Chapter 24~ im still here.

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"The world could use more love. Why deny it to others?"
― DaShanne Stokes

Once I got up and forced Boris to get out of bed. We ate breakfast and decided to go for a walk. We found a park that I've never been to. We decided to go and avoid any areas that may bring back any memories about my mother.
Boris and I drove to the park in the car. We got out of the car. and I looked ahead at the forest. Trees and roots slowly took over the hiking path. The air was moist. Probably from the storm that passed last night. I was lost in my thoughts before Boris grabbed my hand. "Let's go." He signed. Trying to look happy. I guess he thought I was thinking of my mother. I just nodded and intertwined our fingers. We started walking slowly down the path. Looking at the birds and flowers around us. I looked at Boris. We Locked eyes, he smiled to try and set off a good mood. I softly smiled back. We walked around the path until we reached the actual park. Sitting down at one of the close benches. We looked at the children playing on the playground equipment. Then back at each other. He had a adorable smirk on his face. I chose to look away before I would start to blush. Boris placed one of his fingers under my chin and turned my head to look at his face. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "What Boris." I signed looking him in the eyes. He smiled. "Aw cmon Potter. You know you love me." He signed smiling evilly at me. "Shut up." I signed. Giving him a light push. "Oh it's on Potter." He said standing up and starting to laugh. He begun throwing punches at me. Close to my face but not close enough to hit me. I stood up and started fake punching back at the leather jacket he was wearing. He started fake wincing in pain which made me laugh. We got some attention from the people around us but both of us didn't care. I kept fake punching until Boris wrapped his arms around my body. I smiled and put my arms around him as well. Putting my head on his chest. I could feel the vibration of his heartbeat. It was slowing down from the exercise we just got from fake fighting. It was nice and I could tell he enjoyed it. Once we finally pulled our bodies away from each other Boris looked me in the eyes. We stood for a second before Boris tapped my chest, I was confused. "Tag." He quickly signed before beginning to run. I quickly realized what he was doing and started to run after him. Starting to pick up speed. Once I was able to catch up to him we were both out of breath. "That was good exercise, huh Potter?" Boris signed. He was hunched over with his hand on his knee. Breathing heavily. "Yeah." I signed back slowly. "You want to go back home?" He signed slowly. "Yes. I think so." I replied almost instantly. He gave a soft quick smile before reaching for my hand, which I let him take. He happily skipped beside me. Which made me laugh and blush. He's so cute...

I didn't know I could fall this deeply in love with someone.

I'm lost in thoughts.

This is Theo Decker, Signing off.

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