Chapter 115~ Rhythm of the night

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"Boris? Where are we going? It's 8 pm!" I stated. He had been getting ready to walk along the beach outside. I was sitting on the couch eating m&m's we had freezed in the freezer
"Crab hunting!" He replied, throwing shoes my way. I sighed and put them on. I knew there was no way I could deny the request from my husband.
I stretched as stood up.
He grabbed a net we had brought along and a towel just Incase the sand or water started to come in our way.
He opened the door and we rushed down the long flight of stairs. Jumping and missing the last two purposely and hitting the sand. Causing it to fly in the opposite direction.
Once it settled down onto the ground. We started to make our way towards the dancing waves that glittered in the corona of the moonlight.
Boris's pale skin seemed even paler on the dark, the 'Jurassic park' shirt I had gotten him for his twenty second birthday was obvious due to its bright tones in color. It was warm and humid. Perfect crab temp. He'd point the mini ones out to me. We'd crouch down and get a good look at them. but we'd have to back away after they'd threaten us with their claws. Which scared my soul out of my body.
We found some large ones as well. Getting scared off by the many lobster and jellyfish corpses that lined the sea.
We got tired of finding crabs and the amount of times we were frightened wore us out. He ran up the stairs with me. "I'm going to take the m&m's." He stated panting. "Dumbass! Those are mine!" I yelled back, gripping onto his waist as he stepped inside, keeping him from going anywhere. I threw him onto the couch and walked backwards. Giving the middle finger as I walked out into the kitchen.
He laughed. I just grabbed the box and ran back in and sat next to him. Putting my legs across his lap. He sighed. "Here." I said, grabbing some and handing to him. "Thank you puppy." He said, getting a few good kisses on my forehead. Before eating the rock hard m&m's I gave him. I could hear the rain tapping on the windows.
"Are you hungry?" I asked Boris. He shook his head "nah" he replied. I just punched his shoulder with a smirk. "Then why were you trying to eat my food?" I asked with raised eyebrows. "To annoy you." He said, I sighed. I gave him a few more. "Those were because I love you." I said, he nodded and smiled. 
"I love you too beautiful." He replied. Hugging me in a tight grip.

This is Theo Decker, signing off

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