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"angelllll where are you?" the body under the giant blanket asked, even though his voice was muffled.

he of course was talking about jisung, however the younger had gone down to the kitchen to make minho some stew, telling minho to just close his eyes and sleep for a little.

yet minho was just slightly delirious from the fever.

overall jisung bet that minho had finally gotten sick from all the times they were out in the rain. it probably finally caught up to him.

at least that's what made sense.

jisung looked through the cabinets to try and look for some extra ingredients.

he might've not been the best cook out there, but if there was one thing he knew how to make good it was stew.

whenever he got sick he had to fight through the fever to make himself some in order to feel better.

at one point he used to get sick a lot so he had a bunch of time to perfect the methods of making a perfect sickness stew.

"I have to make it taste extra good." he spoke to himself, picking out what he needed and got started.

he first got out potatoes and skinned them as the water was running as such.

however he was too occupied to rethink that minho wouldn't have gotten up from the bed to go look for him.

and that's exactly what he did.

"angel?" minho sickly mumbled out once more, confused once he heard to reply.

he moved the blanket off his face, finally opening his glossy eyes and looking around, even if it was difficult because his eyes were sensitive.

he peeked and saw no other boy in the room. he pouted, wondering where he went.

"angel where did you go?" he whined, sitting up with the blanket still wrapped around him, draped over his head.

then slowly he stood up, the blanket nearly dragging him to the floor because it was so heavy.

however he still wore it over his body, holding it tightly as he tried not to fall back.

he started walking to find jisung.

his steps were wobbly, and his eyes kept closing as if he thought it was necessary to have his eyes open to walk.

yet he made his way around.

he was able to hear humming and metal utensils clanking against each other from downstairs, so he blindly made his way to the sounds.

amazingly he even got down the stairs without falling flat on his face.

he wiggled his way to the kitchen, where he was finally able to hear jisung singing quietly to himself.

minho stood there, quietly, not being able to think how creepy he probably looked just standing there.

but he couldn't help it, he was too busy listening to jisung's singing voice.

he was about to lightly tap jisung's shoulder, however a loud sneeze interrupted him, making the younger one fall.

he nearly cut himself because he was in the middle of cutting something, but when he fell he dropped the knife on the floor.

he quickly looked up to minho, who was sniffling and had the blanket wrapped around him.

"jesus christ minho!" he gasped, putting his hand over his heart. "you can't just stand there like that!"

"angel!~" minho piped up, holding onto jisung's hands to pull him up to his feet. "i was looking for you."

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