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"do you think she likes me?" jisung asked, cuddled up to minho's side as they were on the couch, looking at a video on jisung's phone.

"of course she does. i haven't seen her get that gushy in a while." minho explained, as he folded the chip bag closed.

"she also knows we're dating." he grinned, seeing jisung bolt to sit up.

"she does?" he thought about that for a while, before biting his nail slightly. "what does she think..?"

minho sat up too, smiling before kissing jisung on the lips softly.

"she likes you." he said, seeing jisung breathe out in relief. "she says you have a good personality, and she's happy for me."

jisung smiled a bit, leaning in and resting his forehead on minho's shoulder.

"i'm glad.." he sighed. "i was scared she would get mad at you."

minho placed his hand on jisung's back. "mad at me?"

"well yeah. she's so different from my mom though, i didn't really expect her to be so.. loving." jisung paused. "i didn't want to ruin the relationship you have with her."

minho then put his hand on jisung's shoulder and looked at him. "i would gladly ruin a million relationships i have just to be with you."

jisung got all mushy from this and leaned back in close so he could be in minho's arms as they sat.

he brought up minho's hand and placed it on the top of his head, and minho got the message and he began to play with jisung's hair.

"i know i say this a lot, but i really love you." jisung spoke, muffled from minho's chest.

of course this brought a smile to minho's face. "i love you too." he kissed the top of his head while they sat there.

it was all nice until soonie had jumped up to the couch, meowing and butting between jisung and minho.

they both found it funny as minho began to pet the cat once more.

"what happens if your cat doesn't like me?" jisung asked, tilting his head as minho winced.

"then i have to find someone who soonie does like-" he couldn't even get through the sentence before jisung threatened to punch him by lifting his hand.

"shut up." jisung mumbled and minho playfully laughed and shook his head.

"i'm just kidding~"

"no well now i'm more worried about your cat liking me." he said, and minho stopped petting soonie, to see if she'd go to jisung.

however the cat just stayed put on minho's lap.

"dang maybe she doesn't like you after all." he deadpanned as jisung nudged his arm.

"i wanna go out today. another date." he pouted, making minho bring his hand up again to run his fingers through jisung's hair.

"we can have a date tomorrow, if that's better. that way we can have the whole day to ourselves." minho suggested, and jisung liked that idea.

"sure." he agreed, feeling tired from worrying about minho's mom so much.

he leaned back in the couch and sighed contently.

"you think you're gonna stay long enough to get hungry again?" minho asked, and honestly jisung nodded.

"i'm going to quickly go to the store then and get like two snacks." he put soonie on the ground.

"noo stop wasting your money. you're going to run out-"

"hush hush i get spoiled way too much, remember? i don't have to worry about it." minho smiled and kissed jisung's forehead. "the store is right here so i'll be quick."

jisung smiled back warmly and nodded. "i'm going to take a nap." he said, plopping back down as minho got his keys.

"see you in like, ten minutes." he said, waving bye as he got to the door- as jisung did the same.


okay yeah it took a little longer than expected in order to get one pack of gushers and chips.

the line was super long and minho swore he wouldn't hesitate to snap his neck right then and there as he waited for a slow old lady to purchase her multiple bottles of juice.

the best moment was when he was finally called up and he quickly paid for his items- booking it afterwards.

he just wanted to be home with jisung and watch movies.

it was, of course, still cold outside but he had layers on underneath his hoodie.

when he got to his house he unlocked the door and called out for jisung. "jisung, i'm back!" he said as he placed the keys back where they belong.

when he got no answer he looked around confused. "jisung?"

however it was just then when he heard a tiny voice. "i'm here."

that was when minho finally looked down on the couch.

jisung was laying there, head buried in hoodie while he laid on his back- stiff as a board, as soonie was asleep on his chest.

he was making no sudden movements.

"i refuse to disturb it." was all jisung said.

minho lost it, putting the bag down. "first of all, did you just say it?" he laughed, finding the whole image in front of him cute as hell.

"it's so fluffy and it's making the sound." jisung was holding his breath and breathing slowly- not wanting to disturb the cat sleeping so comfortably on him.

"you mean purring?" minho asked to which jisung nodded his head.

"yes." he whispered.

minho kneeled down and observed soonie. "she really does like you huh? she only ever lays down with people she trusts." minho said, making jisung's face light up.

"wait really?" he asked- excited and happy that minho's cat actually bonded to him.

minho nodded as he finally freed jisung- gently lifting the cat up- making it release a big yawn and do the cat stretch thing before walking off.

minho whipped the cat fur off of jisung's shirt before yanking him up and taking him in his arms.

"let's watch a movie in my room." he suggested, hugging jisung as he wrapped his arms around the older.

"alright but i'm laying next to soonie." jisung spoke, making minho snort.

"did you just dump me for my cat?"

"yes that's exactly what happened."

Don't watch me go. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now