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jiho looked at all of them, taking a few steps back to observe them. he felt amused.

he laughed loudly, before drawing back.

"oh how hilarious," he spoke between his laughter, wiping away his tears teasingly.

"would you look at that jisung," the rest of jiho's group moved out of the way as he walked up to jisung. his state was finally exposed to minho and the rest.

their eyes went wide as they saw the boy nearly unconscious on the floor, his hands shaking slightly and his nose bleeding.

they saw how jisung was beaten down.

"jisung!" jeongin couldn't help but call out worriedly from seeing the blood drip down his face.

"don't fucking touch him." minho warned, voice dangerous and filled with anger and hatred. he felt as if he would snap any second now.

"not yet.." chan whispered to minho, holding him back by his sleeve. "they'll just attack you if you try anything.."

minho's jaw clenched, staring at how jiho pulled jisung to his feet forcefully.

"you actually called your friends here, huh?" jiho looked at jisung's face, holding him up by his hair again.

"don't touch him." minho spoke again wearily, speaking through his gritted teeth- as chan held him back again.

jisung was whining through pain, as jiho held him up, laughing slightly.

they all felt at the verge of exploding with anger.

"he didn't call us here," changbin stared at jiho. "we knew to come here. put him fucking down."

jiho raised his eyebrows, surprised. "ah really?" he looked at jisung before scoffing and throwing him on the floor.

jisung fell back down, his body collapsing onto the floor.

"okay thats fucking it!" everyone's heads whipped to felix, who suddenly shouted, and lifted his baseball bat.

"felix no!-" changbin tried to grab him- but with no warning felix ran up to jiho and hit him in the back of his legs- making him fall.

"come at me bitches!" felix swung at two more people, nearly making them fall as they held their stomach.

everyone began shouting and going at it- running into each other.

"oh you little-" someone went up behind felix, about to grab him before changbin came in and grabbed his head and kneed him in the face.

"don't fucking think about touching him."

felix turned around and smiled at changbin, finding what he did cute. however it was clear that this wasn't the time, as felix's smile quickly and his eyes went wide.

"binnie! get down!" he pulled changbin down to dodge someone about to punch him from behind, hitting that person with his bat just at the right time.

changbin and felix made eye contact, as changbin got up. "if we get out of here alive, remind me to marry you." changbin spoke, as felix smiled widely a little.

the two went back to back, changbin in charge of aim, and felix in charge with his bat.

meanwhile, chan suddenly found use in all the fighting lessons his mother had paid for his to take when he was a child.

he knew techniques that he never found use for- until now.

the only issue was that he wasn't very keen on expecting someone else's next move. he would only barely miss punches others would throw at him.

"hyung, use the rocks!" he heard jeongin call from behind him suddenly.

oh he was right, the rocks wouldn't do too much damage but a lot of damage isn't even what they wanted.

they didn't want to harm anybody too bad, they just wanted them to back off.

chan swooped down and picked the medium sized rocks and aimed it at the ones who tried to hit him. he threw them- hitting someone in the eye.

"channie hyung there are more!" jeongin pointed out to the two other guys approaching him.


he ducked someone's punch and kicked under their feet making them lose their footing and fall.

however he wasn't fast enough and got kicked hard by the second person in his stomach.

winded, chan fell to the floor, holding his stomach in pain.

"hyung!" jeongin called and quickly grabbed a handful of large stones.

without hesitation he launched them at the male who kicked chan, hitting his head and making him stumble back.

jeongin threw the last rock with all his force, and ended up getting him in the eye just like chan had gone to the other guy.

afterwards he got chan to his feet, collecting more rocks in the process. chan grinned up at jeongin.

"wow you're so cool~" he coed.

jeongin smiled a bit in the moment as chan got on his feet again.

they worked together, chan being the one to directly hit the ones coming up to them, and jeongin being the one to throw the stones at the people chan didn't see, or wasn't focused on.

and minho? he was focused on jiho.

jiho had a lot of experiences with fighting. he liked violence. that's why he was so good at it.

others had hobbies of dancing, or even singing. while jiho made a hobby of fighting.

as much as minho's mind was screaming at him to just get to jisung- to just see if he's okay- to hold him- he knew he couldn't do that with jiho stopping him.

minho felt someone against his arm, and looked to see it be junseo.

he quickly glanced at minho, getting into a fighting stance. "trust me," he began. "you're not gonna be able to take him on your own."

minho hesitantly nodded at this, unsure if he could even trust junseo.

jiho let out a scoff. he was still in a slight pain from felix hitting him behind his knee, but after a few seconds he seemed fine.

"two against one?" he snarled. "that doesn't seem fair." he pouted jokingly.

"you're the last person to be talking about fairness." minho glared at him- not planning on having a long monologue with jiho.

he was fucking pissed.

he launched at jiho, junseo quickly following and taking the other side.

jiho dodged junseo's attack, but got hit directly in the face from minho's force.

however he grabbed minho's wrist and twisted it slightly- making junseo kick his leg, and he let go of minho almost immediately.

minho smirked a bit at the combination. as much as he hated to admit it- they worked well together.

this went on like this.

everything went on like this.

but still- even with junseo on their side, they were still outnumbered.

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