Part 90

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Scarlett’s POV.

This was it. The moment I’d been waiting for. I took a deep breath, and concentrated on walking in time. I lifted my head up and looked forward, all our guests were leaning forward, trying to see me. Me and Granddad began walking forward, the guests gasped when they saw me. I smiled, the smile was so genuine. That’s when I saw Aston, our eyes locked, he looked stunning, utterly perfect, we smiled at each other, his face, well, I couldn’t get over it. If it wasn’t for my Granddad keeping a firm hold on me, I’d be sprinting down the aisle! We reached the end of the aisle. “Scarlett, you look beautiful.” Aston gasped, the emotion in his voice made me well up. “So do you.” I smiled, I was speechless. My Granddad took my hand, and placed it into Aston’s, pausing, leaving his hand there. “Look after my little girl.” He chocked. “I will, forever and always.” Aston promised. “I know you will.” He smiled, walking away, taking his seat next to Nan. We turned to face the registrar, hand in hand, she smiled back. And began the ceremony.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!” The registrar exclaimed. Aston took my face in his hands, and kissed me, everyone clapped and cheered! This beautiful man was my husband, mine. No one else’s! I thought I’d burst with excitement. “Oh my God Aston! We’ve done it, we’re married!” I exclaimed, my voice was thick with emotion. “I love you, Mrs Merrygold!” Aston smiled, I’d never been so happy! We walked back up the aisle to ‘I’m Yours’ by Jason Mraz. Everyone congratulated us as we walked past, it was nice to see so many smiling faces! Our close family and friends joined us in a side room to have photographs, informal and formal shots, for us and the magazine. It took a while, but I was buzzing, it didn’t bother me at all! After the photos, all the guests made their way to the marque in the grounds of the venue, me and Aston spent a few minutes alone, talking about the ceremony. It had been perfect! There was so much love and happiness in the room, the vibe was perfect. Ellie read a poem called ‘Love is’ that had everyone in tears, I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house! Marvin, Oritse and JB sung for us, it was so cute, everything had been perfect!

Me and Aston walked hand in hand towards the marque, for the reception, I was just as excited, I was looking forward to the speeches more than anything! “Please be upstanding for the bride and groom!” A voice announced as me and Aston were outside. Everyone stood up, and me and Aston walked in. The marque was perfect, it followed our white and blue colour scheme, it looked like magical, like it was out of a fairy tale! We made our way to the head table, and took our seats, I couldn’t wait for the next part of the day to begin.

“I’d like to call on Scarlett’s Granddad to begin the speeches.” The DJ announced, we’d just had food and this was the part I’d been looking forward to! It was going to be so emotional. Granddad took the microphone off him, and coughed, clearing his throat. “I dunno where to begin really.” He said sheepishly. “I’ll start here. “Scarlett, I am ever so proud of you, everyone is, me, your Nan, mum, everyone, I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud in my life. I am proud to call you my granddaughter, it was a privilege to give you away today, and I know that Aston will look after you, both of you, you and Faith, I love you sweetheart.” He chocked, I blinked hard, trying to hold back the tears, Granddad was more like a Father to me. “I’ve always wanted the best for you, and I can see Aston will give you that, you’re his everything, I’ve never seen a man so in love before. I remember when you were just a little girl, you used to go on about how you wanted your own knight in shining armour, now you have Aston, he’s completely perfect for you. You and Aston grew up together, even then, you could tell, that, that one day, we’d be standing here, celebrating, I remember the day you introduced him to us as your boyfriend, I was chuffed for you, you were so happy. “It’s a great honour for me to be standing here in front of everyone today, I’m a proud man, a very proud man! I’d like to thank everyone for attending today, and I wish Aston and Scarlett the very best in the future, to Aston and Scarlett!” Granddad exclaimed, raising his glass. “To Aston and Scarlett!” The guests repeated. I was so moved by the speech, I couldn’t get over it. “To continue the speeches, I’d like to call on Aston’s best friends, Marvin, JB and Oritse!” The DJ announced. The boys stood up, their faces were enough, something told me this was going to be hilarious! “Oh God.” Aston laughed as they took the microphone off the DJ…

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