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"oh w-what are you doing?-"

"don't worry about it." minho simply said, taking the plastic bag afterwards and then paying for his milk.

"where are you off to?" he then turned to jisung holding both bags in his hands.

jisung was stuffed in shock, unable to reply quick enough.

"home.." he trailed off trying to figure out what really happened.

"cool, me too. wanna come over?"

minho was straight forward, to the point where jisung could only blink and stare at him.

the line was moving up, and minho gently moved jisung up so that the person behind them wouldn't get mad, and encouraged him to walk along side him.

"so? how does that sound?"

"uhh.. like you want me to come over?.." it sounded foreign.

"yeah, get to know each other and stuff." minho suggested. "won't that be cool?"

jisung swore this had to be a joke. some kind of joke. so like he normally would, he stood and waited for the laughter to kick in from the other.

they were outside now, jisung waiting for minho to admit it was a joke, standing still as the wind thrashed their clothes and hair around.

yet minho continued to wait the same way jisung was.

then slowly he starts to realize. "are you kidding? because if you are you should just tell me." jisung said, going to grab ahold of his bag that was tightly in minho's grip.

"what? no." minho moved the bag towards his body slightly more. "im not joking. you don't have to if you don't want to, if that's the case."

"im unsure why you'd want that. why anyone would want that," jisung explained, mouth slightly curling upwards at the end in some kind of realization that no one really liked him enough to be around him.

however minho didn't let this go said, "you're my friend now. i mean i want you to be my friend.. and i think it might rain again so you should make a decision now." minho remarked, a slight smile to his lips.

after uncertainty with what minho could possible want with jisung, the younger slowly nodded his head.

this action made minho grin sheepishly and grab ahold of his arm and lead the way to his home.

"how should i trust you though?" jisung asked while getting pulled along by his sleeve.

"what do you mean?" minho asked, tilting his head and walking.

"ah i mean why." jisung corrected himself. "we barely know each other."

"don't you want to?" minho asked and jisung paused.

"what if you kill me?"

"i'd need energy which i don't have for that. also if you really need your items, i technically own them. i mean, i paid for them however i wouldn't mind sharing if you accompany me." minho shrugged.

"im pretty sure that's blackmail." jisung blanked.

"huh im sorry what was that? i couldn't hear you over the sound of me winning at life."

jisung silenced himself from any other questions, his mind going to what he said. he realized the "worse" thing that could happen would be if he got killed which didn't bother him.


they arrived at minho's house where he gave jisung his bag and put the milk in his fridge.

"we're going to watch a movie." minho claimed, sitting in front of the tv and turning it on.

hesitantly jisung looked at the spot next to minho, and slowly sat down there. "oh okay."

after noticing the large distance between himself and jisung, minho made a large movement and sat next to jisung comfortably.

"so!" he let out. "what do you wanna watch?" he asked going to the options.

jisung felt nervous. "uh.. anything."

"alright. you gave me the permission just to let you know." he spoke, making jisung question him for a while until he noticed he put on IT.

"the original is better than the remake change my mind," he claimed as he pressed on the remade movie.

jisung let out a loud "pfft." as he shook his head. "uneducated."

minho paused and put his hand over his chest and gasped quietly, from his comment and the tone. "you're not serious."

"i mean, IT got popular from the remake." jisung shrugged. "its only the truth."

"untrue!" the older pointed. "people loved the book and the movie."

"okay, but which movie sparked a whole group of people who dedicate their time and money on it? which movie had more merch?"

after hearing this, minho immediately shut himself up, sinking back into the couch in defeat. "alright fine, i'll give you that."

jisung smiled a little to himself as he found the situation kinda funny. minho analyzed the smile and felt himself feel happier.

"are you scared of horror movies?" minho asked, smirking as he waited for the answer to be yes.

"ive seen this one so many times im not afraid by it." jisung tilted his head. "i can watch it a hundred times and like each time."

"im satisfied with that answer."


they sat down and watched the movie to its end.

minho found himself enjoying the company jisung was providing him.

yeah, he always has chan and jeongin, and changbin with felix.

but his company felt different, and almost lighter.

they didn't even have to talk in order for him to feel comfortable. the sounds of crunchy popcorn was enough to satisfy his ears with the need of talking.

to be honest jisung kind of sounded like a bunny eating a carrot or hay, and it was cute. minho was amused by his munching.

jisung on the other hand was completely gone in the movie. he hadn't watched a movie in so long, it felt unreal.

he had a lot going on and he never really sat down to watch anything, and he forgot how good it felt.

especially with someone else.

jisung couldn't remember the last time he watched a movie in anywhere other than his room or living room when no one was home.

even if jisung was nervous, even he felt comfortable there.

at one point minho got up, "do you want water?" he asked quietly.

jisung locked eyes with him and nodded, "yes please."

minho smiled at the mannerisms shown through his speech. he went to the kitchen and got back, handing jisung the water and then plopping back down into the spot he was before.

as he sat down, a huge wave of his scent naturally washed over jisung's nose.

he was fixated on the sent suddenly, pausing his attention to the movie.

he smelt like home.

but not his house, like a real home.

and he didn't smell like overpowering cologne, or have a sent that hurt his nose.

it was warmth.

people who smelt like that have the best scent out of everyone by default.

"you smell nice." immediately almost after saying this, jisung wanted to slap his hand over his mouth.

he didn't get shot a weird look by minho, and instead got a warm smile, as the boy focused on his eyes. "thanks."

and for some reason that compliment got to minho really well.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now