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"there's seriously only five other people in this theater minho what the heck." jisung looked around to see three girls sitting grouped together and then a couple.

they all were secluded, sitting on the other side of the theater from the other group and even jisung and minho.

"told you. but hey that's good! we can basically talk normally without having to worry about disrupting others." minho said, and jisung agreed, nodding his head as he ate the red skittle in his hand.

the movie would start in a few minutes.

"oh hey off topic, but the green skittles are an abomination." jisung suddenly said, face twisting in disgust as he had two in his palm.

"i liked the lime ones so much better. whoever changed them makes me a special kind of disgusted." jisung was complaining, and minho took the two candies out of his hand.

making dead eye contact with jisung, he ate both of them.

jisung's face merged into one of disgust, staring at his boyfriend. "i take it back, i am now disgusted by my own boyfriend. that's it- i don't think we can be together."

"hannie they're not that bad, come on. gimme kiss. give me kith." he pronounced the word gross purposely as he gripped jisung's sleeve, who tried to maneuver away from his boyfriend's kissy lips.

"ew. me kissing a green apple skittle lover? could never imagine." jisung was pulled in close by minho, who still bothered him.

"kith, just one! give me a lil' smooch, right here. come on, pleasee." minho pointed to his lips, which jisung finally looked at.

even he couldn't help but break into a smile at the dorky older boy who sat next to him.

releasing a breath from his nose loudly, jisung rolled his eyes playfully.

he reached over, hand on his boyfriend's chin before he squished minho's face and pulled him close.

after a second of holding him there, he placed a soft kiss on his lips, lasting for a few seconds.

the minute jisung pulled away, he saw the love literally pooling from minho's eyes, his face still being squished.

"happy now?" he teased, letting go and giggling from seeing minho's expression in awe.

"holy shit that was cute." minho blurted, making jisung blush as he wrapped his arm around minho's.

"shush and feed me popcorn." he puffed out, as the movie started.

minho grinned at his cute boyfriend- and of course started to feed him.


"god that movie was AMAZING." jisung absolutely loved the movie, and throughout the film he kept pulling on minho's arm, asking if he 'saw that' at various parts.

"i might've cried." minho agreed, walking out of the theater and throwing out their trash on the way out.

"no way! did you?" jisung laughed and minho pretended to wipe away his invisible tear.

"im a sensitive guy, okay!" he complained as jisung laughed.

"no seriously, what part? i cried twice."

the two of them walked to the car, holding hands as jisung continued the conversation.

"mm during that one really cool shot. the animation and music got to me." minho explained as jisung nodded enthusiastically.

"same! i cried there and the part with his dad talking to him through the door." he explained, fanning his eyes. "the whole thing was art. art i say!"

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now