Part 31

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Aston’s POV.

I looked at my watch, Scarlett had been more than 30 minutes. I rang her, but there was no answer. I guess I didn’t exactly tell her where I was going, I was in the tree house. I stood up, made my way down the ladder, and walked slowly back down the road to her parents’ house. I didn’t know what to say to her, if I was honest. I was so confused about what her parents had said, and I knew more would have been said after I left, but I didn’t know exactly what. I was at the bottom of Scarlett’s road. I looked down to see someone curled up on the edge of the pavement. “Scarlett.” I breathed, running towards her. I heard her sobbing. “Hey, Scarlett, come on babe, stop crying, it’s okay.” I exclaimed, sitting down next to her and pulling her into my arms. “No Ast, no it’s not okay.” She sobbed, I could hear a bitter edge to her voice. “Why? What’s been said Scarl?” I asked quietly. “Actually no, let’s go somewhere more private to talk.” I added, the last thing we needed was to be papped like this. I stood up and pulled Scarlett to her feet. “Where shall we go?” I asked, staring at her, wiping away her tears. “I don’t know, I just don’t know anymore.” She whispered. I didn’t reply. I took her hand and we walked down the street in silence. I stopped when we got to the car, which was still parked outside her parent’s house. “Here?” I asked. “No, not here, I’ll feel as if they are watching me. Let’s just go back to the tree house, at least we’ll get peace there.” Scarlett answered, her voice was just about a whisper. 

Five minutes later and I was sitting on the floor of the tree house for the third time that day. Scarlett sat opposite me. “What did they say babe?” I asked quietly. She took a deep breath. “I can’t leave you Aston, I just can’t, I can’t even…” She babbled. “Scarlett, take your time, and think before you talk.” I replied gently. She was silent for a minute. “My parents have banned me from seeing you.” Scarlett said bluntly. “What?! No, they can’t do that. You’re an adult now!” I exclaimed. “That’s exactly what I said, they have no say whatsoever. It’s my choice.” She replied quietly. “And what did they say back to that?” I asked. “They said they can’t stand by me, or keep in contact with me. They basically disowned me there and then.” She answered bitterly. “So, because you’re with me, they basically won’t talk to you?” I asked slowly. “Yep, pretty much.” Scarlett replied.

Scarlett’s POV. 

I watched Aston’s reaction carefully. “Why though, what have I done?” He asked, sounding as confused as I was. “I don’t really know, they never exactly got to that point.” I replied slowly, I couldn’t face telling him what they had actually said, that they blamed him for the whole Cal incident. It would break him. Aston stood up and put his hand to his forehead. “I can’t deal with this.” He said. “What? What do you mean?” I asked. “This, everything, Scarlett, I’m tearing your family apart slowly.” He replied quietly. “No, you’re not Aston, this is not your fault. My parents are being difficult.” I whispered. “I can see where they are coming from, not wanting you to see me, I’ve brought nothing but bad luck.” Aston said back. “You can’t say that, no, Aston, nothing has been your fault. It was only a matter of time before Cal found me again.” I replied, standing up, walking over to Aston. “I love you and that’s what matters the most me to, is that you love me too.” I said, putting my arms around him. “You know I do.” He replied, kissing me softly. “What are you going to do babe?” He added. “My mind is made up. I want to be with you.” I answered firmly. “Are you sure?” He asked softly. “I don’t want to come between your family. “I’ve never been so certain of anything in all my life.” I said. “What do we do from here?” He asked quietly. “Go back to London, where I live, with you.” I replied, smiling.

A few minutes later, we were sat in Aston’s car. “Are you sure you don’t want to say anything to them?” Aston asked. “No, I’ve made my choice, they’re just got to accept it now, there’s nothing more I can do now anyway.” I replied. “And are you sure you want to come back now, I feel guilty over the fact that your parents won’t talk to you because of me.” He said warily. “You’ve got nothing to feel guilty about! This was my choice, I chose you!” I exclaimed. As Aston pulled off, I looked out of the window, into the window of my parent’s house. I saw my mother peering through the blinds, watching us, tears streaming down her face… 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now