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"i met him at t-the bridge.." minho's voice calmed after the explanation. "he was going to jump that night.." he mumbled.

"and minho was the reason he didn't." chan finished, as minho finally rubbed his eyes.

"he.. he tried to kill himself?" seungmin spoke, as felix seemed to worsen.

"he wants to d.. die..?" felix broke out, finding it difficult.

"i think that.. after what happened he locked himself away for too long.. his living room was a mess when i saw it.." minho spoke again.

"he was on so much medication because of his head and injuries- i think that half of the reason his mind was set on doing this was because of all the side effects.. i knew i should have fucking worried.." minho's eyes tightly shut.

"hey.. its not your fault." hyunjin scooted over to minho, a tender smile on his lips. "we're here for you. and for jisung, we won't leave him, and he won't leave us, right?"

hyunjin voice sent a sense of calmness and hope through the air.

he was right, in order to get through this they have to be together. they have to be able to try and be positive- no matter how impossible or difficult it may seem.

they had to try.

he needed to be strong and pull himself together. he needed to calm down.

suddenly the others scooted to minho as well, jeongin wrapping his arms around him.

the others grouped in, all hugging each other, staying there together.

and all over again minho felt his tears run down his face, streaming as he hugged those he cared about around him.

and together, they tried to reassure each other, and they cried.


they were in that room for hours, and most of them had fallen asleep, or were about to, starting to drift off.

it was so late (or early) at night, that the sun began to rise slowly the time they were there.

minho had been the most exhausted out of all of them, crying himself to sleep, passing out from being so tired.

however he was the first to wake the moment the door opened.

he opened his eyes to met them with a man in front of him, a doctor. who had a clipboard in his hands, and was adjusting his jacket.

immediately minho sat up, concern and worry washing through his tone. "how is he? is he okay? is he going to be okay?"

hearing minho's voice made the others begin to wake up, sitting up almost immediately from realizing there was a doctor in the room.

the man pulled out a seat, sighing a bit before putting down his clipboard.

this sent an unbelievable amount of anxiety run through everyone, who were just about to be on the verge of tear again.

"well, i'll start off by saying han jisung isn't at all in good condition- right now." he emphasized the ending.

"his heart was stopping and his organs were getting ready to shut down when we brought him in, however it didn't stop beating all together. we were able to bring his heart beat back up to normal."

"however he can't do it on his own. currently he's hooked up to many things to help keep his heart beating and him breathing. we've pumped his stomach."

"we think he's starting to breathe on his own again, which means he should be able to recover fast, and from what we can see so far there's no damage that'll be permanent." the doctor informed.

minho wiped away all the stray tears on his face, staring up at the doctor. "how is he right now?" he asked.

"well of course he hasn't woken up yet, but we've done all we can currently. you guys can come on in and see him." he said, making everyone brighten up.

"no loud noises and be extremely careful. don't stress him out, we don't know if he has the ability to hear past his coma." the doctor spoke, smiling and getting up.

"thank you." chan thanked, as he stood up with the others.

of course minho was ahead, everyone approaching the door. minho even hesitated on opening the door to jisung's room.

he knew what this was like.

he knew that whatever image behind this door wasn't good, it was going to be horrible. and it probably would never be able to get out of his mind.

but he pushed that back down, opening the door and walking in slowly.

and he was right.

jisung was on the hospital bed, completely unconscious, with tubes running down his throat, and IVs in his arms.

he was even hooked up to a heart monitor, which released very slight beeps following his hearts pattern.

jisung was pale, his messy hair falling over his face as he was laid on his back, mouth slightly agape just enough for a small tube to be placed there.

his fingers looked tinted red, and they looked so fragile.

and he had a breathing mask on, over all this to force air into his lungs. his chest was falling up and down, but it didn't mean anything knowing that jisung wasn't able to do that on his own.

immediately minho's breath wobbled.

there were seats in the room, and each grabbed one and moved it forward.

there were some of them who tired to be strong, to be able to look after the ones who were breaking.

chan, hyunjin, and changbin all tried not to cry, being there to comfort those who needed it.

minho, felix, jeongin, and seungmin  couldn't handle what was happening.

no one could.

minho was the one to sit next to jisung, feeling the urge to cry rise up to his throat, making his eyes sting.

he let out a breath and reached out, gently taking ahold of jisung's small and weak hand.

"you're going to be okay.." he spoke to himself, running his thumb along the back of jisung's hand.

all the memories of them together began to unwind in minho's head, the moment he held onto jisung's hand.

the day the met, the time minho saw him while he was getting milk.

the time they went ice skating.

the time minho brought home a drunk jisung for the first time.

the time minho held jisung in his arms while they slept.

the time they were playing dumb games at jisung's house.

the kisses they shared.

the way minho would hold jisung.

seeing his cute gummy smile and hearing his laughs and giggles when he did or said something funny.

how flustered jisung used to get.

was it all just being thrown away?

was it over?

were they over? minho and jisung, would that still exist?

minho felt a tear roll down his face, hitting jisung's hand and rolling down to his palm.

"..you can't leave..." his voice was so strained and tired, full of sadness. "jisung you hear?.. you can't." he murmured, head sinking down as he held jisung's hand to his lips.

"you aren't allowed to leave us.. you can't go.." he whispered.

his voice wavered and cracked, his words coming out as broken mumbles and pleads.

"han jisung please don't leave.."

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now