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"guys wait- if minsung is a thing, does that mean changlix is a thing too?" seungmin put his coffee on the table at the cafe.

changbin stared him down, as felix tilted his head. "changlix?"

"you and changbin," he explained, making both minho and jisung laugh.

they were holding hands under the table, as they sat next to each other.

"ahh okay. then yes!" felix beamed happily, nodding his head making changbin nearly choke on air, not expecting it.

felix looked at his expression, sighing heavily. "oh come on! we're practically dating already binnie," he patted changbin's arm, who surprisingly didn't say anything.

"aww you guys are so cute~" jisung coed at the two, making felix widely smile.

"thanks! you and minho are cute too. it's about time you two admitted to each other." he laughed at jisung's face, as he narrowed his eyes at felix jokingly.

"shhhh." jisung hushed felix, leaning on minho. "time isn't important." he claimed.

minho looked at jisung, and in that moment hyunjin nearly flipped his shit.

"get you a mans who looks at you like minho looks at jisung." he clapped making both of them look confused.

"what do you mean?" minho questioned, confused.

"you have this thing." felix pointed slightly.

"thing?" minho repeated, raising his eyebrow.

"this look. the look, as i like to call it." chan intervened, making a point. "you have this thing where you look at jisung and smile- but it's so involuntary and subconsciously happens, i don't even think you realize you do it."

minho snorted and rolled his eyes, leaning back. "yeah right."

"no hyung it's a real thing!" even jeongin butted in. "you look like you see the world in his eyes and it's GROSS."

"ah jeongin you're just a mere child, one day you will experience that and you'll remember this day." changbin patted his arm dramatically.

jisung looked up at minho, "do you really do that?" he asked, and minho shrugged, a little surprised about what they were even saying.

"see? jisung doesn't see it-"

"that's only because it happens when he's not looking!" jeongin finished his cake, confirming what everyone else was saying.

"oh come on." minho sighed and picked at the crumbs on his plate. "you guys are just making things up now."

"we're really not though." seungmin rested his hand on his cheek, observing. "honestly i'm surprised it took this long from what i'm hearing."

minho was about to say something before chan suddenly jumped up, grabbing out his phone. "ya'll wanna see a picture of early minsung i took one day?" he beamed and went through his phone.

jisung's face went into confusion. "what on earth are you talking about?" he questioned. minho didn't even know what chan was talking about.

that was until chan spoke more, "it was the first time we went to the club with jisung back then." he smiled evilly as he went through his gallery.

minho knew exactly what he was talking about.

his eyes went wide and before he could snatch the phone from chan, the aussie already brought it up, showing seungmin who slapped a hand over his mouth.

"oh yeah thats gay-"

"lemme see!" jeongin shot up, looking at the screen before nearly laughing.

"what? what picture is it?" jisung curiously asked, leaning forward to try and catch a glimpse of the screen, not having any idea what they were talking about.

"awww that's so cute!!" felix squealed, his voice going ten octaves higher.

jisung leaned forward more, wincing to himself as his chest and stomach were hurting lately, trying to see this picture that was apparently 'cute.'

after showing changbin, chan flipped the screen to jisung, who's eyes widened and he stopped leaning to observe the picture.

it was the time jisung slept over minho's house after he drank to much, and on the bed they were cuddled close to each other, jisung holding onto minho as he was sleeping.

he had no idea that happened.

he immediately turned to minho, in disbelief. "that happened?! and i wasn't even awake?!" he shook minho's arm who nervously laughed.

"haha yeahh.. but don't worry it wasn't a problem!"

"yeah but i still wish i was awake! i could've hugged you better." jisung puffed his cheeks out, something he would do when he was sulking.

minho couldn't help but smile at what jisung had said, looking at him and in that exact moment minho saw the flash of a camera go off.

"got it!" seungmin praised himself, clicking on the photo of minho doing 'the look'.

he turned the photo to minho and jisung, who just blinked.

"that's the look!" he explained, making minho bury his face in his hand.

"one dinner, just one is all i'm asking for without being attacked." minho sighed deeply, making jisung laugh.

he patted minho's arm, kicking his legs under the table. "aw don't worry, it's cute" he claimed.

honestly even if they didn't want to admit it- everyone thought minho and jisung together was one of the cutest things ever. they were all so happy for them.

"oh minho there was this stray cat i saw the other day." chan brought up, knowing very well that minho had such a huge soft spots for cats.

minho looked up at him, "wait really? did you feed it?" he asked to which chan shook his head.

"it ran off before i could get it food." chan said making minho frown.

"it's probably hungry." he said, catching jisung's attention.

"hyung you like cats?" jisung looked up as minho nodded his head.

"like? he is in love with them. one time we were heading to the car to drive me home and he saw a box of stray kittens, and when we drove them to the shelter he made me sit in the back." felix complained making jisung laugh.

he thought it was the sweetest thing.

"i used to have a cat." jisung brought up, making minho blink and look at him.

"really?" he asked, actually happy jisung liked cats.

"yeah! i had it until my dad moved out. he took her with him, her name was mumbles." he smiled happily- remembering how cute the kitten was.

jisung knew that by this point the cat must've been grown. he missed the cute animal.

minho saw jisung in thoughts, assuming he was thinking back to when things were different in the past.

he frowned slightly, squeezing jisung's hand slightly within his own.

"well i guess that just means we're going to adopt a cat in the future." minho warmly said.

(A/N hey guys! first of all holy s h i t thank you all for all these comments and the love you have been giving me!! I really hope you guys have been enjoying this story,,
are there any requests you guys have or ideas?
please let me know!!
thank youuu! 🥰)

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