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the rest of that movie was watched in silence.

jisung was aggressively holding onto minho's hand, and minho was even nervous in the beginning- not knowing what to do.

he looked over at chan for help- but he just gave a thumbs up enthusiastically.

minho then looked back at jisung, who looked annoyed, eyes glued onto the tv screen.

"so uh how are yo-"

"shut up."

minho was startled at jisung's voice. yeah- jisung was mad.

was this a good thing?

maybe this was jisung being jealous? honestly minho had no idea what to do.

still, minho found his eyes trailing down to their hands, and a soft smile formed on his lips.

he found it cute how jisung was jealous.

he was still happy to finally be holding jisung's hand again, and he slightly squeezed it and he saw jisung's expression soften as he still looked at the screen.

minho felt better in that moment.

however the movie of course came to it's end, and the night became late.

it was funny, because the one person who was oblivious to everything that had been happening, was jeongin (seungmin was smart and he figured it out).

yet he didn't question his weird hyungs.

"channie i'm tired. wanna sleep over tonight?" jeongin looked up, and chan smiled sweetly, his dimple showing.

"sure. alright guys i think it's time to call it a day," he spoke, looking back at jisung and minho.

minho looked fine, while jisung was still angrily clinging onto minho's hand.

"alright, thanks for staying over. bye guys," minho waved to the rest leaving, directing his thanks to hyunjin and chan.

felix shot a pair of finger guns to both jisung and minho, as he gripped tightly on changbin's arm while leaving.

the moment the door shut, minho looked down at jisung, who had his eyes closed and didn't want to look at minho.

minho hummed and tilted his head, "you alright ji?" he went to poke his cheek but jisung smacked his hand away.

he finally let go of minho's hand and got up, putting on his coat to leave.

minho got up and grabbed ahold of jisung's arm before he could've opened the door, "woah woah what's wrong?-"

"you're a jerk!" jisung turned back to face him, his cheek puffed out. "why were you being so distant to me..?" he complained.

"..were you mad at me..?" jisung's expression became soft. he looked hurt.

minho knew that this was a bad idea.

and immediately minho panicked, quickly shaking his head.

"no, no! i wasn't mad at you jisung," he said, approaching the younger and wrapping his arms around him securely.

he heard jisung release a breath, hugging minho back. "and when did you and felix get so close?" he mumbled.

"and you didn't invite me to a sleepover yet you invited felix?"

minho chuckled, yet half surprised. "felix didn't sleepover, it was just the other three. and he was having a hard time with changbin so i was helping," okay yeah he kinda lied.

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