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"minho!" jisung smiled back, quickly diving into the hug that minho extended his arms for.

"holy shit, we heard about what happened. that's a crazy story but honestly it kinda makes you sound like a badass." felix blurted, taking a seat near minho's bed, and making minho laugh.

"i am a badass, for your information."

chan was next to sit down. "but you seem really well right now?" he said kinda surprised that minho's condition improved this much from what he was told.

a lot of hours passed by during the process of the procedure- which was why jisung stayed up for so long.

"yeah i'm fine don't worry. they did their stuff well." minho smiled, but then he looked back at jisung.

"ji why are you so cold..?" he asked, as jisung pulled away from the hug, with relief present in his eyes.

honestly if he didn't burst out into tears with minho's mom, he would've burst into tears right then.

but in a way he was glad that he didn't because he wanted minho to be happy, not sad.

"i'm okay." jisung studied minho's features again, with loving eyes.

minho still had the breathing mask on but it did help to know that it was mostly for support- he didn't completely rely on it anymore.

"aw you're trembling," minho frowned as he used his hands to rub jisung's hands and arms, attempting to warm him up.

"so, jiho really was a crazy after all huh?" changbin questioned, pulling felix to stand up so he could sit, then pulled felix to sit on his lap.

"uh-huh. the actual craziest." minho confirmed, making a face as if to say 'you guys don't even know'.

minho held jisung's hand- who kept smiling in a relief that minho appeared to be so good.

and as if of cue, hyunjin and jeongin flew closer, resting their hands on their chins as their eyes beamed with interest.

"so what did it feel like getting stabbed?"

"how many stitches do you have in you?"

"can i see them?"

"can you feel them right now?"

minho chuckled a bit and once they stopped flooding him with questions, chan butted in.

"guys calm it a bit, he just woke up and still should rest." he smiled at minho, who mentally thanked him.

he really was exhausted from all the chaos from the past few hours.

he actually didn't remember much at all. it's all hazy and blurry, but honestly he didn't mind it.

"we all should go down to the cafeteria and bring back food." changbin suggested, and everyone seemed to become hyper at the mention of food.

"yeah i'm so hungry." felix jumped up, turning to minho. "what would you like?" he questioned.

"uh, just a sandwich or something." he spoke, and felix nodded.

"i'll stay here with him." jisung dug in his pocket, hoping that he at least had a few dollars. he brightened when he found three dollars in there, shoving it to chan.

"please get me anything sweet." he asked, and chan did finger guns.

"you got it. alright! we'll be back!" they waved and rushed downstairs to finally eat something because they were all so hungry.

minho once again, landed his eyes on jisung. "you okay? were you hurt?" he asked, observing him.

jisung broke out into another smile, releasing a little breath while doing so.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now