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it takes a lot of courage to be you

and I don't mean the you who pays for spotify premium only to listen to the top 50 hits playlist

I don't mean the you who bought a 3-pack of white adidas socks yesterday to wear them with folded jean ends and some overpriced air-forces

I mean the you who sits quietly in the corner at family reunions smiling a little too widely to be believable whenever your aunt or grandma asks how've you been

I mean the you who has to escape to your bedroom several times a day to hold back the tears that threaten to spill out for maybe no reason at all
for maybe just an ignorant wave from your mom

it takes a lot of courage to be entirely you
without the filters
without the society telling you what to do and say and think

with only just the raw feeling of sitting still and closing your eyes to drown out the inevitable reality that nobody gives a fuck

infinite shades of blue (journal part I)Where stories live. Discover now