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yes, jisung was put on a lot of heavy medication.

they left, but he felt a lot better than what he came there feeling. he could actually walk.

"i have to get home, no one called my mother so she's probably pissed that i've been gone for so long." jisung leaned his head backwards on the car seat as minho drove.

minho opened his mouth to speak- however jisung shut that thought off by speaking before he could. "and no, you're not going to blame yourself again." he smiled from seeing minho's mouth close.

"how you feeling now?" minho asked, looking over to jisung momentarily as he stopped at the stop sign.

jisung gave a simple thumbs up, "i'm all numbed up." he confirmed.

"good," minho sighed, relieved that jisung wouldn't be feeling any pain.

the inside of the car was pretty freezing, and the heater felt like it was barely working.

minho looked over and caught jisung shivering in his seat slightly, making him take off his jacket at a red light.

"here you can use my jacket, i'm fine right now." minho offered, and honestly jisung felt like his fingers would freeze off.

so he gratefully took the clothing, smiling widely. "thanks babe." he thanked- and minho swore he was about to crash the car right then and there.

as jisung put the jacket on, he innocently shot minho his attention. "hm? what is it?" he tilted his head, playing dumb as his boyfriend was about to tuck and roll out of the car.

minho cleared his throat as he continued driving. "nothing." he swore, making jisung snort.

they were close to jisung's house, a few minutes away.

they sat in a comfortable silence for most of that time, jisung looking out the window as minho continued to drive.

no one had no idea why the weather had decided to be gruesome lately, the freezing cold attacking their faces and joints.

jisung shivered and further sunk inside the denim jacket minho gave him.

he shoved his cold hands in the pockets for a source of warmth, however he paused when he felt something graze his fingers.

he furrowed his eyebrows and felt the small box, now in his palm.

jisung finally took the box out of the pocket, finally viewing the box of cigarettes minho had been carrying.

his eyes went wide as he inspected the cigarettes, feeling his stomach drop and being caught off guard.

then he spoke, "minho, what's this?" it was a rhetorical question. he knew damn well what they were.

confused, minho looked back at jisung for a second, looking back down in his hands, his eyes going wide for a moment.

'shit!' he forgot they were there.

"ah nothing-" minho went to quickly grab the box from jisung's hand, however he pulled it back.

"have you been smoking?" jisung asked. "you smoke?" he sounded as if in disbelief and even slightly angry or upset.

minho stopped the car and pulled up to the side, turning his body with his hand out. "give them." he sighed, yet jisung wasn't obliging.

"since when have you been smoking?" he asked, visibly upset.

minho's sigh deepened, attempting to take them back. "just give me them back jisung.."

jisung stared at him for a while. "why?"

minho felt jisung's stare and felt like he was being ridiculed, being shamed for an addiction he couldn't help.

he threw down his hand, leaning his head back and sighing yet again. he wouldn't be able to get them back that easily.

jisung then opened the pack, looking inside to see that there were only two left out of the whole thing.

"when did you buy this?"

another question minho didn't want to hear and wished jisung never asked.

at first he didn't want to say anything, but he knew he couldn't ignore jisung.

his crossed arms loosened.

"yesterday." he spoke under his breath.

he heard jisung let out a gasp, staring him down. "you can't be doing this- it's so bad for you minho!"

minho nodded his head, looking straight at the street in front of his view. "i know."

"..have you.. always smoked?" jisung let the irrational tone to his voice silk off, calming down more.

minho shook his head, looking off. "i just started again." he admitted. "i stopped in high-school."

jisung looked at his boyfriend, putting the pack of cigarettes next to him on the car seat. "why..? has something happened?" he asked, worried.

minho just shook his head. "no, nothing happened." he let out. he was passive.

jisung stopped speaking, to think. he looked back at the black packaging, worry filling his gut.

minho looked at him as jisung rolled down the window, taking the two sticks out and throwing it out of the car.

minho didn't say anything as he looked at the window being rolled back up.

suddenly, jisung turned and held tightly on minho's right hand. "will you stop?" he looked hopeful, and minho started back into his eyes.

he knew he couldn't stop if he got too deep into it. hell, he was even itching for just one right now.

after a while of silence minho slowly nodded his head. he said, "i'll try to stop."

it wasn't that easy.

"whenever you feel like smoking eat candy- or just call me! i don't want you to harm yourself by smoking." jisung was determined to help.

he didn't know why minho had started smoking again, but he wanted to help him stop. to help him resist.

minho released a breath, smiling reassuringly to his boyfriend. "jisung im fine."

"ah ah ah still! you have me now, okay? im always here so you can come to me. i'll just appear by your side! like peanut butter and jell- ow.." jisung winced as he felt pain joint into his head.

"you shouldn't be so active, sit back and calm down. you have to be resting jisung," minho slightly laughed at jisung's enthusiasm.

the younger pouted and nodded his head, sitting back in the seat and holding his forehead slightly.

"promise?" jisung looked back at minho, reaching out his pinky and leaving it there, waiting.

minho looked at his hand, then looked back at his face. they locked eyes for a second just before minho tied his finger with jisung's.

"i promise." he smiled slightly, making jisung burst into a smile, leaning over and hugging minho.

"i love you." he said happily, into minho's shoulder.

the older hugged back and let out an airy laugh, "i love you too."

(A/N if you have any, leave suggestions or ideas for this story if you like!! :0
anything you'd like to see happen or a good plot idea? throw it at me ',:)

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