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"hey look up." minho's breath was able to be seen as a cloud against the cold air.

the two had decided to leave later during the afternoon, the sky now dim and black.

they walked together, the area seeming unreal from no one out there.

the cold could've gotten to them if they stayed long enough, which is why minho was glad he thought about getting a jacket for jisung.

"stars." he exhaled as he finished.

jisung looked up and his eyes lit up at the sight of the stars. "it looks so pretty." he gasped, stopping his steps so he could look up at them.

his lips were tinged red along with his ears and nose. his cheeks were flushed from the cold. minho found it pretty.

minho stuffed his hands in his pockets so they could keep warm. "you know, i haven't really seen stars like these before." minho spoke, looking at jisung. "it must be that we're here together."

at this, jisung broke into a smile as he looked back up. "it's because we've met."

this set something off.

jisung had never spoke about the day they met. minho knew he wasn't referring to that, but thinking about meeting set it thought off.

"you think so?" minho asks, looking back at jisung's eyes as the other stared up at the sky.

he saw the stars reflected in the orbs.

"yeah. just look at them." he fathered. "they connect for us." jisung pointed up.

minho took in the prepossessing view. yet he wasn't looking at the sky. he only looked at jisung.

as if it were possible- minho felt his feelings grow stronger. "here," he extended his hand a little. "let's go."

jisung looked at his hand, and smiled tenderly when he accepted minho's hand.

minho felt jisung's cold digits in his own, so he pulled out the hot pack that was in his pocket. he placed it in between their hands, making jisung smile at the wamth.

the two walked in silence. a comfortable silence.

the kind of silence that could make any conversation stop- the kind that gave a good feeling.

"ah i see it." minho saw the swing set in the distance, nobody being on it because it was night.

it was perfect.

"race ya." jisung smiled smugly- full of confidence as he turned to look at the side of minho's face.

"ah really? but don't you think- BYE." minho had tried to pretend to draw the conversation out, and cut himself off to give himself a head start.

"HEY WAIT-" jisung quickly started running behind him, screaming how it was unfair.

minho jumped on the swing, smiling and claiming his victory to the boy trailing behind. "wow would you look at that. i won."

"and you also cheated." jisung poked his finger at minho's chest, taking a seat next to him on the swing.

the night cold ran through them again. but minho was warm.

they caught their breaths, throat hurting a little from inhaling so much freezing air.

"wow the sky is really pretty." jisung sighed again, eyes glazing over the parts of the sky that looked captivating and alluring once more.

stars were something he could look at and feel as if he disappeared.

as if nothing was wrong.

as if he weren't even on earth anymore. like he was alone.

"yeah." minho spoke, pausing to finally look up at the sky too.

he leaned back into the swing, holding himself by gripping onto the chain tightly.

"but part of me hates the stars." he said, eyes focused.

at this, jisung curiously looked at the older. "why?" his honey voice asked.

minho frowned a bit before tilting his head to the side. "i don't know."

his face twisted at the lights constructed in the sky.

"they make me feel like nothing." minho spoke, face now resting. "how come they don't have to deal with anything. it's not really fair." he sighed heavily.

from hearing this, jisung looked down at the grass, now thinking hard. "well. isn't that good?" he finally said.

this caught minho's attention.

"how so?"

"i mean.." he started, eyes going back to the sky.

"they make you feel like you're nothing. doesn't that build relief? i don't know.. but to me that's kinda reassuring. like to me they make me feel like life has stopped. well, i can see how that might be a good thing for some now that i say it out loud."

jisung laughed a bit at himself, turning to look at minho. "but you're not nothing. you're my best friend." his voice softly said, as he smiled.

minho looked at him as if were the last person in the world.

what he had said meant everything to him- yet why did it make him feel so sad?

he tenderly smiled back, "and you are mine."

they sat for a few more moments, minds racing.

the wind could only be heard, until a ring of a bell swam through their ears.

minho looked in the direction on the sound, noticing a truck parking back in the distance. "oh look, a crepe truck. do you want something?" minho turned to jisung.

minho had completely forgotten that food trucks were scattered around the area. jisung smiled and nodded.

"yes please. do they only sell crepes though?" jisung asked, looking at the decorated vehicle and a couple already there.

"nah, they sell desserts there. i'm pretty sure they have a bunch of things, like ice cream, cake, cheesecake, bread-"

"cheesecake?" jisung brightened up immediately, nearly jumping.

minho stopped at the cute reaction, chuckling a bit before nodding. "yeah why? you like cheesecake?" he asked.

"oh my god i love cheesecake! it's my favorite food ever- can i pleasee get that?" he pleaded, making minho laugh some more.

"of course, just wait here i'll be back. they make it on the spot so it's fresh and it takes a while." he smiled fondly and gave jisung the hot pack to hold so he would stay warm while he was gone.

the younger had a gummy smile of excitement on his face, bouncing a little on the swing at the thought of eating cheesecake.

he was lucky enough to have a friend like minho. in fact, he loved spending time with him.

he always found it fun.

he looked at minho walk the longish way to the truck.

he felt happy with him.

he was smiling

however that changed in nearly a second.

"han jisung?"

he heard a voice say behind him.

his head whipped around at the owner of the voice- not knowing how to reply as he locked eyes with the person.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now