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the movie was over and the night crawled outside.

the sky was dimming and everything became silenced out there, just how it normally was outside.

they were on their third movie when suddenly jisung's phone started ringing.

minho paused the movie and chewed on popcorn as jisung got out his phone.

he looked at the contact and stared for a while before he picked it up. "yes mom?"

"where are you?" her voice was flat and monotone.

"out. what do you need me for?" he asked, his eyes falling dimmer just like they were a few days ago.

minho looked at his eyes and noticed how they changed but wasn't able to distinguish how.

"i want you home."

"you don't call unless you need someth-"

"come home." she said and hung up the phone, making jisung feel alone even though there was someone next to him.

he turned off his phone and looked at minho. "i have to go." he just said, standing up and putting his phone is his pocket.

"wait already?" minho frowned and stood up, following jisung to the door to walk him out.

"yeah, thanks for today." he flatly said and turned to open the door before minho stopped and paused, putting his hand on the door before jisung could even open it.

"you okay?" he asked, studying how the smiley expression was completely gone as if it had no traces.

jisung nodded. "see you later."

and with that he turned out into the dark cold night, stepping down the three steps that lead to minho's door.

minho didn't want that to be the last thing said, so he followed slightly after. "can i have your number?"

he shouted kind of suddenly as if rushed. jisung turned and looked at him, for a while actually and minho thought he messed up.

"sure." he said and met in front of minho once more.

the older didn't really expect things to turn out this way, so he snapped himself out of it and got his phone from his pocket and gave it to jisung.

who now suddenly looked exhausted.

"here," he gave it back to minho with a slight smile to his lips, but his eyes didn't light up like his smiles before.

"okay, i'll call you later?" minho asked as jisung started leaving for real.

"yeah." he called back, and waved to the older.

minho felt a type of awe as he stared the younger down as he walked down the sidewalk.

he felt content about tonight.

he found himself wanting to hang out with jisung again, so he was glad he managed to remember to ask for his number or else this might've been the last time they hung out.

he looked down at his phone at the pretty number, and added it to his contact.


he couldn't help but humor himself by the name he added along with the number. he looked like a squirrel now that minho sat back and thought about it.

he finally closed the door, only realizing it was open from the gust of cold wind that came inside his house.

he then made his way back to the living room, smiling to himself on the way there.

he sat down before immediately remembering. "CEREAL."

he shot up and went to the fridge, opening it happily then pausing to himself.

there were two milk cartons there.

changbin never drank his milk, he just didn't see it.

his smile dropped as he realized he payed money for milk he didn't need.



"let's go clubbing tonight!" chan exclaimed, arms shooting up in the air as they walked down the sidewalk.

minho furrowed his eyebrows at the suggestion.

"yeah! let's go." felix and jeongin both said, equally excited and changbin nodded his head in agreement only because felix wanted to go.

"clubbing?" minho let his eyebrows fall and he stopped chewing on the straw for his icy drink. "why?"

"what do you mean why?" chan questioned. "you don't want to?"

minho sighed and caught his breath slowly from how long they've been walking, sitting down on a concrete cylinder there for decoration.

all of them went out together and had already gotten food. the sun was bright today, which lately felt rare.

"isn't it hot today?" minho leaned his head to the side. "and jeongin is too young." he states, making the younger pout.

"not true! i've been to parties before! and I won't drink either if you're worried about that."

"yeah see?" chan wrapped his arms around jeongin and waddled. "he's harmless." he poked his cheek to which jeongin nodded along.

"come on it'll be fun! we've gone there before too! they have good food also!" felix joined in on trying to convince minho, who has only ever gone once.

jeongin took a seat beside minho as he continued to think long about it.

"but won't it be too loud today too? it's friday." he warned, to which changbin shook him.

"don't be boring!"

he swatted his hands away. "i'll kill you. and im not in the clubbing mood you see," he put on a voice, and changbin laughed.

"okay we won't go then." chan decided, sighing a bit but then smiling in understanding.

"ah wait wait you guys can go still." minho waved his hand.

"it won't be the same without you." felix said, standing up and stretching and ready to go.

minho frowned and genuinely felt bad. "ah.. wait okay i'll go." he gave in.

"hyung you don't have to go if you don't want to." jeongin said, worried he felt like he was being forced.

"no no," minho said, eyes closed and sipping his drink. "i need to get out anyway." he let out.

however a huge idea sparked in his mind, making him gasp and brighten up.

"WAIT what if we invite jisung?" he suggested.

everyone looked at each other, a little confused.

"he was over my place yesterday, and he was really nice. what if he become friends with you guys? that'll be nice." minho took off his jacket from the heat of the sun, tying it around his waist as they all began walking again.

"oo you're right! we can finally see who you mentioned to us before." chan smiled at the idea.

"i agree, plus i wanna know if i recognize him." changbin said, and felix nodded.

"is he your friend hyung?" jeongin asked, curious.

minho looked at the blue sky, walking and thinking considerably. "hm. i don't know." he admitted.

"but im going to make him my friend if we're not."

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