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when jisung said that he'd never been this nervous in his life before- he meant it.

the meal had been placed out on the table once minho's mother had finished cooking, and jisung was really really nervous.

he was sitting at the table as minho followed, washing his hands because he had been playing with soonie since she came there.

"alright, don't be shy!" the women came around to where minho was sitting, pinching his cheeks. "i know you missed my homemade cooking~" she teased as minho smiled and shook her hands off.

minho looked over at jisung as he picked up metal chopsticks, eyeing the boy who seemed stiff.

"hey you okay?" minho leaned over and whispered- and jisung quickly nodded.

he leaned in and whispered something to minho. "does she know we're dating?" and in reply minho shook his head.

"she's been too busy with work, i never get to talk to her." he whispered back and jisung gulped.

and that's when minho caught on, raising his eyebrow. "are you nervous?" he questioned, once again earning a nod as jisung shoved a wrap in his mouth.

"ah don't be!" he encouraged but that seemed to do absolutely nothing the moment minho's mother sat down- because jisung tensed more.

"so," the women started, minho sighing knowing that she would interrogate him. "how long have you lived here?"

jisung quickly swallowed his food before answering. "um.. i moved here four years ago." he explained.

she nodded as she started to eat. "ahh i see. so how did you and minho meet?" she smiled.

immediately jisung's eyes went to minho, who had just finished drinking some water.

jisung panicked internally as he waited to try and come up with something- until minho thankfully answered for him.

"i was getting milk one day and we ran into each other. we clicked." he explained.

not entirely true but not entirely a lie.

"ah yeah.." jisung nodded.

minho- wanting to save jisung from the nervousness- asked his mom a question.

"is soonie staying here for a while?" he asked, and she nodded.

"i thought i should because you both miss each other." she pouted. "so for a week, sound good?" she asked.

"of course, ugh i miss my sibling." he joked making his mom shake her head.

they continued eating. by this point jisung had managed to calm down, not feeling so intimidated because his mom seemed to be nice.

"how is the food?" she asked, looking at jisung eat.

he once again swallowed the food stuffed in his cheeks before smiling. "it's really good! thank you for cooking."

she smiled warmly and happily. "thank you!"

she then turned to minho as jisung continued to eat. "i like him. your friend has a good personality." she whispered, making minho smile.

"i know." he agreed.

soon they finished eating and jisung was the one to zoom up to help clean everything and put everything away.

he helped minho's mom clean the dishes.

and that was to her favor, and she grew to like the new guest.

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