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"h-help..! please help!" was all minho could get past his lips, staring up at the people in front of him as they were frozen.

felix, hyunjin, and jeongin all gasped- everyone's hearts stopping.

chan and changbin swooped into action- not even allowing themselves to process things.

right now all they knew was that they needed help.

"j...jisung?" felix's voice wavered, his hand coming up to his mouth as tears filled his eyes to the brim.

he was staring at the boy.

at how jisung wasn't moving.

at how pale he was- his skin losing all color. he looked like he was already gone.

felix stumbled back.

his eyes fixated to jisung's face. no matter how much movement was happening around him, jisung's eyes were fallen shut, and they stayed that way.

he stared at the pills spilled out onto the floor. at how jisung's head fell back each time chan or changbin tried to shake him awake frantically in minho's arms.

at how it didn't look like he was breathing anymore.

suddenly felix felt someone touch his arm, pulling him back gently. it was seungmin, who looked just as shaken as he was- his eyes filling with tears.

"don't look.." he whispered, hand touching jeongin's arm as well, slightly guiding them out of the room.

"b-but- jisung he-" felix felt like hands were at his throat, trying to strangle him. he couldn't breathe.

he couldn't focus on anything else other than the yelling and sobbing coming from the room.

"he's going to be alright.." seungmin tried to calm him down, both of them.

both felix and jeongin- who were crying.

felix the most- for jeongin didn't even get a chance to see jisung before seungmin pulled him back.

"wh.. what h-happened- jisung no- he wouldn't-" felix wobbled out, his lips unable to even talk right as he was put into a situation of both disbelief and fear.

"felix.." he turned his head to hyunjin who had come out of the room, trying to comfort felix before he got worse. "breathe." he placed his hand on felix's shoulder.

"he stopped breathing! he's dying!" minho's distraught voice reached felix's ears, making his eyes widen in shock.

suddenly hyunjin gently put his hands over his ears. "don't listen.." he whispered softly, sadness lingering in his eyes.

"h-hyungs! look..!" jeongin shakily pointed outside, sirens being met with those inside.

the ambulance was there.

"minho listen, the ambulance is here h-he's going to be okay..!" chan spoke, trying to calm him down just a little.

however it felt like minho just ignored him- sobbing while whispering to jisung, "i love you.. please live.." over and over again.

he was so sorry.

because this was his fault.



only white silence was playing through minho's head.

the paramedics had barged in and had taken jisung- lifting the unconscious boy up and immediately putting him on a stretcher.

the image of the lifeless boy scarred the ones who saw him being picked up and placed on the stretcher.

and minho felt like he couldn't even see anymore.

chan sunk to the floor next to him- pulling minho close as he cried, finally being able to break down as he clung onto chan for mental support.

"he's- h-hes dy-"

"shh minho no. no he's not.." chan whispered, cutting him off. "we have to hurry, let's drive to the hospital, it's okay. come on.."

everyone had crowded into chan's car, quickly as he began to follow the ambulance.

there wasn't enough room for everyone to fit in the ambulance, and felix sat in the way back with hyunjin so they could fit.

it was like there wasn't even time to talk- because time was going by so fast.

it felt like they were the only ones in slow motion.

all that was heard in the speeding car was crying and shaky breaths. mostly coming from minho, as he kept telling chan to hurry.

that he needed to make sure jisung was okay.

they arrived at the hospital, immediately running out of the car and into the building to follow jisung being taken away on the stretcher.

he had a breathing mask over his face, being rushed into a room as they followed.

"i-is he going to be okay? please, tell me!" minho quickly followed, pleading for answers as one of the nurses was taken aback at the sight of jisung.

the boys weren't able to go past a certain point, to which three nurses stopped them. "you can't go forward." one of them tried to intervene.

"we have to see him- you.. you can't keep us here!" minho yelled, trying to go past before changbin held onto his arm.

"minho if we want him to be okay we have to wait here." he tried to reason, minho's pooling sad eyes looking back at changbin's.

minho then suddenly let his tensed shoulders fall, his shaky breaths leaving his mouth.

he nodded. "..okay.. you're right.." he trembled, allowing himself to be brought back from the room jisung was in.

they were lead to a waiting room, a large one but a private one.

there they were left, and felix tried to understand everything.

"m-minho hyung.." he spoke out to the boy who had his face buried in his hands, his leg shaking up and down to try and calm himself.

"..what happened to our jisung..?" his voice wavered as changbin quickly pulled him close in his arms, hugging him.

chan was sitting next to minho, and he knew he wasn't going okay. fuck, who the hell would be okay right now.

he looked at minho before looking back at the rest of the group- worry all pouring out of their frames. of their fearful and worried eyes.

he took a deep breath.

"guys.. i think it's finally time that it's explained to you how jisung met minho.." he spoke, making the rest look up at him with their teary eyes.

minho looked up at chan, tears streaming down his face as he opened his mouth- unsure what to do.

chan placed his hand on minho's shoulder. "we can't pretend anymore.." he whispered gently, and soon minho nodded his head hesitantly.

"what do you mean?" jeongin asked, wiping his eyes, and looking at chan and minho.

chan exhaled once more, and he leaned back.

"we never told you guys the situation of the two meeting.."

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