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"minho i wanna talk to you." chan whispered to minho, walking behind everyone else who was having a conversation.

they were going to the park.

"hm?" minho asked, slowing his steps.

"you missed it so i want to fill you in." he explained, making minho nod his head. "okay so jisung actually studied english before, isn't that cool?"

"really? i knew it!" minho was slightly proud that he was able to tell just from jisung's pronunciation and how it sounded. there was no way the younger hadn't studied it at least a little.

chan thought a while. "he also told us about his old life. he had a lot of friends before he moved here and also had a crush but apparently he wasn't nice to jisung, and then-"

minho completely cut him off, "he?" he looked at chan who held back a scoff.

"yes he, control your gay ass." he joked making minho roll his eyes and hit him.

"minho hyung!" he heard a voice call. "look, look!" it was an excited jisung, in awe at their destination. "look how cool!"

minho looked at the boy, who had a huge sweet smile on his face, which made minho stare a little as he saw the wind blow bits of jisung's brown hair around.

he saw the light pink dusted across jisung's face from the cold, and he couldn't help but smile to himself fondly at the other.

"come, come!" jisung ran to get minho, taking him by his hand as he ran with him earnestly, trying to get to the swings with him.

he excitedly hopped onto one, sitting minho next to him on the other swing.

minho felt like he was looking at some kind of art work. his smile broke out as he looked at jisung try to swing.

"i bet i can go higher than you." minho teased, making jisung shake his head.

"prove it." jisung called, drawing back and pushing himself forward.

minho did the same and the two continued to have this competition. "look i can almost kick the branch!" jisung shouted and laughed, proceeding to try and kick the leaf off.

"but im still going higher!" minho screamed, so it could reach jisung as they past each other's pace while swinging.

"no you're not!" jisung replied, now trying to swing higher.

"yes i am!"

the boys continued to swing as high as they could, aiming touching the clouds. even if it were impossible.

jisung laughed at how high he had been going and from watching minho swing aggressively.

jisung's laughing made minho laugh, and it was an endless cycle of their dumb laughter.

"i dare you to jump down," jisung pointed to the empty space in front of them.

minho smirked at the challenge and nodded, "ah that's too easy. i always do this." he explained, slowing down just a little bit, and then landing on his feet.

jisung wanted to do the same, so he slowed down too, a lot more than minho had just to be safe.

"come on, jump!" minho stood back and motioned to his own body, indicating that he'd 'catch' jisung once he jumped.

and for whatever reason, jisung trusted him and decided to say 'fuck it' as his feet struck the ground, making him tumble forward.

however it seemed like minho kept his intention and caught jisung, as he wrapped his arms around the boy before he could stumble.

jisung was laughing at their stupidity as the others watched their childish ways.

"pfft. how childish, right felix." changbin looked over at felix, who pointed to the other area of the park to show the older the area.

"ohmygod they hAve monkeybars- WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?" changbin then grabbed felix and bolted it to the section of the park.

the boys continued to stay at the park, at the end gathering together because the sun was starting to go down.

"we're going back to mine, right?" minho asked to which chan nodded.

they started to walk back to the house, when minho looked behind him to check on jisung.

"ah, jisung." he stopped walking to let the slow boy catch up to him.

jisung kept yawning and was walking slow, because he was tired.

"why are you so tired today?" the older asked with a gentle smile, as if he were talking to a baby.

"i didn't sleep." jisung pouted and rubbed his eyes. "i'll wake up." he gently slapped his right cheek to wake himself up.

"yah don't slap yourself awake." minho lightly laughed and brought down jisung's hand.

"here, you can sleep if i carry you." he crouched in front of jisung, turning around and motioning to his back.

"carry me?" he repeated confused.

"yes, ive carried you before. let's go,"

jisung noticed that the others have gone ahead, and he didn't want to keep them waiting.

he hesitated on actually doing it. he unsurely put his hands on minho's shoulders, and all of a sudden minho swooped jisung's legs from beneath him- making the younger gasp and fall forward on minho's body.

"alright! let's go!" he shouted and stood up, with an almost screaming jisung on his back.

"hey you have to warn me!" jisung kicked his feet.

"well i told you didn't i?" he teased as the younger kicked his side with his foot.

"don't use that tone on me." he scolded jokingly, as minho began to run faster making jisung afraid for his life.

"woah woah woah- too fast!" jisung wrapped his arms around minho's neck for security making minho want to laugh.

yet minho ignored the boy's screaming and ran past the group, heading in the direction of his house.

chan saw this and couldn't help but smile to himself at the sight, along with felix who nudged chan.

"since when was minho that nice?" he asked in disbelief, and pointed at them running away.

"i'm honestly confused too." changbin admitted, blinking in confusion.

chan waved his hand. "let's leave them. besides, when was the last time minho has actually ran?"

the others nodded their head at the valid point that had been made.

"you're right." jeongin nodded.

by the time the boys made it to the house, it was safe to say jisung was now wide awake.

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now