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"woah i never been to this cafe before." jisung looked up at the sign.

in fact- this one was brand new.

hyunjin looked over at seungmin, smiling evilly. "is this our date?" he judged as the other rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"shut up." he shook his head as hyunjin followed behind closely as they picked their seat.

"one day~" he coed, making seungmin face palm.

minho sat down, looking tiredly at the selections on the menu type thing on the table.

all day so far everyone noticed how tired he looked. especially jisung, who sat next to him, with his head tilted as he poked minho's arm.

"why are you so sleepy today?" he pouted at minho's messy hair.

"i didn't sleep well," he smiled and ruffled jisung's hair, affectionately. "but don't worry about me, i'll get coffee so i'll wake up."

honestly, minho felt better just being near jisung.

the younger boy just smiled his gummy smile and nodded.

everyone was looking at the choices.

"jisung what are you getting?" he heard felix ask, who had already decided on chocolate cake.

jisung looked over everything. "mm i don't know." he replied honestly.

"look here." minho had spoke, leaning over and pointing at a spot on the menu. jisung gasped.

"they have cheesecake oh my god-" he lit up at the sight, and smiled brightly. "im getting that." he bounced.

minho was finally happy to see jisung enjoy one of his favorite foods again.

chan was sitting next to minho on his other side- and ever since he saw minho that morning he knew something was bothering him.

he nudged him with his shoulder as seungmin memorized all the orders and ordered what everyone wanted.

"is there a reason you look like you've walked out from the grave?" chan joked, half serious.

minho released a breath in the form of a laugh, running his hand through his hair. "im good. hungry is all," he assured, his smile convincing the other.

however jisung's voice was brought in.

"minho minho minho," jisung had been extra hyper today. the reason, unknown but all minho could say was that he loved seeing the life in jisung's eyes.

however he was being also very clingy. he was in a mood today.

"yes?" minho mused onwards, turning his attention to jisung, who just smiled dumbly from his eyes on him.

"whatcha doing?" he asked, as if a little kid.

even though tired, minho couldn't help but release a breath as he held back a snort from how cute jisung was being.

"talking to you~" he replied in the same tone jisung had used with the same tune.

"did you order something to eat?" jisung asked, not recalling if minho had said he ordered food.

minho shook his head, playing with a pack of sugar that was on the table. "coffee should be enough for me." he replied, shrugging slightly.

however jisung didn't take this for an answer. "uh uh i'm sharing my food with you then." he shook his head and decided.

however minho immediately waved his hand. "hey no wait you don't-"

"besides i owe you for absolutely beating your ass in smash bros." jisung added, teasing playfully.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now