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the three set up the two sleeping bags on the floor, in front of the bed and placed the snacks in the middle.

"okay," minho started.

"im not sleeping in the bed because i'm against that when i have guest over." minho began to explain. "so rock paper scissors it." minho motioned.

jisung and felix immediately shot each other a glare, as if to say 'that bed is mine,'

"okay, in positions!" minho announced in a changed tone. "ready~"

jisung and felix were sitting in front of each other, getting ready to pick their weapon.

"rock, paper, scissors, and shoot!" he called as the two made their choice.

"I WON!" jisung screamed, picking paper and covering felix's rock. he jumped up, a gummy smile on his face from victory.

"alright it's settled, once we go to sleep jisung gets the bed." they all nodded in agreement.

they spent the longest time eating snacks and watching tv, curled up near each other, eyes fixated on the screen.

"you know what movie was really good but always freaked me out?" jisung spoke, taking a chocolate pretzel from the bowl. "coraline."

"ah right. i watched it with changbin when i told him, it's really good." felix explained, making jisung hum.

"hey how are you and changbin? are you guys really dating?" minho tilted his head, as felix thought.

"well, kind of? we act like it but we haven't said anything. but yes. we are dating." he smiled widely as jisung's eyes went wide and he clapped his hands.

"congratulations!" he cheered. "you guys are my favorite couple." he smiled.

"ah that is until chan and jeongin actually date." minho reminded, making them both laugh.

"you're right."

they continued to watch the tv until their eyes started to burn from the light in the dark room. "ahh we should sleep." felix mumbled, tiredly.

"yeah it's pretty late." minho sighed, standing and stretching. he got all the empty bowls and put them on the desk as yawned.

felix had slid his way in the sleeping bag- however jisung was falling asleep already.

minho smiled and kneeled down near the younger. "hannie go in bed." he poked his cheek and he hummed, half asleep.

"come on," he spoke as if he were talking to a cute child. he held jisung's hand and pulled him up, bringing him to the bed and pulling the blanket over the nearly passed out boy.

once jisung was tucked in bed he turned off the tv and went into his own sleeping bag.

"goodnight!~" felix said to which minho replied.



the power did end up going out.

the rain and the eventual thunder banged outside.

however when the power went out everyone was asleep in the house.

it was near 3:00 am when one person however began to stir awake.

jisung had sat up, eyes still closed and his hair a fluffy mess.

he rubbed his eyes and was still more than half asleep.

however he got up on his feet, eyes barely opened as he felt around the floor slightly. "mm..minho..." he mumbled, on a mission.

he was feeling around and then felt a hand in the dark.

he sleepily smiled to himself as he recognized it as minho's hand, and he pulled on it upward.

minho eventually got up- and he was even more asleep than jisung was.

he felt someone tugging on his arm which woke him up a little, making him tiredly murmur as he just blindly followed the movement.

he was too tired to think at that moment so he went with it.

the younger, practically sleeping, boy dragged minho to the bed, plopping down and moving so that minho could lay next to him.

once minho was there too, jisung smiled and pulled the blanket over both of them, arm flinging over minho as he moved minho's arm to wrap around his waist.

he moved so that his head was under his chin, eyes still shut. minho's scent washed over jisung, making him doze off into another sleep.

both were out like a light.


the morning came fast, and the sun began to rise yet didn't reach the room as felix closed the black curtains in the room once he suddenly woke up from the light, crashing back to sleep after.

it looked as if it were still night time in the dark room, and minho began to wake up first.

he rubbed his eyes and yawned, stretching his body and sighing sleepily to himself.

his eyes stayed close for a while, however the moment he opened them it was hard to adjust to the dark light in the room.

he sat up and looked around sleepily, noticing how he was now in his bed compared from the night before.

confused, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked around, eyes finally adjusting.

he saw the curtains over the window and looked down at the floor to see felix sprawled out, unconscious and not even in his sleeping bag. just on the floor.

he looked right next to him and that's when he realized jisung was sleeping right next to him.

wait what? he didn't remember moving last night.

he went to rub his eye some more but he couldn't move his right hand. jisung was clinging onto it in his sleep, and that was when minho even realized.

jisung was hugging minho's hand close to his body.

minho felt his heart beating in his throat, as he hesitantly laid back down next to jisung, facing the younger.

he felt jisung grip his hand tighter as he shifted slightly from the movement that minho had made.

'oh my fucking god he's so cute- fuck.' minho's mind was racing as he looked at jisung's face. he always liked looking at jisung's sleeping face- but now that he grew feelings for him he felt his mind race.

his beating heart began to calm down, and he found his mind coming back to him.

still staring at jisung, he gently moved a piece of stray hair away from his eyes. he tucked it behind jisungs ear and smiled fondly to himself.

he really liked him.

a thought came to his mind which made his heart race once more. he sighed softly to himself.

he leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on jisung's cheek and brought the boy closer in his arms, hugging him tightly as if he would disappear if he'd let go.

even though he might've not been tired anymore, he ended up falling back asleep with time.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now