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after the whole 'mom' situation, minho helped jisung calm down from his anger and washed his face for him, putting a band aid on the scratch on his face.

they put on a movie on the tv, randomly finding anything on netflix and putting it on for background.

"hey, do you wonder what happened with hyunjin and seungmin?" jisung spoke, pulling back to see minho's eyebrows raise.

"yeah actually, kinda." he admitted, taking out his phone and looking at the screen. "wanna call?" he asked and jisung nodded.

jisung got the remote, pressing pause on the movie while minho dialed the number and hit call.

he put the phone on speaker, replying once it got answered. "hey hyunjin it's jisung and minho and-"

"um i'm kinda busy right now." hyunjin replied on the other end of the phone.

minho scoffed, "doing what?" he questioned.

"i'm with seungmin." minho could practically hear the blush in his voice, and he found it funny.

"oh?" jisung mused, looking at minho and trying not to laugh. "doing what?"

"we're literally at the movie theaters on the line for popcorn." hyunjin deadpanned. "you guys have dirty minds."

"you're literally the last person on this planet to speak hwang hyunjin." minho shot back, leaning back shaking his head.

"well have fun! we were just checking if you caught up with him or not." jisung cheekily smiled, even if hyunjin couldn't see it.

"yeah he told me to tell you guys never to mention what he did again. he said he's so embarrassed he could die." hyunjin warned, but of course he should've known that this would only drive the two to want to mention it.

"alright, noted. have fun on your date~" minho sang before hanging up and laughing a bit. "looks like things worked out in their favor."

jisung nodded, stretching.

"oh, babe i have to go out soon to get some things. i ran out of toothpaste and milk again. i swear to god whoever is chugging my milk i'm gonna end up fighting." minho sighed, not wanting to get up from the warmth of the couch.

"oh okay, can i come?" jisung asked, sitting straight up as minho put on his shoes.

"honey you should stay, you had a stressful day. you could use a little bit of sleep and you can also take a warm bath too." he smiled and kissed his nose. "i'll be quick too."

jisung flopped down into the beanbag, nodding. "finee," he wiggled around making minho fondly smile.

"be right back," he waved and blew jisung a kiss as he left.

he put up the hood of his jacket, and the air smelled mossy.

it had of course rained yesterday, and the ground was grossly moist, and at some parts was even slippery.

minho put his hands in his pockets as he looked past the buildings to focus on getting to the convenience store.

one he arrived he stared at the door for a little before walking in.

the last time he was here was when he went looking for jisung.

he shook the memory out of his head, feeling his head hurt a bit just from thinking about it.

he looked over and saw multiple people working now.

after the whole situation the store hired more people so that nothing like that could happen again.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now