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he went home, arms hurting and head groggy.

he was tired and cold, his legs irking him to just give up.
his arms hurt.

yet he still kept walking.

'stop you're tiring yourself,' his body told him but he didn't listen, and finally made it home.

the house was dark and cold.

he looked to his left and saw his mother crying on the couch, face in her hands along with bottles on the floor.

his dad wasn't there.

she doesn't look up to even see him, only to ignore him.

he told himself not to take it to heart- but he was too tired out of his mind to even mind at this point, and that's what made it upsetting.

he took the things he had in his hand and went up to his room, slamming the door shut as he realized what he just did.
and how he regretted not doing it when he had the chance.


"changbin i swear to the lord up above i will bop your scull into your brain SO quick-" minho chased the other, running up the stairs to which he heard snarky laughter.

"bro i will-"

"did you just bro me?" changbin poked his head from the frame giving minho the perfect opportunity to grab his face and drag him downstairs to felix.

"felix collect your mans, he's a whole baby." he threw him to which felix started laughing heavily.

minho sighed and plopped down onto the couch, out of breath.

"look you made him tired," felix scolded to which changbin shrugged.

"serves him right for not letting me have it."

minho looked up and narrowed his eyes as if asking a question, "it's my phone." he shook his head.

"guys it's late i think we should leave," chan said, leaning on his hand as he looked at jeongin. "i think he's sleeping."

the rest looked at jeongin who was sitting yet his head was nearly falling back as his eyes were shut because he was drifting off.

chan caught the younger's head before it fell, making him lean his weight into chan, and ended up falling on him.

"alright you guys can get going then." minho nodded and allowed them to get up, and leave.

they all shouted their goodbyes loudly and left- taking the food as well.

minho didn't care though, and he passed out on the couch without even turning off the lights.


the next morning minho woke up with messy hair and lazily tired eyes.

he got up only because his stomach told him he was hungry and he wanted cereal more than he wanted to breathe.

he shuffled to his feet and walked to the fridge and sighed loudly as there was no milk again.

"are you kidding me? who drank my milk?? i didn't even open it yet.." he groaned and immediately blamed changbin.

he shut the fridge and sleepily made his way to slip on some slippers, grabbing his phone and yawning, going out even in his knee-shorts and t-shirt, and his messy hair.

he stumbled down the stairs and left the house, pausing only halfway out the door to put on a hoodie- and proceeded out.

he walked and threw the hood over his head because his ears got cold, and mindlessly went on his phone for a while.

he looked up at the grocery store and walked through the automatic opening doors, stepping in and sighing in content at the warmth.

"alright, milk then i'll dip after paying." minho nodded as he encouraged himself to get it under ten minutes.

he set a timer off in his head and booked it to the milk section, going to the back of the store and grabbing a carton and holding it between his arm, and blasting off to the counter.

he went to the counter line and guessed that he had about five more minutes left to his made up game.

he sucked on his teeth as he waited for the person in front of him to complete their payment for their items.

while waiting, he began looking around the store from his spot mindlessly. a person caught his eye on the line to the left of him.

he stared for a moment contemplating if he recognized the puff of brown hair the person had.

he shrugged it off for a while until he moved up a bit in line. he caught a glimpse of his side profile.

"no way." he spoke to himself, grabbing ahold of his milk again and walking to the other line instead, taking the spot behind the person.

he wanted to get him to turn around, so he thought of something to do. minho stood there and then moved closer and squished the boy's side.

the boy jumped and immediately startled around, face flushed and in panic, until he saw minho.

"hey jisung." minho smiled that his suspicions were correct.

"j-jesus hi." jisung put his hand over his heart. "you scared me."

minho let out an "oh no,"  and bowed dramatically. "my apologies."

and jisung laughed.

he laughed!

minho smiled and then looked at the lady first in line, eyes trailing down to what jisung was buying.

he saw a spatula, water bottles, and two boxes of gushers.

jisung saw his stare of confusion yet decided not to give himself a chance to explain. he needed the spatula and wanted the rest- yet he did have to admit it was weird seeing random things next to each other.

"so what you doing today?" minho asked as the male at the register motioned for the women in front of them to continue paying.

"oh, nothing." jisung replied, surprised a little by a simple question.

"well then how are you? you seem tired." minho said, slight change in tone.

"i'm not tired." he said, moving forwards in line and getting out his money.

he looked at the time quickly before getting out twenty dollars as his items moved up.

"what about you?" jisung looked minho up and down, stopping at the milk in his hands. "only came for milk?"

minho smiled sheepishly and looked off to the side, "yeah my dumb friend drank all the rest of my milk. well not really my friend, more like an annoying snake that shows up in my house."

jisung laughed a little at the comparison. "that's mean you know." he joked.

minho looked at him with the most serious expression on his face. "you don't know changbin like i do."

jisung softly smiled a little as he got ready to give the money he had left to the person at the cash register.

however the look he held while counting the money in his palm faded as he sighed quietly to himself and hesitated.

minho couldn't help but notice that jisung barely had enough for what he was buying- yet he still handed them his money.

something sparked in minho as he suddenly spoke out, "wait." he told the male at the register before he brought out his own twenty dollars.

he paid for jisung's items.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now