Part 12

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Scarlett’s POV.

We were safely in Aston’s car, and the paps began to filter away slowly. “Well they didn’t waste any time finding out where you lived!” Aston exclaimed. “I suppose it wasn’t hard once you tweeted the picture.” I replied. “Someone must’ve recognised me from my song writing, and just spread the word I guess.” “Speaking of twitter, I bet its going mental since the picture!” He said back. “I won’t be surprised!” I laughed. I took my phone out of my pocket and checked, my mentions were going crazy and my followers had more than doubled! “Well, they’ve found me on Twitter!” I said. “Oh and Aston and Scarlett is trending worldwide!” “Well that’s our fans for you!” Aston said laughing. We carried on talking for a while, and shortly after we were at Aston’s. We unloaded my stuff from his car, and took it into his. “We need to be at the airport for 9, so the car will be here at 7 to pick us up!” Aston said. I looked at the time. 6:50. “We just made it in time then!” I exclaimed. “That was too close!” Aston walked around checking everything was locked up and had everything, the car arrived and we packed all of our stuff in, well I was sat on Ast’s lap in the back seat while everything was packed around the two of us. 20 minutes down the road, and my phone started ringing, it was my mother. “Hello?” I said. “So, when were you thinking of telling me you were running away to Europe with Aston then?” My mother said bluntly. I slapped my hand to my forehead, I’d been so caught up in everything, I’d forgotten to inform my family. “Look, for a start I’m not running away, Aston and the boys have work and Aston asked me to come with them.” I replied, then launching into the whole story about mine and Ast’s reconciliation, obviously leaving out the time we had spent in bed… “Anyway how do you know about it?” I added. “Someone I know in work is on Twitter, and she seen the tweet from Aston and then told me.” She sighed. I felt so guilty. “look mum, I’m sorry.” I replied. “It’s okay. I understand, I just wish that I found out from you.” Mum said. “I know you spent the night at his too, well that’s what the article on you on the internet said. So if you’re going to be “Like that” at least be careful. I groaned. “Mum, I’m 23. Please don’t worry about me.” I replied, hearing Aston trying to stifle a laugh. I elbowed him in the ribs. “I know, I just worry about you sweetheart. Be safe and see you soon.” She replied. “Bye Mum.” I said, and she hung up. “I’m gathering you heard what she said then?” I asked Aston, of course he heard, I was sitting on his lap. “Yep, what article though?” He wondered. “Newspapers probably put something on their website I guess.” I replied. 

Aston’s POV.

We were at the airport and our stuff had been taking out of the car and into the airport, me and Scarlett were still sitting in the car. “You ready babe?” I asked. “There’s gonna be a lot of fans and paps.” I warned her. “Yeah!” She replied. I smiled back, taking her hand, opening the door and pulling her out behind me. It was madness, more than what I was expecting! I avoided the paps as best as I could, and walked over to the fans, they looked as if they had been waiting for hours! I stayed for as long as I could, I had Scarlett standing one side of me, the fans were so cute congratulating us! We walked in and went to check in, Marvin and Rochelle were there checking in. “Woah that’s a lot of stuff you have!” Marvin said to me, turning around slowly, not noticing Scarlett. “Yeah, Scarlett’s here too remember?” I said, pulling her closer to me. “Ah yeah!” He said smiling. “It’s to see you happy!” He turned to Scarlett. “You won’t believe the change in Aston, even though it’s only been a few days, he’s a new person!” He added. “Oh, I can believe it, I’ve been the same!” Scarlett replied shyly. I smiled at her and went to check in, leaving her talking to Rochelle. 10 minutes later, we were all set to go, just had to wait 2 hours until it was time for the plane to take off. We headed towards the VIP lounge. We walked in, Oritse, JB and Chloe were already there. “Alright Ast?” Oritse said. “Oh, nice to see you again!” He added to Scarlett. We sat down, and started reminiscing on things that had happened since we’d become a group, and telling Scarlett practically everything that she didn’t already know about JLS. She laughed and smiled, her smile made me smile and her laugh sent shivers down my spine, we were so happy together! 

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