Chapter 99~ Never good enough anymore.

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((Watching family guy, skirt skirt.
*death of a child warning))

Boris And I sat on the couch late at night. Watching some adult T-shows and basically anything that came on adult swim. I lay down with my legs in the air. My pink socks still soft and warm from the dryer.
I could hear Boris's loud laughing at the adult jokes. "Hah! Potter, did you hear that?" He'd repeat after every few jokes. I'd smile and nod, then he'd turn back to the tv. After a few minutes our daughter came out of our room. Boris grabbed the remote and paused the tv. We both turned and looked at her. She said nothing. "Hey." I said, I looked at her confused. It was 11 pm. What was she doing here? She sighed before collapsing. Her body hit the floor. ((Bonk.)) I didn't think before I rushed to her side. Boris did so as well. I knew something was wrong. Very wrong.
I scooped her up in my arms. "Boris. Get the car started." I stated firmly. He rushed and grabbed his coat and the car keys. I was anxious. My anxiety was rising.
He waved me out into the dark abyss of the night. Putting her in the backseat of the car while Boris rushed to start it up.
I just sat in the car and cried while we drove to the hospital. Boris tried to calm me down by sushing me soothingly. I cried so hard that I ended up passing out.

I awoke. Boris And my daughter we're gone and I'd been moved to the back seat. I lifted my head, I felt stuffy and disgusting from all the crying, the clock on the car said it was 1 am. I had slept for awhile. My phone was in the cup holder, I ended up grabbing it quickly and cringing at the bright light that filled my eyes. I opened up the FaceTime app and hit the call button. It ringed a couple of times. The picture of Boris and our daughter, as it rung. I turned the car light on.
I was greeted by a extremely bloodshot eyed Boris. His face was extremely puffy from crying. "Boris?" I asked, letting another tear roll down my face. He choked on his words. "Theo, I'm sorry." He said, basically breaking out into sobs again. I knew what was about to be said. "I'll be in in a second." I replied. Hanging up and putting my phone in my back pocket. I noticed Boris's heavy coat was still in the front seat and it was freezing. I put it over my body. The smell of Boris in the coat calmed my nerves as I got out of the car. Greeted by orange lights in the parking garage, and the headlights of passing cars. The horns of the car seemed to echo in my ears as I rushed out of the parking garage out onto the streets. Google maps came on and off randomly to show the way. Th stars over head danced above my head, and the lights of the city shined through my watery eyes. I pressed the street crossing buttons about a million times before I was able to walk across the street. I practically ran. Turning to glance back, I felt like Boris was behind me. Ready to take my hand in his but he wasn't there.
I put the hood up and my hands in the pockets of his coat I was wearing and reached the doors of the hotel. "Guest entering" It read. I opened the door and entered into a long hallway with many different rooms. I walked down the hall that seemed almost never ending. Until I reached the room that Boris told me to enter. Which I did so. Greeted by a lady at the front desk. She looked surprisingly awake for this time at night. Made me look awful. I was ready to have a good nights rest with Boris until I ended up here. A place I'd never wanted to be in a million years.
I looked around and saw Boris sitting quietly in one of those poorly cushioned seats. I rushed over to him. Taking off my coat and putting it on him to warm him up. Since he'd ran through the streets in shorts and a thin long-sleeved shirt.
He was shivering slightly but the coat made his body temperature rise. He pulled me down softly to sit me down and he turned his body towards me. "I know." I whispered quietly. Holding back tears. He couldn't, they were already streaming down his face. Though I wiped them away with my hand. "It was a blood-clot. We were to late..." he replied. Struggling to speak correctly. I started crying. He pulled me into a hug. My head resting onto his chest. Wrapping my arms around his thin body on the inside of the coat. We both cried and sobbed for what felt like ages. I wanted to scream. I blamed myself. I was to slow. I didn't raise her right, I'm a terrible father.
All these thoughts flooded into my mind.
He pulled me up and checked out of the hospital. I stood in complete utter silence and fear until he practically pulled me out. "Let's stay at the hotel tonight. I can't handle going home." He said, rushing downtown he hallway as I agreed with a silent "yes." The frightening corona of the street-lamps poorly shone and flickered as we speed walked down to the street. While we crossed the road I interlaced our fingers. Knowing that we'd spend a long time in pain and grief. The walk was long, cold, and dried my throat to a crisp. Boris warmed the car up for me as fast as possible as I sat and stared out of the parking garage windows. Our child was taken tonight.
Boris And I drove in complete silence. It had started pouring all of a sudden. The on,y sounds were rain hitting the roof of our car and the sound of thunder as lighting flashed in our eyes. I was shaking with rage and anxiety. Depression kicking in. I scavenged the car for my medicine and was able to find a bottle of them. I took the medicine and leant back the seat and waited for the medicine to kick in properly. Silence was the most painful so I decided to speak up. "Baby?" I said softly, sighing in disbelief and disappointment as he pulled into the parking lot. Once he parked he turned to me. "Yes Potter?" He asked, the need for sleep beginning to become obvious in his voice. "I love you." I responded softly. Pulling us into a quick kiss. He smiled softly as we pulled away. "I love you too."

This is Theo Decker, signing off

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