Chapter 33~The Marrige.

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A lot has happened in the past few weeks
Boris had proposed to me and we were out planning everything for it, constantly running Arron's back and forth to get supplies. Plus we had just moved out of Hobie's. Our new house was small but was totally worth it. I also had the money to get Boris a official ring for our wedding. It was beautiful. It had B + T Carved into one side and was made out of emerald.
A lot of my mothers old friends were coming.
I had just gone out to get my wedding dress just a couple of days ago. It was very, very pretty. Of course we had some days to just sit and cuddle but we were making sure everything was perfect. We spent the last day away from each other (which was hard) but we were able to. The day arrived and I got my wedding dress on. Even though it took forever.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I spun around a bit. Boris was going too love it. The marriage was starting in 30 minutes. I greeted the people at the door with a simple wave. I saw one of the ASL translators walk up behind me.
We started a conversation. I had been drinking water to calm my adrenaline. It took awfully long to prepare my speech. But I was ready. I watched the clock tick. A hand was placed on my shoulder by the ASL translator when the wedding had officially begun. I could see the ASL translator begin to sign. I watched carefully. I took in a deep breath. My friend Pippa had made it and decided to walk me out. Once she saw me her face lit up. She only New a few simple ASL words "beautiful" she signed with a smile on her face. I smiled back. Once we reached our cue to walk out Pippa and I linked arms. And We walked out. My face had a soft smile as we walked out.
I saw Boris for the first time. He looked just... amazing. The black suit he had on was so, so beautiful. Once Pippa went to sit down Boris took my hands. We both said 'I do' The Asl translator started signing. He kept signing until the translator signed "you may Kiss" Boris didn't hesitate to smash his lips onto mine. I kissed
We pulled away after a long sweet kiss. He smiled.
It was time for the speeches. Boris went first. I sat down in one of the chairs.
He took a deep breath.
"Theo... my beautiful Potter.
My goodness where do I start.
You have changed my life so much.
Our relationship was almost love at first sight. You came into my life at a perfect time. Like a cue had been set up. We lived in Los Angeles for a while. We would sneak out of our houses to slow dance under the stars on a cool October night. We got out of there once I was first able to drive. We had everything planned out. Snuggles everyday.
Breakfast in bed.
Movie night on Mondays ETC.
I'm so in love with you. I want to be with you forever. Until were all wrinkly and going grey at the hair. Even when you start to cry your still as beautiful as ever. I loved snuggling up with you during the winter.
Or when I'd be half asleep on you, you'd kiss my forehead before you turned out the lights to cuddle up beside me and go to sleep. I'd play my romance playlist while we were cuddling up against each other. You couldn't hear it but it made me happy. Even on days I was filled with anxiety or just had a bad day. All of it would just drift away from just hearing you laugh or wanting to paint my nails black. I'd let you. I don't know how. But you have got the talent to paint nails Potter. Well I could go on forever so I'm gonna end it here. I love you potter. I'm glad you're going to be with me forever. It is my job to keep you happy Potter. You are similar to the the blue crayon in my life. Enough to some people, to others they never use blue at all, but for me. It's never enough.
I love you. Till death do us part, Potter."
I was crying. His asl has a lot of feeling too It. He walked over to me. Pulled my body into his chest. I cried for a bit before pulling away. It was my time. I took a deep breath. I placed my script on the stand in-front of me.
"Boris, my baby, my love... my personal Uber driver. Boris, your an amazing kind, beautiful, and gentle soul. I don't think we've ever had an cheating or something big argument. Our arguments were always tiny, and about the stupidest things. But in the end it was either us snuggling on our bed or just a simple kiss to make our anger disappear like magic. We knew how much our kisses meant to each Other and always remembered to kiss at least once a day. Both of our mothers passed away so we were basically attached at the hip. Everyone knew we probably were soulmates. A lot of rumors spread around public school about that. Once we moved out and into my dear friend hobie's place we joined online school. I'd get frustrated with work or get mad because I had a million group calls in one day. Boris would easily notice and give me a kiss. I'd have to tell him not to because I was in a group call and he was basically smothering my face in kisses. Boris would be very, very protective over me. But in a loving sweet way that made everyone laugh and smile. Boris's smile is heavenly, beautiful, and lights up my day. He used to have a habit of stealing my clothes from my closet. After awhile I had the same habit. But with his. His smiles after he made a joke took up a good amount of his face. I love you Boris. Thank you for being here. I'm glad we can be by each other's sides for the rest of our lives. I'm glad I get to feel your sweet kisses everyday. To have our stupid arguments, to cuddle up and watch a movie and make fun of it. I'm glad your mine baby. Thank you." I signed.
I sighed once again. I was shaking a bit. I looked up from my paper and saw that Boris was on the verge of crying. I rushed over to him. We hugged for a bit. Before pulling our bodies away from each other.
Boris took my hand in his and started to walk outside, once we officially reached outside. I was shocked. It was beautiful. There were rose bushes everywhere, some tables and chairs, candles , and of course. The sky above us. "Jesus Boris, I didn't remember seeing this in our plans!" I signed quickly. I saw Boris let out a small laugh. "I know I just wanted to surprise you." He signed before kissing my nose and making me laugh. I heard the vibration under my feet of music. "Ready?" Boris signed. I nodded my head. He put his hands on my waist. I put mine on his shoulders. He pulled my body close to his. We started moving our bodies slowly to the rhythm. I knew that it was a slower song. Probably a love song.
It lasted a few minutes. Before we had to stop. When we did eventually stop Boris signed "You look beautiful in that dress today, Potter." I smiled. He grabbed my hand once again and he pulled the both of us to a table with a lot of food. I sat down, I wasn't going to eat anything do to me not being hungry at all. Plus I'm in a WHITE wedding dress that I have no intention of ruining,
There was a lot of wine and Champagne.
People raised there glasses of their alcohol and said. "To Boris and Theo." I could tell because Boris signed it to me because neither of us can drink alcohol.
It was dark by the time we all finished. I took Boris's hand to get his attention and opened up the box with the ring in it. It fit him perfectly. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. He took out the ring that he bought for me and put it on me. Wow. We both got the perfect sizes.
The ring he got was made of real silver, it had a few Ruby stones across it. "It's beautiful!" I signed. Giving his hand a kiss.
We were both extremely tired once the wedding was officially over. We got back into our normal clothes. Boris carried me back to our car. He placed me into the car and shut the door. I fell asleep on the ride home but woke up when we arrived. We both got out and went into our house. There were still boxes everywhere. I didn't mind. I sat down on the couch. Boris sat down next to me. "Where are we going to have our honeymoon Potter?" Boris signed. I thought for a moment.
"Washington DC?" I signed in reply. Knowing that Boris would like the city there. "Perfect." He signed in reply. He pulled his computer onto his lap. He started looking around hotels to book. I put my head on his shoulder and watched. Although my eyelids were heavy. I wrapped my arms around his chest and kissed the back of his neck. It got to the point that I just put my head on his back and tried to fall asleep. I did, although it only lasted a few minutes before Boris put the computer away. He laid my body down before laying down beside me. He grabbed a blanket and put it over both of our bodies. I wrapped my arms around him  and buried my head into his chest. I drifted off a few minutes after that.

Boris awoke before I did. He kissed my head. Which caused me to move around a bit. I woke up and opened my eyes and saw him walk out of the door. I saw a note on the counter. I pulled the cotton blankets off of my body and walked over to read the note. It read "Going to get food, Be back before you know it. Love you."
I smiled and placed it back on the counter. I walked back over to the couch and grabbed the remote. I turned on the TV and flipped through the many channels. Trying to find one that was actually entertaining. I found a documentary that looked interesting and turned on the captions and sat down. Boris came home about 30 minutes later. He smiled when he saw me. He waved. I smiled and waved back. He walked over and threw me the bag of food before kissing my head and ruffling my hair. He sat down next to me and put his hand on my back and rubbed circles soothingly. With the other hand he was eating the food that he had got. "Thank you for the food."I signed with a smile. "Don't thank me." He said kissing my cheek. "Our honey moon is in about a month." He signed. I nodded and smiled. "I'm excited." I signed in reply. I looked at him and saw his soft smile. "I'm so glad we're finally married. It felt like forever." Boris added. I put my hand under his chin and pulled his face into a kiss. It lasted a good ten seconds before we both pulled away for air. "Me too, that was fun." I signed with a laugh

This could last forever so I'm gonna go now
This is Theo Decker, Signing off.

((Good lord. This took hours to write. It's my longest chapter so far. Try and beat this chapter.))
Words- 2039

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