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jisung was on medication.

it was actually quite a lot, and it was a worrying amount for jisung's size. but whatever, he still took them.

there were many side effects, however jisung was too occupied to even notice if he was feeling them.

some of the possible side effects included, stomach virus, anger, depression, and anxiety. but jisung felt just fine.

he stayed at home in bed and invited minho over, and there they were together, under the covers and watching a movie and eating a lot of junk.

"you know, you always find the weird good movies." jisung spoke to minho, in the process of shoving three whole strawberries in his mouth.

"what do you mean? 'where the wild things are' is a classic." minho was next about to down a handful of popcorn.

"yeah but, you gotta admit it's a little weird. like look, she just shoved a whole kid down her throat!" jisung pointed aggressively at the screen, to which minho snorted.

"doesn't that look nasty?" minho looked at the boy now covered in slime. he cringed. "i would cry." he shuddered.

"you're just a baby." jisung teased, looking up at minho who had his arm around him.

jisung grinned as minho raised an eyebrow. "oh really? i'm a baby?"

"yes you heard me, you're a huge baby." jisung continued to make fun of him, tilting his head and smiling innocently.

minho playfully narrowed his eyes and out of no where suddenly swooped jisung under him, pinning his hands down to the sides of his head.

without warning minho started poking his sides carefully- making jisung nearly scream as he was so horribly ticklish.

"m-minho!! stop it!!" he screeched through laughter, as minho smirked.

"huh? what's that? whose the baby? hm?" minho pretended like he was deaf as jisung flailed and snorted with laughter.

"cut it out!! im gonna c-cry!" jisung laughed out, minho finally stopping and laughing along with his boyfriend.

"okay okay i'll stop." he made fun, still having jisung's hands pinned above his head.

he leaned down and placed a sweet kiss onto jisung's lips.

it lasted a few seconds, both could feel the other smiling through it.

however the moment minho pulled back he was kind of surprised to see jisung almost chase his lips with his own again as if to say he wasn't finished.

their eyes met, and that's when they really thought about their positions.

jisung had his hands pressed in the mattress, at the side of his head while minho was hovering over him, inches apart.

it was at that moment where jisung's heart really started speeding up.

he leaned up into minho- reconnecting their lips again into another kiss.

their lips moved slowly against each other's, and they both swore if they tried hard enough they could almost taste it.

minho pulled back to catch his breath- but wasted almost no time to press his lips against jisung's- harder.

the movements continued, jisung hesitantly moving forward more to deepen the kiss, as he allowed his wrists to be pressed down firmer.

the cycle carried on, minho moved higher up and closer, their chests nearly touching as their hearts were going crazy at the fiery touch.

this kiss felt different.

granted they've only kissed a few times and barely had anything to compare this kiss to, but it felt so different.

as if something new was there, and it was melting off the interaction.

jisung almost grew weaker.

his breaths were quickened as minho pulled back finally to place soft kisses on his cheeks.

he trailed and attach his lips to jisung's jaw, leading down.

jisung let out a wobbly breath, feeling minho's hot breath on his skin and the gentle touch of his sweet soft lips.

jisung's stomach had a million butterflies, feeling as if it were going to explode and he had chills. chills running all through his arms and back.

minho lead down to jisung's neck, placing a harder kiss there, and stopping.

he heard jisung panting, and everything felt hotter.

the way jisung was breathing told him to carry on- to not stop what he was doing.

jisung let out a quiet whine, a breathy and tiny one. and minho was absolutely going to go crazy.

he leaned forward to attach his lips to jisung's neck again- however there was a ring of the doorbell- catching the two boys off guard and startling them.

'oHMYGOD what am i doing!?!' minho caught himself, and both of them were slapped back into reality and jumped away from each other.

jisung's face was RED.

it was absolutely blaring scarlet, embarrassed of his noise and from being too caught up in the moment.

and minho slapped a hand over his mouth- face growing red as well.

jisung covered his face with his hand, melting.

"ohmygod im sorry i didn't mean to get carried away!" minho swore, his hands waving to excuse what just happened.

"oh uh- h-haha it's um okay..! i mean it's not like I hated it! uh! i mean it was nice- i mean okay!!" jisung was a blabbering mess, stuttering and stumbling over his words.

he felt even more embarrassed from what he was saying and the door bell rang three more times. he jumped up using the door as an excuse.

"um, door! i mean the door, uh i mean someone's here! i should answer!!" jisung stumbled, face getting worse.

"ah.. right! yeah go ahead!" minho agreed, remembering what was going on.

jisung flung himself down the stairs and to the front door, calming his face down before he went to open the door. "ah yes?" he poked his head out.

"oh! junseo, hi!" jisung nervously laughed- trying to hide the fact that anything at all was happening.

"hey jisungie!" he smiled brightly. "how's my favorite boy doing?" he asked, as jisung moved aside and motioned him to come inside.

junseo had a plastic bag in his hands, and items inside that jisung couldn't see.

"im okay!" jisung closed the door behind him, smiling politely.

however junseo paused and looked at the shorter boy in front of him, observing his face.

"were you eating something spicy? your lips are swollen." junseo asked concerned, bringing his hand up to touch jisung's lips.

however the boy felt embarrassed and quickly covered his mouth. "ahh.. yes! something very spicy! haha.."

jisung then sweetly smiled back, to alter any suspicion, offering to take junseo's jacket for him, however junseo assured that it was fine.

"oh yeah, i came over because you texted me about your injuries." the brunette sat down on the couch, going through the plastic bag as jisung was going to go sit next to him. "how are you feeling? i brought some ice packs and food for you-"

"jisung, what is he doing here?"

junseo was cut off and looked up to see minho staring back at him with this degrading look to his eyes.

in that moment the two locked eyes and suddenly the atmosphere felt different.

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