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"you're fucking kidding me."

jiho dropped the pole he had hit minho over the head with, sighing loudly as if to show how satisfied he was.

"don't be so happy to see me," he mused, and that was when minho could clearly see his face.

he was still injured from the last time they had fought, his eye bruised and his lip still busted.

this is all because minho wanted to sit in peace and eat his fucking bread.
this would be the absolute last time he tried to enjoy the chilly weather alone. ever.

he mentally groaned for his stupid decision. "listen, you better move out of my way before you end up like how you did last time." minho picked himself up from the floor, shaking off the pain in his head and glancing at his hand for a second.

he got annoyed with the fact that he indeed was bleeding.

"do you think i would find you just to let you go?" jiho shook his head and clicked his tongue. "i know you ain't that stupid lee minho."

at this point the longer jiho was speaking the more aggravated minho became.

"okay then, what the fuck do you want?"

jiho slumped back into the brick wall, staring at minho. "let me explain something to you," it looked like he was playing with something in his pocket. "allow me to give some background."

minho really, really didn't care to listen to this. he quickly looked past jiho to see if anyone was there, and of course no one was. they never were.

minho didn't ask for a whole 'life story' but right now it didn't really look like he had a choice. he tried to think of what to do while jiho started to speak.

"listen, i was a troubled child no surprise. i've been abused, neglected. i tried to end everything twice when i was only twelve. but one thing i did enjoy was pain." jiho stared into minho's eyes again, and minho knew something was wrong.

"i wanted to hurt people, i wanted to do horrible things. i was able to suppress some of it and stuck to harming animals and shit, but let me tell you right now- you, lee minho, are what caused me to fucking break. and that's why fulfilling what i've wanted since a child will be so fucking satisfying."

and that was when minho slowly started to realize, that he was talking to someone who wanted to murder.

he took a big step back, eyeing him. "you can't be serious," the fact minho was talking to a psychopath didn't set in.

he couldn't have been serious.

there was no way that the one person who was so dedicated to hurting jisung- could have been wanting to murder.

why did things end up going down this fucked up path?

it didn't make sense, and minho literally couldn't wrap his head around the fact people like that existed- yet alone that he was standing in front of one of them.

minho wasn't scared, but he was so uneasy.

a bead of sweat was forming on his temple, as he felt his heart speed up and his adrenaline run high the second he saw jiho pull out a knife from his pocket.

"i'm not fucking around anymore." it was in that moment minho was able to tell what was wrong with jiho's eyes.

they were crazy.

minho had no idea what the fuck to do.


jisung swung his legs in the air, sitting upside down on the couch and watching the tv, bored.

he looked at his phone again and pouted from not seeing any new messages.

he put it back down, and rolled over and fell off the couch in a loud thump.

his legs fell back to the ground as his head leaned to the side to read the time on the clock.

"it's been ten minutes, and he said five." he puffed out, sitting up and grabbing his phone again.

jisung: minmin
donde está
ive learned a new language for you

jisung's smile faded once he realized that his messages were no longer even going through.

'did he turn off his phone?' jisung questioned, sending another text to see again.

jisung: minho?

and yet again it wasn't going through.

confused he sat back on the couch, muting the tv for silence as he tried to call him.

he held the phone to his ear however his call completely failed. it didn't even ring.

"i was just talking to him.." jisung tried to call one more time yet nothing went through.

there was no way to reach minho, and apparently he was supposed to be home in five minutes yet he wasn't there yet.

jisung had no idea what could've possibly happened, but he knew minho wouldn't just shut off his phone.

jisung turned off the tv and the lights as he quickly shoved on slippers, not even bothering to put on long pants even if his legs would be cold.

when he got to minho's house he put on his pajamas, which were shorts that stopped above his knees and a t-shirt. so he prayed it wouldn't be too cold.

right as he booked it out of the house, he ran into someone and fell back- hard.

he heard two loud "ow!"s and looked up to see seungmin and hyunjin.

"what the hell jisung you could've killed us-"

"where did you guys just walk from?" jisung sprawled to his feet, making seungmin and hyunjin pause and look at each other, confused.

seungmin stood up and pulled hyunjin up too. "we came from the left." he pointed in the direction in which they came from the theatre.

"we had to walk this way so we wanted to come say hi.." hyunjin explained, looking behind jisung at the house. "where's minho?"

he then looked at jisung who made a face, as if to cover him panicking, smiling awkwardly. "i don't know."

he then looked past hyunjin and seungmin, pointing. "you didn't see him when you two were walking?"

they both shook their head.

"i gotta go-" jisung quickly went past them, as he went to go find minho.

hyunjin looked at seungmin and groaned.

"why do they keep losing each other? just stay in one place and be together! it's not hard! jesus we gotta put a bell on both of them." he shook his head, and seungmin laughed a little as hyunjin grabbed his hand and stomped inside minho's house.

jisung started walking to the convenience store, assuming that minho would still be there.

it didn't take long mostly because jisung was rushing, but once he burst through the doors he looked around.

nearly no one was there, only like two customers and both of them were female.

jisung went up to the person at the counter. "have you seen a boy come here? he has black hair and was wearing a hood and-"

"woah woah calm down there." the man couldn't really understand him well. "wait, aren't you the kid?" he pointed out, and realizing what the man meant jisung felt his face go hot.

he felt embarrassed as to what he was remembered by.

he quickly shook off the insecurity.

"your friend came in here not too long ago.  he left after buying some stuff, is everything okay-"

"thank you! have a nice night!" jisung smiled and quickly bowed as he turned to go look back at the way back home, tripping over his slippers.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now