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"aegi shark du du du.."

"jisung just sit back," minho tried to calm the boy, and to allow him to sit comfortably on the couch.

they had arrived back at minho's house after Minho realized that he didn't know where jisung lived.

in the morning he could explain to his mother why he didn't come home, minho thought.

"eat your soup." he pointed to the bowl and jisung sat up and started eating.

"mm." he hummed and sighed. "thank you."

"you're welcome," he leaned his left side on the couch with his hand resting on his face.

he watched and observed how jisung was eating, staring fondly.

it was safe to say he enjoyed jisung being there.

he finished eating and minho took the dish and put it away in the sink to clean later.

he sat down back next to jisung, who was looking up at the ceiling in amusement, but silently.

minho looked at him and opened his mouth to say something- however he was cut off my jisung's voice.

"are you happy?"

it was a sudden question, yet it was simple. it kind of caught minho off guard. "am i happy?" he repeated.

"yeah," jisung proceeded forward, his icy eyes landing on minho which managed to give him chills. "are you happy?"

his pupils were dilated from the dimness of the room.

"im happy with life." minho answered, making jisung lean back and look at the ground, deep in thought.

"then why am i not.." he spoke to himself yet minho could barely hear it. jisung then looked minho in the eyes again with the same look. "do you know how lucky you are that you're happy?" he asked.

minho didn't know how he wanted him to respond to the question, so he answered with another question. "are you unhappy?"

"i don't think im ever happy." he spoke.

minho thought for a while. "well.. were you happy today?"

"that's temporary. in the moment yeah but once i go home or away it's not there anymore." his voice got lower. "why can't i be happy?"

hearing this sent sadness through minho as he saw jisung in genuine discomfort like he was stressed.

"ah i gotta go home." he murmured and sighed deeply, eyes closing as he leaned his head back.

"you could stay." minho said, and jisung shook his head.

"my mom is going to be mad." he said and his face scrunched up at the word.

"just tell her you stayed with me." he didn't want to send home a drunk jisung.

eventually jisung nodded. "she might not care again." again it was so quiet minho couldn't hear what he said.

"let's sleep." minho motioned for jisung to follow him.

instead of following him normally, jisung grabbed his hand when he stood up.

minho froze at this action, stopping and looking at their hands, then looked up at jisung's face.

"let's go." jisung motioned forward with his head, making minho snap out of it and walk.

"oh-yeah." he turned his attention back to in front of him as they went up the stairs, jisung's grip hanging on harder as they walked up.

when they walked into minho's room, he turned on the light and guided jisung to the bed. "you can sleep here." he said, unlacing their hands so he could tuck jisung in.

"mhm." the younger nodded as he fluffed down into the pillow.

minho pulled the big puffy white blanket he had over jisung to make sure he was warm.

"cozy?" he asked as jisung smiled in content. "good. sleep tight," minho then got up to turn off the bedroom light and leave.

once the light was off and he was about to close the door until he hear jisung whine. "wait." he called out, and minho paused to peek his head in, to see jisung untucked in bed and sitting up with a sad face.

"come back."

"i'll just be in the living room-"

"no. sleep here." he patted the spot to the right of him, a little aggressively, but minho found it funny.

"no it's okay, my couch is comfortable."

"please for me?"

jisung was pouting and continued to pat the spot next to him. "...alright." minho agreed.

jisung smiled widely and minho closed the door behind him, as jisung held the blanket open for minho.

once he laid down jisung turned his body so that he was facing minho.

minho has his eyes closed as he tried to fall asleep as quickly as possible, not wanting to keep jisung from sleeping.

however jisung was far from sleep, smiling dumbly.

at one point minho was able to feel his stare and he popped one eye open to be met with the energetic eyes of jisung.

"why are you staring at me?" he asked, amused with a raised eyebrow.

"you're cute." jisung mumbled, the tips of his fingers meeting minho's soft skin to observe him and all the details.

minho smirked a bit as he felt jisung's touch just at his nose. "you think so?" he asked, tone raising a little at the end playfully.

"yes." he smiled and then continued to touch his face. "reaally cute."

minho held back a breath as jisung used his other hand to grip his other cheek.

"your smile is the best." his voice got quieter. he whispered only for minho to hear, even though they were the only ones in the house.

"and your eyes." he said as his attention was set on minho's features- now set on his brown eyes.

and for once in his life minho didn't have it in him to make a joke. he looked at jisung's face, who wasn't noticing his stare.

"and your hair." he hummed, playing with the olders hair as minho only stared at him in silence.

"...and your lips."

okay, this was as close they could've possibly gotten- and minho did not expect anything to turn out this way.

"oh really?" he was walking on thin ice but he wanted to know what else jisung could possibly say.

"yeah. it's perfect." and finally jisung yawned and appeared to be getting sleepy.

he pulled his arms back and let his eyes close as he finally began drifting off into sleep.

it was a shame that lee minho was now wide awake with all these thoughts running through his head.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now