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jisung's eyes were soft and filled with that look minho couldn't read.

and minho felt his heart speed up as if it was going to burst, his mouth growing dry at what jisung had said.

"jisung.. what-"

"kiss me.. please?.." his voice was tiny and he tugged on minho's shirt. yet there was still no hesitation to his voice. his eye contact not flaking.

even though minho's brain was shutting down, he looked at the situation and remembered.

he shook his head and looked at jisung, touching his shoulder.

"jisung you don't mean that, you're drunk. just go to sleep-"

"no minho i'm serious," jisung said, tugging slightly more. "i swear i'm not drunk." he slurred slightly.

minho sighed and shook his head once again, trying to just get jisung to sleep. "jisung no-"

"please?" he pleaded. "i won't tell jisung! just one..?"

minho knew that jisung would be resistant and against the idea of falling asleep until he got what he wanted- but he was drunk.

what did this mean? did jisung really want to kiss him? or was he just not in his right mind?

minho felt his heart pound in his throat, quickly leaning in and placing a kiss on jisung's cheek.

"there that was your kiss, now you have to sleep it's really late, jisung."

however the second minho tried to get up, jisung still wasn't satisfied.

"no that's not what i wanted." he pouted and held tightly onto minho's hand- whose face was starting to get red.

"a real kiss." jisung complained, eyes locking with minho's once more.

a real kiss? what the fuck did that mean? minho was about to go crazy.

"a-a real kiss?" minho questioned, looking at jisung's dilated eyes.

at this, jisung nodded his head and pointed to his lips. "here." he said.

minho knew he couldn't just do that. that would be taking advantage of him, right?

but he had no idea what to do. he was freaking out.

"jisung, again you're drunk. you don't know what you're saying. you're not going to remember any of this in the morning."

"i don't care! i'll sleep once you kiss me. i promise." jisung put his hand over his heart, saying that he crossed his heart.

and what the hell was minho supposed to do? he groaned loudly as he wished he was buried alive in a hole.

he loved jisung so much- and this would make everything worse for him.

when he imaged kissing jisung, he imagined them both being sober, for starters.

and he imagined it to be amazing. and of course he wanted to kiss jisung right now.

but it wasn't right if jisung wouldn't even remember. especially in this state.

after having an mental battle with himself, minho decided to just do it.

'fuck it,' he thought to himself, cupping jisung's face hesitantly.

why did it feel so right? to hold jisung like this?

minho's eyes landed on jisung's soft lips.

they were perfect, just like him. minho would be lying if he said he never looked at jisung's lips before, and wanted to kiss them.

minho's stomach was twisting with all kinds of butterflies.

he looked at jisung's eyes, and they were also alternating between minho's lips and eyes.

and he leaned in, for a second, pausing slightly from seeing jisung's eyes shut.

they were so close to each other.

minho could feel jisung's breaths against his skin, and he pulled back for a second.

smiling dumbly and releasing a breath, minho gently placed his finger on jisung's lips- making the boy's eyes open.

"tomorrow i'll give you a kiss." minho tilted his head with a fond smile.

with this jisung whined and dropped into minho's arms, his voice muffled from talking in minho's chest.

"you're so mean." he pouted, as he felt minho chuckle and loosely run his hand through his hair.

"okay let's sleep, we're both tired." minho spoke to the tired boy, who just grumbled and moved on the bed.

minho got the blankets and lifted them up for jisung to go under, also going under them as well.

as they lay down, jisung's back faced minho, and minho turned to face jisung- noticing this.

"aw are you mad at me?" he poked jisung's spine to which he flinched and turned around to face him in the bed.

"of course i am, dumbass." he mumbled, closing his eyes and trying to fall asleep, angrily.

minho let out a 'pfft' at jisung's cute pout.

he leaned it and pressed a kiss on jisung's forehead and then one on his cheek tenderly.

"still mad?" he asked as heard jisung's small giggles.

jisung peeked one eye open, pretending to still be mad, but he smiled and moved closer to minho, hugging him close.

"yes." he spoke, eyes feeling heavy with sleep. "you're so dumb hyung."

minho heard jisung mumble jokingly as he drifted off to sleep.

meanwhile minho finally was at the last point of the shutting down process- he became flustered and covered his deep blush with one of his hands.

this was bad.

he wouldn't be able to hold himself back next time.

that was such a close call.

why did jisung have to look at him like that? why was it so tempting?

minho felt his ears burning up- using his free hand to try and calm his face down as jisung passed out.

"oh mygod.." he whispered to himself, sighing and patting his face to get him to stop burning red.

his heart was too weak to handle that.

still minho couldn't help but imagine what it would've been like if he leaned in just a tiny bit closer.

what jisung's lips really felt like against his own.

'minho s t o p.' he shook those thoughts out of his head and forced his eyes shut- even if he weren't tired any more.

'go to sleep, go to sleep.' he scolded himself, staying still to not wake up the sleeping boy in his arms.

it was safe to say that anything that we're to happen in the future would be harder to handle, because minho was just so head over heels.

he groaned and sighed, finally feeling the sleep kick in once again.

he felt himself eventually drifting off to sleep- the thoughts of jisung running through his mind.

why the fuck was jisung so cute? it was so unfair. why must minho suffer?

that night it was safe to say they both fell asleep late as he thought of the boy in his arms and how he lowkey wished he kissed him.

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