Chapter 18~The Night We Met

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((This one has some extreme fluff. I might be creating Boreo Oneshots soon so I need more practice in writing dancing scenes so here we go once again, hope you enjoy this chapter. Wear headphones while listening to the music please PLEASE LOSTEN TO THE MUSIC! It helps describe and make the scene so much better))

"Can you imagine, somebody telling you, your love for your dearly beloved is a sin! Can you imagine, somebody telling you, women are inferior to men, and are meant only serve the men! Can you imagine, somebody telling you, a man can have multiple wives, and yet be deemed civilized! Here that somebody is a fundamentalist ape - a theoretical pest from the stone-age, that somehow managed to survive even amidst all the rise of reasoning and intellect."
Abhijit Naskar

We both stood under the moonlit sky. We looked up as stars danced across the world. There were millions of them, I looked at Boris's face. I could see the stars reflecting in his eyes. I smiled as we locked eyes. We stood in a freshly cut grassy field. Lanterns guided a path for late night hikers. This was romantic, Very romantic... I took his hands. He smiled softly. "Dance?" I signed slowly. He nodded. We started off slow. Boris's hands on my hips. My hands resting softly on his shoulders. Our foreheads against one another as we moved our body's around the field. This lasted a few minutes. Our foreheads separated though our faces were still close to each others. Our body's still slowly moving. Our lips both slowly came in contact. I could taste a hint of root beer we both shared before we left. The kiss only lasted a short period of time before Boris pulled away in a desperate need of air. Boris moves his hands off my hips. I removed my hands of his shoulders. Our hands came together and our fingers intertwined with each other's. I felt relaxed as he placed one hand on my back and helped me lean towards the ground. Our gaze remained locked. A soft smile appeared slowly on his lips. His raven curls blowing beautifully in the wind. The right side of his face perfectly lit by the moon. Once I was back steadily on the ground, I circled around Boris. His body language I could almost easily read, showed he was happy and relaxed. We moved in sync with one another. Short breaths from both of us as we glided around and pressed against one another's bodies. He dipped me once again. His shadowy silhouette towered over my body. I never knew how deeply in love I could be with someone. Yet I found Boris. His dates and words were almost the definitions romance itself. His touch was soft on my body. Making sure not to accidentally hurt me or grip to tight on my body. He treats my body with soft touches and respect. Never forcing me to move in any way. I knew I could fully trust him. I never expected to fall out of his grip. I never wanted to leave. Never wanted this to end. It felt as if we were dancing on nothing. All I could think of was Boris, and his soft touch on my body. Boris was dressed nicely in a button up shirt. I was in one of his hoodies he had handed to me after the shower I had taken earlier in the day. Boris brought me in closer to his chest. He smelled like the lemongrass candles he had in his room. My body was pressed against Boris's. His chin was on top of my head. This time my hands gripped onto his waist. We stayed in one spot. But we were swaying to a rhythm nobody else would ever hear. I looked up at Boris. The stars reflected and glistened in his eyes so nicely. Our noses were touching. He kissed me quickly on the forehead, moving his hand onto my back and rubbed circles slowly onto my back. It only took a minute before I pulled away and we begun dancing again. He took my right hand. I took his right hand as well, he raised it up into the air. Our fingers gripping onto. Each other's as if this was our last day on earth. I spun around slowly until my back was pressed Softly against Boris's chest. Our eyes still locked in place. I looked up. Smiling at him as he smiled back. There were people walking in and off of the trails. There were children probably around age 9 following behind their parents. It was cool on this October night. So they were probably doing something based around Halloween. Some people sat on the benches with their children. Others on the ground. They looked as if they were waiting for something. I got a little nervous, they were looking at us. Because we were the only things in the field that were entertaining while they waited. Children whispered to each other and pointed. But all I really cared about was Boris. So I kept my mind off of them. I was surprisingly not in the need of water. Nor was I tired. I kept in rhythm with Boris. That's all that mattered to me at that moment. Once we finally dipped for the last time. Boris lent over and smashed his lips onto mine. I wrapped my hands over his neck. It took a while for us to separate from each other's lips. I was placed on the ground. We both smiled and were panting like dogs. "I liked that." Boris signed smiling. "I did too, a lot." I replied almost instantly. Boris started to run around the field. I followed behind, Laughing and trying to Catch up with him. Even if there were many eyes on our every movement. I still was having the time of my life. I was able to catch up with Boris and tackle him to the ground. I smothered his face with kisses before he was able to push my body off of his. I could feel my body being picked up off of the ground. We hadn't eaten too much other than simple snacks in the last few days. So we decided that we were going to go to the nearest fast food restaurant. His grip while he carried me was amazing. I tried my hardest to not fall asleep as we both walked to the restaurant.
After we got home with the bags of food we both took showers. I sat on the bed waiting for Boris to get out of the shower. He takes longer shower. Whenever He opens the door. A load of steam enters the room after him as if he just came from another dimension like in the movies.
We watched the second "Halloween"
It was a very jumpy movie. Boris never flinched. But made fun of the people on screen. I buried my face in Boris's chest for the scariest parts. We didn't get to see the end. Because we both fell asleep.
Anyways. I better get going.
This is Theo Decker, Signing off.

Anyways. Sup Floor gang, How was this fluffy-ness?! The song added to it. So if you didn't listen to it while reading you didn't get the "full experience."
Anyways, do you have any pets?
I have a bird, 2 dogs and a cat. What about you?))

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