Chapter 70~ blood covered shirt

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I woke up, I was almost fully under the covers. Boris was gone,
I was guessing he was going to get food. So I grabbed my phone. My whole body drowsy and Dizzy. I reached over for my pills that sat on the nightstand. Bringing it in-front of my face, empty.
I grabbed my phone. Going to text.
There was Boris. Fiddling with emojis in a loving way.
"I'm out getting food, need anything specific? 💕❤️💕💕"
I smiled. It was only sent a few minutes ago.
"Good morning Boris, just woke up.
Do you mind running to the pharmacy? I ran out of pills 😅"
I can imagine him laughing now,
"Alright Potter ❤️" he responded. I turned off my phone, sighing and I put it back on the nightstand. I stretched my body across the bed, some days it just feels nice having the bed to yourself y'know? Though I still have nightmares multiple times a week and I'm used to having Boris being there to pull me back down under the satin bedsheets with him, his body heat radiating off of him. The warmth of his body Making me fall asleep quickly.
Boris has some weird fears.
Mine are really just the normal kind of things. Spiders,snakes, you get the drill. But Boris. Somehow developed the fear of thunder and fireworks.
Maybe it's the way that they jump scare. Appear at an unknown time. Although I never get too hear either of them.
It only took fifteen long minutes before Boris came bursting through the door like some sort of FBI agent. "Boris don't break the door down." I asked him. He laughed. "Take your pills dummy, your going crazy." He threw me my pills I opened it. Taking one out. "I wasn't the one coming through the door like the police!" I responded, signing instead of using my voice. Because I was too busy swallowing the pill. Which took a few tries.
"Oh, you." He said coming to my side of the bed, ruffling my hair. Completely wrecking it, he's lucky I was having a life crisis or something. Because in that time I would've brushed my hair. Instead. Here I am.
"What were you doing while I was gone?" He asked me. Interested, his brow raised.
"Waiting for my pills and for you too shut up with your every 0.3 second texts."
"Stupid! You know you like my texts." He punched my shoulder.
"Your such an idiot sometimes Boris. I had a headache. I didn't want a million texts going through every second when I'm trying to do something else on my phone!" I said, trying to push him off our bed. I failed. His legs are way longer than mine and he had one leg on the ground already. Helping him from toppling over.
"If you had a headache... why were you on your phone! That makes your head hurt even more!" He had my head in a headlock after he signed that. Giving my hair endless ruffles and kisses. Making me laugh, trying to push him off.
"I hate you so much Boris." I said. He lifted my chin with his finger.
"I love you too Potter." He replied. Kissing the edge of my nose.
We pulled away from each other. "Let's finish our food before we end up killing each-other."
He signed. Handing me the bag of food he had gotten.
"I'd probably kill you first." I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that?" He asked with a offended, but obvious goofy look.
I stretched my legs. We ended up going on and on, back and forth with stupid pick up lines and flirts.
I had said, "get it out of your system Boris." With a sigh, and boy was that a mistake. My face a deep red color by the end of it. "What the- where'd you learn all this?" I asked him. He smirked.
"You sound like a mother potter."
"You can't say that you've never had one!" I blurted out, immediately regretting it and putting my hand over my mouth in shame.
Boris Just howled with laughter. "I'm sorry, that was offensive." I said, removing my hand from my mouth and placing it on Boris's shoulder. He was still snickering.
"No, no it was funny." He signed back. Taking my hand off his shoulder. "Your not offended?" I asked my head turned to the side. "What? No! Potter she died when I was five!" He paused, "She probably would've beaten me too." Boris added. "Don't say that! I think she would've loved you." I felt sad when Boris said that. Sometimes I feel like all he knows is just to accept the pain.
To not fight back.
He was always good at being quiet about his home life. Always lying too the school teachers. He'd always use the same excuse. "A floorboard is missing on my stairs, it's easy to trip on it." Though I was really the only one to know that he was being beaten by his father.
My thoughts were interrupted by Boris's arm being snaked around my shoulders, my head lay against his chest. My eyes were closed. Boris put his chin on my head. Boris stretched his legs. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "I'm tired." He said, snuggling his body into mine. "What time did you fall asleep last night?" I asked, booping his nose. He laughed "eleven PM." He signed. Booping me back with his nose. I thought for a brief moment.
"You need to at least a thirty minute nap." I said, rubbing slow circles on his back. "Okay mom." He signed last moment. Before he quickly pecked my cheek and lay down turning his back to me, before I could even react.
I sighed and laid down to him. I grabbed his hand and interweaved our fingers. Studying his hand, his fingernails were extremely short and rimmed with dried blood, along with chips of paint which I had assumed he had picked off the wall in our bedroom, because of the matching colors.
He had a habit of picking the paint off the walls. He's had it for awhile and I've never bothered to look up an idea of how to stop him from doing so, even though it irritates me to the core.
He woke up around 30 minutes later, he isn't like me. Who can sleep all day. Once Boris is awake, he's awake.
"Morning stupid." I said as he awoke.
He said nothing, he just raised his hand and flipped me off.
I smacked his hand. "Put your hand down before I chop it off." I said. He laughed. "Then What? Are you gonna sell it on the dark web?" He responded. I raised my eyebrows in a offended manner.
"Only if you want me too." I responded. Poking his cheek. He tried to smack me but I grabbed his wrist, "Why would I want you to sell my hand on the dark web? Theo! Theo! Please I beg of you! Chop off my hand, sell it for a buck on the dark web! Send it off to some undercover cop or something! Let's get arrested! Please Theo Please!" He signed. Wrapping his arms around my neck again.
"It'll probably go to some cannibal Boris. But let's end this conversation before we end up throwing up." I said. He cringed. Pushing me off the bed. I got back on it, throwing punches at his chest. He got up and scooped me up in his arms. I struggled to get out though he had a firm grip on me. He walked to the kitchen. "Boris what are we-" before I could finish he placed me on top of the fridge, then left to go take a shower or something. "BORIS!" I yelled after him, knowing I'll be up here for awhile.
This is Theo Decker, signing off.

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