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"hey hey it's okay, just breathe." minho had his hand on jisung's back- who had been on the bathroom floor, throwing up almost everything he had eaten just moments ago.

"h-hurts.." jisung tried to mutter through his hard breaths, yet another wave of pain dwelled in his stomach.

he immediately started throwing up back into the toilet- throat burning through his coughs and gagging as his stomach acid poured through his mouth.

he was panting- unable to catch his breath as the cycle happened all over again.

"ji, don't worry i'm here.." minho ran his fingers through jisung's hair loosely as he sat next to the boy.

jisung had tears pooling from his eyes, not from crying but from coughing up the contents in his stomach so much.

after he caught his breath, and lifted his hand up and waved it slightly. "im mm-okay." he tried to relieve.

to be fair though, jisung should've known that eating was still a bad idea. who know what was wrong with his stomach after being kicked so much.

minho moved and sat behind jisung, and he leaned back into minho's arms, as minho wrapped his arms around jisung's waist.

he fit perfectly.

"it's okay." minho soothed. "drink some water," he gave jisung the water bottle- which he gratefully took.

yet when he drank it his throat hurt more as the acid washed down his throat.

"alright... i think it's done," he muttered out, out of breath.

minho felt jisung's fast beating heart through his back.

every time something happens involving health- the heart tends to speed up. it speeds up from stress of the situation.

and jisung's heart was running miles.

minho rested his chin on jisung's shoulder, pressing a slight kiss just to the side of jisung's neck before. "it'll be alright."

and at this suddenly jisung's heartbeat just increased rapidly, however minho couldn't see his face.

yet after a few seconds minho felt jisung's heartbeat slow down- and decrease as he was getting calmer.

"hyung," jisung asked through the silence, catching minho's attention.

"mh?" was all minho replied with, head still resting on his shoulder.

"i uh.. thank you for this. i have to thank everyone else later.." jisung recalled.

minho drew back and flicked jisung arm, making the younger look at him confused.

"and don't you ever do something like that again! going by yourself." minho scolded, and jisung sighed and nodded his head.

"it's fine-"

"what if we didn't show up in time jisung? what if the damage was worse?" minho looked at jisung's face, who just sat there.

"i would've been fine.." jisung mumbled through puffed cheeks.

and minho looked at him as if he were joking. "fine? ji your stomach might be seriously damaged from getting kicked in."

and to this jisung waved his hand. "it's just because it took me a while to eat again," he complained.

"im calling your bullshit," minho poked his cheek. "i saw the marks."

and at this jisung immediately shot back a look, a red color flooding over his cheeks. "h-how? when?"

"when i changed you out of your clothes," minho grinned playfully, yet it made jisung flush even more.

jisung decided not to say anything to embarrass himself, so he didn't.

at that point minho allowed jisung to take a shower and brush his teeth. he was probably feeling gross, so minho didn't complain at all.

after all- he couldn't complain when it comes to jisung.

jisung could stomp on his heart literally, and minho would still love him just as much.

in fact, he loved him so much that just as jisung hopped into the shower minho quickly got up and went to the kitchen.

he went through the cabinets and got out a mug and a packet of tea to make for jisung once he got out.

the house was cold around this time, so he knew that jisung would be cold after he got out.

once he was able to get everything he began making the hot drink.

while mixing everything together- minho was thinking to himself.

after his conversation with jisung, he knew what he wanted to do.

he wanted to make jisung feel loved.

this was regardless if jisung shared his feeling back or not.

he would love jisung with all his heart, and he would show him that he mattered.

minho decided that he would just have to be there for him, no matter what.

after twenty minutes minho heard the shower stop, and knew that jisung was probably going to be out soon.

he brought everything to the living room and placed the mug on the table in front of him.

just then jisung opened the door and popped his head out, pouting.

minho smiled at the boy, whose hair was wet and messily thrown around.

minho gave jisung another one of his hoodies, because honestly he loved how jisung looked in them.

maybe it was because it was so big on him, or maybe because he liked the fact that jisung was wearing something that belonged to him. it was almost like saying jisung was his.

"my stomach and throat hurts," the younger pouted, old clothes in his arms.

minho stood and wrapped his arms around jisung in a comforting hug. "aw its okay," he sang.

after hearing jisung laugh a little, minho took his clothes and decided to put it in the wash.

"i made you tea, its on the table in the living room," minho said, going downstairs before jisung could even answer.

the younger looked, and sure enough there the hot drink was. jisung smiled to himself at the gesture, moving to sit down on the couch.

once minho got back he brought a big warm blanket and wrapped it around jisung.

"okay now let's watch a movie," he suggested, sitting down on the other couch.

at this, jisung patted the spot next to him, "here." he demanded minho to sit next to him.

it was cute- yet minho told himself not to read into it.

he smiled and did what jisung wanted, scooting right next to him. jisung three the blanket over him too.

they picked a random movie and jisung shared his tea with minho, passing it to minho to have a sip whenever he felt like it.

"hey.." jisung began, "after this movie, do you wanna maybe come over to my house?" he asked. "my mom is out the whole day at work."

jisung offered- and minho thought about how this would be the first time jisung ever invited him over.

so he smiled slightly and nodded, "of course."

jisung looked relived that minho didn't reject him, as he sunk back into the blanket they were in.

in a short amount of time jisung had fallen asleep, minho moving his head on his shoulder gently.

he smiled down fondly at the sleeping boy- pressing his lips against his cheek.

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