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the meal had been finished, and they all split the bill with each other.

well, jisung tried but minho shoved his money back down the younger's pocket as he brought out his.

"minho i can pay," jisung said, however minho just shook his head and raised his hand, asking for the bill.

the waitress saw this, grabbing the bill and bringing it back to the table saying some words nicely but of course repeating what she had done before with minho.

once she left and minho counted the money and put it in the little book, everyone stood up.

felix was still malfunctioning, so changbin had to drag him, and jisung almost cried from how funny it was.

while changbin was taking him to the car he waved his goodbye for the both of them.

then jisung turner back to minho, just about to grab his hand until noticing a voice lightly calling 'wait!'.

minho and jisung both stopped, minho being greeted by the girl who was their waitress.

"hey, you forgot something on the table." she seemed out of breath a bit, but minho looked at her questionably.

"i don't think i did." he said, confused.

however the girl winked- jisung of course feeling angry- and she handed him something.

it was a piece of paper with her number on it. "call me sometime, unless you have a girl already. but this could just stay between us if you do!"

minho involuntarily snorted, looking over at the boy on his left, knowing jisung well enough by now to be able to tell he was about to go off.

"no he doesn't have a 'girl', because he has me." jisung's blood had boiled as the girl just blinked at him- as he stepped in front of minho.

she tilted her head.

was she not getting the message?

jisung frustratedly groaned, rolling his eyes. "im his boyfriend. he is mine," suddenly jisung pulled down the collar of his hoodie.

"look, see these?" jisung had pulled it down to show all the marks minho had made on him. "read between the lines. he marked me, no one else. and he doesn't plan to go off with anyone else."

and both their eyes went wide- the girl and minho's.

'oh my god,' minho thought, face palming at jisung's strategy to get the girl to back off.

suddenly the girl bowed, face red, "o-oh i had no idea! sorry!!" and she quickly scurried away.

jisung was just about to flip her off until he felt minho drag him back.

"did you really just-"

"yes! i did!" jisung was frustrated, and shoved minho so that he was facing away from him- jumping on his back without warning.

"let's go," he kicked his feet once minho had caught him- luckily.

minho chuckled and began to walk to the car with a grumpy jisung on his back.

"so are you proud of them?" minho couldn't help but tease and ask, referring to the hickeys. "i mean with the way you showed them off and all."

minho expected jisung not to answer- or to tell him to shut up because he was embarrassed.

but that little encounter really seemed to kick the joking aside. "yes, actually, i am. only because you gave them to me and i can fend the snakes off by showing them off." jisung remarked.

he then shrugged. "and i mean might as well right? because you gave me like twenty."

this time jisung was the one to grin evilly from seeing his boyfriend cringe. "i said i was sorryy." minho complained as he put jisung in the car.

"but that was cute." minho admitted, getting back into the car.

"cute?" jisung looked at him as he inserted the car keys in the car.

"yeah when you get all moody, angry or jealous it makes your face look cute."

"well i'm about to get a-fucking-dorable." jisung joked, and minho did find it funny.

"alright, where now?" the older asked- finally hearing jisung sigh.

"i should go back to my house honestly." his head was met with the back of the seat behind him. "i haven't seen my mom and she knows i've gotten out of the hospital. gotta face her sooner or later."

minho frowned. he felt like by jisung going home he would just go through all the missing him moments again.

"you sure?" minho asked, unsure if going there was even a safe idea.

"yeah." jisung was able to tell what minho was thinking. "minho she isn't abusive.." he trailed off. "she doesn't mean what she does and i know she's sorry for everything. she tells me sometimes." he tried to reassure.

"doesn't make it okay though." minho sighed, starting to drive where jisung lived.

"yeah i know." jisung looked out the car, looking up at the pretty sky. it was blue and gray today.

"oh jisung, there's something i think you should know." minho remembered, looking at the road.

jisung's house was right there, so he stopped the car and pulled over to talk easier.

while he was pulling up, he spoke.

"it's about the others.. well it's about you too." he sighed, finding it difficult to speak a little.

how would he explain this?

he took in a breath. "the day you were in the hospital we had.. well chan and i had- the others had to know what was-" minho was suddenly cut off.

"you told them, huh?" jisung broke in, his voice seeming understanding yet also being small too.

minho looked over at jisung who was staring back at him with a small smile as if to say it was 'okay.'

"yeah i figured.. it was going to happen eventually. i understand why, i knew they all knew what i tried to do and everything when i woke up and saw them. i could read it their faces." he said.

jisung had to admit- he was always worried when this day would come.

minho frowned upon seeing jisung fiddle again as he brought it in himself to ask minho a question.

"did they... think i'm crazy?" jisung asked, looking up at minho who shook his head.

"no of course not. they were very sad because they love you so much. no one was judgmental towards you." minho confirmed making jisung sigh out thankfully.

"okay i was worried they'd hate me." jisung sighed, looking towards his house door from the car he was still sat in.

"thank you for taking care of me and being there for me through this whole thing. i feel okay now that i talked to you." jisung smiled and minho placed kisses on his cheeks.

"i love you jisung." minho always wanted to say that.

jisung let out a light breath, taking in the look of his boyfriend. "i love you too."

he then said goodbye, that they should hang out tomorrow, and got out of he car.

minho mouthed a "please be careful," and motioned to jisung's ear to which he enthusiastically gave a thumbs up saying that he got it.

minho watched jisung as he went inside his house.

and every time that happened, minho wished that he could be able to swoop him up and take him back home.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now