.” Aston said. “What? It’s early, tell them I’ll ring them back later.” I muttered, turning over. “It’s your mother.” He replied softly. “Oh!” I exclaimed, quickly sitting up, Aston handed the phone to me. It was two days after Christmas, I hadn’t heard anything from my mum for a few days. “Hi Mum.” I yawned. “Merry Christmas for two days ago!” She said back, trying to sound cheerful.” “And to you.” I replied. “I can’t stay long, Dad’s just popped out for a while.” Mum answered. “So what did you get nice?” “Loads of things, Aston spoilt me!” I replied, reeling off a list of a few things he bought me. “Sounds like you had a lovely day.” Mum sighed. “Yeah we did, what about you?” I asked. “Yeah it was good.” She replied, her voice sounded uncertain. “You don’t sound convinced?” I replied. “No, it was good, j-just quiet.” Mum said back. “Oh, sorry, you know I wish things could be different. Didn’t Nan and Granddad come down?” I asked. “It was just me and your dad.” She replied. “Why didn’t they come down? They haven’t missed a Christmas with us since I’ve been born, is everything ok?!” I exclaimed. “Yeah everything’s fine.” Mum answered slowly. “Sure?” I asked. “I’d tell you if there was. Dad’s just pulled up, I gotta go.” Mum replied, slamming the phone down. “Bye.” I replied, but the line was already dead. 

“Well, that was strange.” I muttered. “What was babe?” Aston replied. I told him what Mum had said to me. “Maybe your Nan or Granddad are ill or something?” Aston suggested. “Mum said everything’s fine, she would have told me if it wasn’t.” I replied, confused. “Anyway, what’s the plan for today?” I added, changing the subject. “Well, I know I said I was off for the rest of the year, but me, the boys and management need to meet up for some tour prep.” Aston replied. “You can come with me if you like?” “No, it’s okay, you go, I need to figure out what’s going on with everything.” I replied. “Okay babe, I’m just gonna have breakfast then leave, do you want anything?” He asked. “Nah I’m okay thanks. See you later.” I replied, smiling. “Yeah see you in a bit.” Aston answered, kissing me gently. I laid back down and closed my eyes, what my mother had said was troubling me…

Aston’s POV. 

“Ast, I’m sure she’s fine, just relax!” JB exclaimed. “But she’s not answering the house phone or her mobile.” I replied. We were half way through the meeting, we’d taken a short break and I had rang Scarlett loads, but there was no answer. I was getting worried. “She’ll be fine Ast, she’s probably gone out, or sleeping or something.” Marvin added. I ignored him. “Reesh? Can you ring Ellie please? Ask her if she’s with Scarlett or heard from her?” I asked. “Yeah sure.” Oritse replied. 

“Nope, she hasn’t heard from her since last night.” Oritse said a few minutes later. “What if something’s happened to her? Ever since the whole Cal incident, I can’t help but worry. I wouldn’t forgive myself is something has happened, I couldn’t…” I said, I was starting to get hysterical. “Aston, calm down, she’ll be absolutely fine. Now focus, we’ve got to finish sorting everything out for the tour.” Marvin said calmly. The break was over and everyone was back to full tour mode, well everyone except for me. Everything was being discussed from the set list to our outfits, I didn’t really have a say in any of it, I was just agreeing, my head was somewhere else. “…So we’re all agreeing on Do you feel what I feel being the encore?” Asked Oritse. “Yeah.” Replied Marv. “Yeah, the tour will go out with a bang!” Exclaimed JB. “What about you Ast?” Oritse asked. “What? What about what?” I replied, snapping out of some sort of trance. “Do you agree with Do you feel what I feel being the encore on tour?” Oritse repeated. “Yeah, yeah that’s fine.” I answered. “You’re not really into this are you?” Our tour manager said. “Sorry, I’ve just got a lot going on.” I muttered. “Aston, you really need to focus!” He exclaimed. “Put your phone away too, we’re not going to be much longer!” It’s safe to say I felt like a little kid again. Of course we were ages, the meeting overran. “Okay, that’s it for today, rehearsing is gonna be intense in the New Year!” Our tour manager exclaimed. I jumped out of my seat. “Ast you coming out for a few drinks?” Marv asked. “No, I’m going home, I need to see if she’s okay.” I exclaimed as I ran out of the door, down the stairs and straight into the car. 

“Come on, Scarlett, please answer.” I said, but the phone just rang. I pulled off, and 10 minutes later, I was on the motorway, the traffic was terrible. “Bloody typical!” I exclaimed to myself. I checked the time. 5:30pm. I was looking at getting home at 6:30 at the earliest. The traffic was moving so slow, but eventually I got home.
“Scarlett?!” I exclaimed, bursting into the house, there was no reply. I ran into our bedroom, there was a note on our bedside table. I picked it up…

“Aston, something’s happened, I can’t explain through this note, I promise you I’m not leaving you. Please, as soon as you get in, ring this number and ask for me. Sxx” 

My heart felt as if it was going to burst out of my chest any second. I typed the number into my phone, awaiting the conversation ahead. 

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