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"minho, you know it's not your fault."

minho stayed silent as the words left seungmin's mouth.

it had been three days.

jisung had been getting better, however he hadn't woken up yet.

it was a matter of when now.

the night visits began to be cut short, as they started to shut off jisung's room late at night so he could rest easy.

of course night would be the hardest part for minho, but the others really helped him and encouraged him that everything was going to be okay.

but now today was the day they predicted jisung would wake up.

they all sat in the room, they've been there for a while now.

"we're going to go get something to eat, who's going too?" hyunjin got up, knowing that everyone had to eat soon.

"we'll go." chan agreed, looking back at minho who was nearly falling asleep, holding securely on jisung's hand.

"we should leave him alone.." he whispered to hyunjin, who nodded his head and agreed.

"minho you want anything?" chan made sure to ask, even though he already knew the answer.

"no im okay." he mumbled, giving chan a hard time.

"alright you're getting a banana muffin." he deadpanned, not going to stand for minho slipping a meal.

as the others left the room quietly minho sighed and looked up at jisung's face.

"i miss you, so wake up." he pouted, however half of his tone was made up of just pure sadness.

he stared at jisung's face as if he would get a reply, even though in his heart he knew he wouldn't have.

he leaned up and placed a firm kiss on jisung's cheek, falling back into the chair once more and his eyes adverting back to the screen tv in the room.

the channels were boring.

his tired eyes glazed over whatever was playing, not interesting him at all. yet he knew he had to put his mind to something or else he would only get worse.

jisung's phone was put to charge on the side by minho, even though the screen was kind of shattered.

minho continued to blindly watch the tv in the relatively silent room.

however just as he switched the channel jisung's phone started buzzing repeatedly.

minho of course looked at the screen, pausing from reading the callers ID.

he sighed deeply and looked off to the side, before quickly swiping the phone in his hands.

he stood up after grabbing the phone, releasing jisung's hand as he got up to leave the room into the hall.

he swiped answer, putting the phone to his ear after rolling his eyes. "what do you want june-"

"jisung, where is he..? is he okay? what happened to him?" the boys voice was full of concern and worry, as he began to just flood questions to minho.

"why are you calling?" minho's deadpan voice caused junseo to release a shaky breath he'd been holding onto.

"listen minho, i don't care if we like each other or not, just please tell me what happened. please, i have to know, you can't do that to me.. is jisung okay?" his voice sounded like he was about to crack.

and that's when minho softened slightly- hating himself for doing so.

he sighed another sigh, before leaning his back on the wall slightly. "he's in hospital." he put, making junseo sound worried even more.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now