Part 52

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 Scarlett’s POV.

I woke up early once again, to an empty bed. The last 24 hours had been long, very long. We’d had countless phone calls from family and friends, all asking the same questions. I walked downstairs, Aston was sitting at the kitchen table, obviously reading our side of the story, the truth. “Well?” I asked, walking into the kitchen. “Well, they’ve got our point across, now we just gotta hope people believe it.” Aston sighed. “They should, they better. Have you said anything on twitter?” I replied. “Yeah basically said how people need to stop making up shit, how the only thing everyone should believe is our side of the story, how none of what was said actually happened, ranted a bit, I went on.” Aston said back. “Fair enough, so what do we do today?” I asked. “I’m going to our dance rehearsal, regardless of what our manager says, I can’t miss another one.” He replied. “Won’t the paps be out in force?” I said back. “Probably, it just looks as if we’re hiding if we stay in, I need to get out of the house!” Aston exclaimed. “It’s up to you what you want to do I guess, but I’m coming with you.” I replied, knowing I’d worry constantly about him until he got home.

Aston’s POV.

“Ready to go then?” I called. “Yep.” Scarlett replied, walking in from the kitchen. “You’re probably overreacting about the paps mind?” I said. “We’ll see.” She said back. We walked out of the house, towards the car. Of course she was right, they were everywhere. We got into the car, ignoring their constant shouting, was this ever going to stop? “It’ll be 10 times worse at the dance studio.” I sighed pulling off.

I was right. “This is gonna be fun.” I sighed, opening the door. “Don’t say anything to them.” I added. “Finally decided to show your faces in public then?!” One of them exclaimed as we got out of the car. “Something to hide is there?” Another one added. I looked over to Scarlett, her face was enough. We walked straight ahead, ignoring them. They followed us, shouting to us, just trying to get a reaction. “We always knew Scarlett was a little slag.” One of them muttered, just loud enough for me to hear. That did it. I snapped. They’d pushed it too far. “Don’t you dare call her that. That story in the paper yesterday was a load of bullshit, anyone can see it. Just back off, leave us alone.” I shouted, of course, this was the reaction they’d been craving. They went mental. No doubt this would make the papers. We walked into the dance studio. “What happened to not saying anything?” Scarlett said weakly. “I couldn’t let them say that about you, and not say anything back.” I replied. “They’ll probably print some more shit now.” She said back. “Let them, I don’t care anymore. You and I both know the truth, that’s the main thing.” I replied weakly.

We walked into the rehearsal room. “Wasn’t expecting to see you today?” Marvin said curiously. “I couldn’t stay in, it was driving me mad, knowing we had rehearsals, and I was missing them.” I replied. “It hasn’t been the same without you.” JB admitted. “Have I missed much?” I asked. “Not really, we just went through the routines we’d already learnt.” Oritse replied. “Leon’s running late.” JB added.

“I’m taking it you’ve seen the story then?” I asked. “Yep, well seen both of them, it’s ridiculous what people will do for money these days!” JB exclaimed. “Tell me about it, just can’t wait for this to blow over.” I sighed. “It will, soon enough.” Oritse answered. “Woah, it’s mental out there, what’s going on?!” Leon exclaimed, walking into the dance studio. “The paps thought it would be fun to shout abuse and god knows what else as we walked into the studio.” I replied. “That explains a lot, thought you weren’t coming today?” He said back. “Yeah, it was driving me mad being in the house, we needed to get out.” I answered. “Right, well we better get a start here!” Leon said. “Give me a minute.” I said, walking towards Scarlett. “Ring out security and tell them what’s happened, so they can get rid of the paps now, and for when we leave, please babe?” I asked, knowing them just being there would distract me. “Yeah okay, so I’ll ask them to come down now?” She replied. “Yeah, as soon as they can, I’m gonna ask them for extra security for the rest of the week maybe two, we can’t have a repeat of what happened today.” I said back. “Ast, we can’t go everywhere with them, we’re gonna have to be on our own sometime?” Scarlett replied. “It’s just a precaution babe, I’m just worried something’s going to happen, that’s all.” I replied slowly. “Ast, come on, we’re ready to start.” Leon called. “Yeah, I’ll be there now.” I called back. “So you’ll do that for me?” I added. “Yeah no problem.” Scarlett replied. “I love you.” I said, kissing her gently. “I love you too, more than anything.” She replied quietly. 

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